
Chapter 641 - Fourth Dimension!

Chapter 641: Fourth Dimension!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A huge, bloated, and strange monster suddenly raised its head in the gap between the universes.

The deformed monster woke up!

All its tentacles were squirming.

One after another, the universes that had been eroded, controlled, occupied, and influenced by the old days roared furiously.

The stars exploded, and the gravity became chaotic.


They weren’t destroyed!


This time, the awakened monster carefully controlled its strength.

The basic rules of the universe didn’t lose their support because of the awakening.

Ling Ping’an examined everything he saw.

He was extremely curious.

He was also extremely shocked.

At the same time, he was also extremely cold.

From his perspective, everything had become infinitely small.

The universe was like a marble, in which the matter was like tiny, fragile strings.

Just like how he used to watch cartoons on the earth.

Everything seemed to be fixed in a fixed range of motion.

Everything seemed to have been written in advance.

The speed of light, the width of the spectrum..

The structure of atoms and molecules.

The rotational speed of protons and electrons.

These were all basic constants that had long been set.

And these patterns affected everything.

In the physical world, they determined the size of living things, the ultimate mass of celestial bodies, and the relationship between time and space.

In the world of the transcendent being of psionic power, they determined the power of divine abilities, the end of cultivation, and also determined life and death. They even set the end of time.

Thus, the myriad worlds presented before Ling Ping’an became simple worlds.


It was just like how humans observed one-dimensional lines and two-dimensional surfaces in the three-dimensional world.

For Ling Ping’an, the three-dimensional world was a module made up of time and space, points, and matter.

The mass of a massive celestial body distorted space and time.

The black hole whistled and changed the basic constants.

This was the material universe, and he could tell it at a glance.

As for the psionic power universe or the immortal and demonic universe, it was a different scene.

Earth, water, wind, fire, Yin, and Yang, the five elements, flowed endlessly.

The four elements, and the cycle repeated.

As he raised his head, many unimaginably huge heads were lifted from his body.

Countless evil eye looked up one by one.

The higher dimensions were clearly visible in his eyes.

The three-dimensional world, the unimaginably four-dimensional world, had revealed all its secrets in front of him.

This meant..

That he was already a four-dimensional creature.

That was because only four-dimensional creatures could observe the four-dimensional world.

It was just like how only three-dimensional creatures could observe the three-dimensional world.

Gradually, he controlled his enormous body.

He had already understood his mission.

Now he must climb to a higher position.

There was something that could not be described, imagined, or described.

This thing could move up, down, left, and right indefinitely.

Its space was filled with infinite energy that made all gods, all civilizations, and all life threatening.

These were the true, fundamental components of all existence in the universe. It was the energy!

They could be converted into any form of energy.

Psionic power, divine power, electricity, gravity...

They could also be converted into any form of matter.

Dark matter was a byproduct of it, the result of the radiation of energy from the fourth dimension to the third dimension.

And these things actually existed everywhere.

The sun, stars, black holes.

Continents, plains, oceans.

Hell, Heaven, Blood Sea.

Abyss, Hell, Heaven!

However, no one or object could see and observe them.

Let alone touch and use them.

Even if there was an unimaginable existence that mobilized the origin strength of countless worlds to forcefully observe them, the moment these things were observed, everything would be destroyed.

It was not just the observers.

There were also all the strength, energy, and matter that participated in it.


Observing these things was essentially facing the primal chaos, the true form of the god of blindness and foolishness!

No existence could process the massive information flow and thoughts that faced the primal chaos in the instant of observation.

Let’s put it this way.

Observing this thing for a second required a supercomputer that ran 100 trillion calculations per second, continuously calculating 100 billion years of calculations.

And when the observer himself was unable to handle such a huge amount of calculations.

He would explode into dust with a bang.

Then, he would be reduced to a pile of debris!

In the eyes of the other observers, what they would see was the observer suddenly turning into ashes with a bang.

At that moment, all the observers who witnessed this moment would be infected by the indescribable taboos and ominous energy that were released from the explosion in an instant.

Flesh and blood abnormality, mental derangement, mental derangement.

The reason why Ling Ping’an knew these things.

Was because he knew that a fool had once done such a thing.

And the mess left behind by that fool still existed.

There was one that he was very familiar with.

The universe that housed the church of machinery, the so-called soul of machines.

The subspace was the remains left behind by the observer who had watched the fool.

Controlling his enormous body, he slowly moved forward.

Tentacles slowly crawled forward.

Slowly approached.

But what was on it?

He didn’t know, nor did he want to know.

He only knew that this was his mission.

He must climb to a dimension that no life or matter had ever reached.

That was the end of everything, the final destination.

That was where everything was hidden.

All the secrets could be found there.

There was infinite energy, infinite matter, infinite time and space.

Therefore, he also understood why the main body wanted to create him.

As a monster in the quantum state, the original core of chaos did not have the ability to act on its own.

It also did not have the ability to judge.

It also did not have ‘eyes’, ‘nose’, and ‘ears’.

Therefore, it wanted its slaves to dig out its seven orifices.

That would help entrust a bit of its true spirit into the spirituality of a human emperor, who would reincarnate into a mortal through an incredible ritual.

When Ling Ping’an approached that thing, he found that he was slowly turning from a monster into a human.

At least...

He felt that he was a human-shaped creature.

The thing in front of him seemed to have turned into a big tree.

A giant tree that stretched up to the sky.

He walked to the tree and slowly climbed up.

But in another world, from the perspective of other matter.

The huge body of the original core of chaos suddenly became blurry.

Even more bizarre and terrifying organs grew out of its indescribable body.

Wherever the two indescribable eyes cast their eyesight, all matter was shattered, and all space and time were annihilated.

A pair of indescribable ears listened to the chaotic waves of all worlds, filtering everything.

And so, the massive body of the original core of chaos exploded with a world-shaking explosion.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Many universes were born and destroyed, and countless worlds were born and destroyed.

There was no doubt about it.

At this moment, Ling Ping’an was transitioning to a true four-dimensional life form.

He had developed the eyes of a four-dimensional world.

He also developed the organs and flesh of a four-dimensional world.

This was something that he had prepared for countless years ago.

It was the time for him to climb to a higher position.

He must travel from the three-dimensional world to the four-dimensional world, which no one had ever seen or known.

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