
Chapter 48: What on earth happened?

Chapter 48: What on earth happened?

I stand at the opposite side of the demon. I made the first move and he looks at me and laughs. In particular, there\'s no need for a stance and such a way is unnecessary only because of my opponent\'s ability and experience is incredibly high, Magic-like experience.

I have to buy time when fighting such an opponent. Because Ruu is fighting with a ton of monsters, even if she knows that I\'m fighting, she wouldn\'t be able to come to my aid and support me immediately, and I don\'t think that I can defeat this demon, therefore, I must hold out somehow.

While setting up some of my talismans, I construct a scenario in my head just to think of a way on how to fight this guy... I could use a bold move, however, the risks are too great and I don\'t know if it will work.

"Hey, I thought that you will come and fight me?” Demon

"I made a strategy, what about you?" Tsuchio

"No, I haven\'t worked out a strategy. I follow by instinct." Demon

Besides, are there other demons? In addition, the demon revealed that he will fight alone. If he is so smart, will he withdraw when the heroes attack him?

“Well then” Tsuchio.

I threw the talismans with both hands. The talismans that extended on all sides flared up on the way and transformed into fire-bees who attack the demon on all directions. But that fellow didn\'t even try to defend, much less avoid it. When the fire-bees collided with the demon, a big explosion occurred on impact, covering my opponent. However, with such an attack, I don\'t even think that it will knock the demon down. So I pick up the next batch immediately.

“Bombs? Why are there those on this continent?" Demon

From among the explosive flames, a flawless demon comes out. The talismans that had already been thrown out landed under the feet of the demon. Earth pillars that emerge from the bottom aimed at the demon\'s face. However, when the demon′s side is hit, they break off. Just in case it could be described whether it was indurating magic, it seems to be totally ineffective.

I continue throwing talismans without taking a rest. Pillars and spears jump out at the demon, however, everything is crushed by him. In the meantime, many pillars jumble up around the demon but only are broken midway.

“Hey, hey! this isn\'t effective. If you don\'t come here... I will come to you!"

The demon kicks the ground and dashes out. Although he has a considerable speed, I can chase it with my eyes somehow. There is no winning chance when he gets close, therefore I have to leave at once!

I throw talismans to my feet and a pillar stretched out to the opposite direction of the demon. I move on the top to acquire some distance from the demon.

"You\'re tricklingly troublesome!"

The demon who accumulates power to pursue me, a pillar appears over its head. When I threw a talisman, a rather thin spear befalls the demon from the top.

"You\'re cheeky!"

The demon crosses his arms just like that and crashed through it. As for the spear falling from the top, it broke off on impact with the demon. Shit, it\'s not going so well!

Talisman is piled up to a wall that unfolds before me. It is firmly put especially in front of me.

The moment the demon collided with the wall, crackcrackcrack! It was crushed in a moment and arrived before me. Talismans are thrown out and scatter like roses, however, it\'s avoided with a sideway jump. The demon appeared for an instant in the place in which I used my skill....

In that instant, a strong pain runs through my side. I fell down rumblingly while taking some distance.

“Tch, I only grazed him...” Demon (TL note: the tch is the click with one\'s tongue)

When I touched my left side, my skin was chipped off. It was quite painful a short while ago, it feels like I will faint anytime now. If only it finished with just this, or so I thought....

Now, I can\'t see. While deciding not to look in its face, all of my talismans are taken out. It ain\'t seen nothin’ yet, however, my hand is still there.

"A good reaction isn’t it. If my opponent doesn\'t escape neatly, the hunt won’t be fun." Demon.

"Try to put yourself in my shoes, in the shoes of the hunted. If you want to kill, finish it immediately." Tsuchio.

"Then, will you not resist being killed?" Demon.

"No, I won\'t let myself be killed." Tsuchio.

Every earth pillar is broken or avoided. Let\'s change to a different talisman art.

