
Chapter 170

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Back at the large area where the slaughter occurred, the red-haired youth stood near Arthur whilst facing Rosie, who ignored him and talked with her subordinates . The tentacles were still wrapping around the hostages but all of them fell unconscious due to the pain with the exception of the head maid, who had a strong willpower and managed to barely hold herself from fainting . The pain was excruciating yet all her thoughts were centered around her niece, who has just kidnapped again and to top it off, it was under eyes, she was completely helpless against such strong enemies .

’If only he would wake up . . . . ’

Knowing that she would follow the rest and fall unconscious in the upcoming seconds, Taliya couldn’t help but stare at Arthur, wishing that he would wake up already and do something, he was her only hope for retrieving Alina .

For the head maid, today was probably the worst of her life yet as if the heavens were listening to her wishes, the motionless Arthur who had his eyes closed finally had finally woken up . The very second Arthur regained consciousness, a series of notifications popped in front of him yet he disregarded them all and spread his senses .

He did nothing but open his eyes yet the aura around him had a drastic change, it was too abrupt and that was followed by an overwhelming pressure that forced Rosie to stop talking midway and stare at him with surprise .

She was just planning to take the hostages and retreat but from the looks of it, it was too late . Despite the instinctive fear she felt from him, she wasn’t overly anxious as she had many hostages and she could kill them the moment he tried something .

The first one to react was the red-haired youth, he did a 90-degree bow with his hand on his chest and said with a respectful tone:

"Master, congratulations on your breakthrough . "

The reason the Golem and the book transformed into this youth from the first place was due to Arthur’s sudden breakthrough, it actually stimulated both of them and resulted in this .

Living through Curtis’s whole life and experiencing countless things, Arthur’s soul had undergone an unimaginable change and that pushed him to automatically breakthrough into the Divine Realm .

Not only was his stats increased, his Sense, skills, and Mental Power were also affected . Compared to the cold aura Arthur had around him in the past, the current one was completely different in every sense .

The cold aura had disappeared with not an ounce of it remaining and what replaced it what an unusual serenity around him, an extremely calm expression hang on Arthur’s face . He was deeply surprised by his breakthrough and the innumerable changes, yet nothing was shown on his face . Furthermore, he was able to understand a bit of the situation without needing an explanation, just by using his Divine Sense for a second and seeing the hostages, and the gargoyles, he was able to guess what occurred, more or less .

Since he had no time to check the notification log and the status window, he scheduled that for later when things calmed down, but even without seeing numbers, he could feel himself become several times stronger . His Divine Sense could stretch for a whopping thirty miles and his Sixth Sense, which had a meager range, now have a range of two miles in all directions . This, in itself, proves how much strength he had become .

However, this was but the tip of the iceberg, the most drastic change he had was his temperament . Now that his soul fused with Curtis’s, albeit forcefully, he no longer felt the urgent need to solve every problem, find Lucy or feel the loneliness that affected his sense of judgment .

Of course, he still longed for his only love, and still wanted to find her as soon as possible, however, his thinking became more subtle and the nonending sense of urgency had disappeared . He felt inexplicable calmness, the same the knight, Curtis, had .

If it were before, if he saw Sonia and the rest injured like this, he would have gotten angry and attacked from the getgo yet now, he did naught .

Carefully, he analyzed the situation, sensed the surroundings and appraised everyone in his view . Then he locked his stare on Rosie, who was equally staring back at him with a wavering expression . Without needing an appraise, anyone could guess she’s their boss and the perpetrator, she was also injured but as she was a Divine Realm, no Immortal could defeat her and unless a Divine Realm faced her, no one can stop her from leaving .

Knowing this, Arthur glanced at the bowing youth next to him and nodded at him without speaking a word .

The red-haired youth didn’t talk back either and just stood behind Arthur with his eyes still closed .

Feeling lighter than air and somewhat refreshed, Arthur took a step towards Rosie, who was about three hundred meters away from him and in just that single step, he appeared twenty meters away from the female gargoyle .

Rosie, who was thinking of a plan on how to get away, was momentarily dumbfounded . She knew that Arthur broke through but not even her, a peak Grade Divine Realm was able to see how he appeared in front of her . His speed was just inconceivable .

It was at this moment that she knew that Arthur was really the red-haired youth’s master and albeit his Realm, he was by no means inferior and perhaps even stronger than that strange youth .

With such a speed, Rosie knew that she would not be able to escape from him and even if he wanted to, he would have rescued his teammates without her realizing .

The General started panicking and subconsciously tightened the grip on the tentacles . Due to her anxiousness and fear, she tightened the grip on her sword which in itself tightened the grip of the tentacles . Alas, the tentacles were already tightly gripping the hostages, any more force and they would literally be squashed to death .

By this time, it was too late to retract her actions, she could only look helplessly as those hostages were going to die . However, different from her expectations, once she glanced at where the hostages were, she saw nothing, there was not even a sign of the tentacles .

Without even knowing why or how Rosie spat two mouthfuls of blood and the red light emanating from her sword dimmed a lot and became almost nonexistent .

"You are quite ruthless . "

A voice entered Rosie’s ears, it was a calm tone, devoid of coldness or anger . She knew it came from Arthur, but she didn’t know why she felt that it wasn’t hostile at all .

"I’m in a good mood, so I’ll allow you to go if you cut off your left arm . "

The voice contained no hostility but the words were still shocking . Rosie could only glare angrily at the grey-haired man a couple of meters in front of her . She didn’t know how he got rid of the tentacles but all the hostages were laying on the ground behind him and he didn’t even lift a hand .

Rosie couldn’t rebuke his words, she knew the odds were against her and even if she wasn’t injured, she wasn’t the red-haired youth’s match, matchless his master .

After a couple of seconds, Rosie resolutely used her sword and cut off her arm . A small groan came out of her mouth but it was only for a second . She quickly gulped two pills and stopped the blood from leaking out then she crouched to take her arm but found that it was gone .

"Your actions have consequences . I do not know why you attacked this tribe nor do I care, all I know is that you attacked my people and punishment is needed . "

It should be a miracle that Arthur let her live but with the addition of Curtis’s memories and soul, he changed a bit and cherished lives . It’s true that not all people should live but he wasn’t going to kill everyone or else he would make enemies everywhere . If he were to kill a General, the force behind him would never sit still and sooner or later, they would retaliate, if not against him then it’s against his friends .

The female General gritted her teeth and swallowed the shame and anger she was feeling . She couldn’t curse at him or attack, after one last glare, she turned around and left with her subordinates, who were equally terrified by this grey-haired man, who easily overwhelmed their superior .

"Now then, I should catch the fleeing rabbit, you guard them . "

Without needing a response, Arthur disappeared from that area . Arthur didn’t even need to use skills or tricks to free the hostages, it was easily done using raw strength . When he took that step, he already free’ed them and used Telekinesis to force them to swallow a Healing Potion . It was just that Rosie didn’t notice that as she was too focused on Arthur .

His speed was so unfathomable that even Arthur thought that it was too absurd . Previously, using his lightning form, he could cross at least fifteen kilometers each second but that was nothing compared to his current speed .

Of course, now that he is in a world with a higher Nether Energy density, his speed would decrease compared the one on Astria but thanks to the boost and breakthrough, there was no decrease anymore but a large increase .

Thanks to the mark the youth left, he knew which direction Vyncent fled to, so using a new movement skill he acquired, Arthur took a step at a time and each one crossed an extremely large distance, it’s as if he was chasing a nonmoving target as Vyncent speed was too slow compared to Arthur’s .

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