Before the demon begins to move, I throw a new talisman. After it lands in front of the demon this time, a pillar dashes out.

"Don\'t you understand that it doesn\'t work!?" Demon

The demon moves sidewise quickly and tries to hit the earth pillar. However, the pillar bends shapelessly and avoids the demon\'s arm. Next, the tip of the pillar transforms into the head of a snake and bites the trunk of the demon.


The demon receives a fair amount of damage for the time being because the demon bleeds from the wound that it received, and apparently, a demon\'s blood is the same as humans, a crimson red. Even if that snake\'s head is crushed, it\'s useless, when the talisman which is the main body touches the ground safely, it can reproduce without limit.

Furthermore, let\'s increase the number. I throw additional talismans out to the ground and let eight snakes appear in total.

It is one usage of the talisman art where I let the ground rise and produce pillars. So that the talisman can change its form to a snake and act autonomously, I need special talismans to use this talisman art and they are talismans which can be used readily... however, such a thing isn\'t mentioned. Even if I say that it can move on its own, complex actions can′t be done.

The number of snakes which can be taken out lies by eight and by all means, it\'s hard to make such a rare and complicated image. It represented as the image of Yamata no Orochi. A negative image is put out perfectly, so it can\'t be helped. (Tl note: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamata_no_Orochi)

Eight rock snakes attack the demon. Surrounding it from all sides, they don\'t give it a gap to avoid them. The demon approaches and breaks the incoming snake. But the snakes which, I wrote for a long time, won\'t go down so easily.

Plural snakes appear out of the beaten snakes and bite the demon. Dogogogogo!!! They thrust their heads to the coil. As a result, it is said that snakes who thrust their heads to their bodies will make a slightly strange artwork. I was able to defeat the demon this time... easily. Though, I was able to make it thanks to the snakes. If it is impossible with this... then it would have already been hopeless. Everyone is still... shit, why are there so many beasts! Did the devil beasts escape here, because of the group magic the magicians used!?


The snake bodies erupt and scatter. The talisman is safely held, however, reproduction takes time.... The demon isn\'t unhurt because its body is full of bites. It isn\'t probably seen, but the interior of its body should also be damaged more or less.

"It was good, your snakes were quite good! There is still more right? Show it to me!"

The eyes of the demon shine glaringly and a smile of wild joy appears on its face. Is he a battle maniac...? I want him to stop.

"Hey, what happened? I\'m coming you know!"

”I won’t let you!”

I let the snake reproduce by force to restrict the demon. The movement of the demon slightly stops. Yosh, that\'s it!

"Close, Rock wall!"

Under the demon\'s feet, the talismans which I threw as a sacrifice are scattered. In spite of the snakes having rushed wildly like that, they don\'t move at all. That\'s because movement preparations of the talisman art are done in that state. With my shout, a huge lump of rocks rise from the ground and confined the demon. To the snakes which can move, they coil around the rock that has confined the demon, while many talismans are stuck from the top.

I can do it for the moment, the largest confinement skill. I shut my enemy inside a huge rock and seal it with talismans. I had the snakes cooperate this time so that Ruu can destroy it, which still takes more than ten minutes.

Meanwhile, I want her to come somehow.... I may not need Ruu because the teachers will be enough. But there are many enemies and they still can\'t come as well as Ruu.... Shit, surely this time I\'ll die. In my remaining hand... I leave my trump card, to be honest, this is impossible. If he is good at close combat....

I have no hand free, I consumed a lot of magical power and the pain from the wound is severe, I won\'t stop bleeding. Do I run away? However, the demon will surely run after me. If I wait here and no help is coming to my aid, I\'ll go and help Ruu so we can both engage him at the same time. Fighting against these devil beasts is somewhat better. I quickly collect the snake talismans after taking an emergency measure....

At the time I tried to approach the snake\'s talismans while thinking so, a dong like sound can be heard from the rock lump which sealed the demon! I heard a rumbling sound... I think... no, it can\'t be broken so easily, but I should leave quickly. The snake talismans are the postponement. Since only this talisman stands out, it won\'t mean that I won\'t know where it is and I must collect them.

A Dong like sound has been heard again. It\'s the sound as if the rock is being hit on the inside. While the demon is still inside, let\'s leave this place quickly. I didn\'t take my eyes off the lump rock while I gradually edge back. I didn\'t know what happened after I started running and left sufficiently.

In a place approximately 10m away from the rock, black light leaks from the cracks of the rock and goes out. The talismans vibrate and suddenly explode! It blazes up. The next moment, the rock lump explodes from the inside. The black light goes up in the sky and the demon came out with slow steps.

“Good grief, making such a durable thing idly. You have used a good magic" Demon.

“Shit... you really are a true monster" Tsuchio.

“Hey hey, that\'s a cruel remark. Anyways, here I come!” Demon.

The demon dashes toward me. I make a several fold wall in a hurry, however, it easily was broken and my chest is struck hard.

“Hmm, your response is firm... it possibly had enough power to kill me"

"Gehaggohoggoho! Haahaa... dangerous"

I put some talismans in my chest... as a cushioning material.

I don\'t know whether it broke my bones, but when a sore spot is seen, it\'s quite apparent that some parts are injured.

In the favor that blew off now, I was able to get some distance. However, even if I run away, the demon will catch up at once, so I can\'t run anymore. What would I do, I left my trump card open just in case.... I think that the demon will avoid it even if I just used it. I decided that I survive absolutely, so I can′t give up in such a place. However, if this fight continues, I\'ll surely die.

"Ora, are you enjoying your free time there!?”


Dammit, what was I doing thinking in the middle of a fight!?

Before I was aware, the demon approached me and already raised his leg to kick me. At this rate, it will go through my abdomen. My opponents aim can′t be averted, so I have to move...!

I believe in my intuition and fly to the right with all my might. I heard the sound that an arrow passed my ear and my left arm was dislocated. At the same time, I felt an acute pain, did his kick hit me...!?

“Ugguuuu...” Tsuchio.

“...No, you are really great. For avoiding my attack, you\'re quite skilled. Well, you can\'t beat me only with that." Demon.

“Uuu... it seems so. I know that much." Tsuchio.

“Fuu...” Demon.

My neck is gripped by the demon who heaves me by one hand. Shit, what should I do... If I used it at this distance, I\'ll get involved too. It\'s at a distance which the last resort can be broken off, it will probably be exposed as soon as I used it. I\'ll be killed before I can even use it. I don\'t know how long it has been, how long I can keep this up, and I don\'t know how much effort I can make. I don\'t want to bet my life on such an uncertain thing. Besides, my other hand wasn\'t broken yet. I have no choice but to do it, I\'ll get killed if I don\'t.

And we return back to the current situation.

Suddenly, my conscious awakens. My lungs where the respiratory tract was blocked up and demanded oxygen, I repeat breathing minutely. Was that just now the thing called revolving lantern? Surprisingly, only my recent memory....

“...Hey, just earlier you... were completely limp.... Don’t tell me, you can’t do anything more?"

“Haahaahaa...” (Breathing for oxygen)

"Tch, my interest cooled down. I had enough already. You can die now."

The demon tries to increase the power of his grip on my neck. I was somehow able to grasp his arm with my right hand.

I can still feel the pain but it\'s very dull, probably because I am fighting back. Though I can\'t move my left arm, I still move my legs. If I can only move away, even if it\'s only a meter away, I could use my trump card and the range wouldn\'t be a problem.

My trump card. I don\'t know if it will work, however, I have no choice but to use it. Ruu should be coming to my aid soon... till then, I have to endure the pain!


Tsuchio is really strong, too. Well, because he fights to protect himself, his compatibility with the enemy is bad this time. The powerful enemy who is the leader of the devil beasts.

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