
Volume 2 - 44 Discussion

Seeing how advanced the cars were and seeing their functions along with how comfortable the cars were almost every person who bought a car of Virus Industries would brag to others and soon a lot of people who had heard of the great cars of the Virus Industries were surprised again at how they seemed to have underestimated Virus Company as they had exceeded their expectations.

And thus the buyers of Virus Cars Industries started increasing every day and soon according to numbers they would soon take almost a quarter of Car Market if things continued this way.

Naturally hearing the news some of the other car companies who were only behind the best car companies around the world felt threatened that something like what happened to the phone companies who were now on the verge of bankruptcy would happen to them too.

Some rumors also started spreading all over the internet about the cars not being safe while the risks the people who ride the cars would experience were listed.

And those risks were even put together in a way that would make sense to anyone who read them.

While some believed them, some smarter ones thought this was only rumors spread probably by the Virus Industries’ enemies or it was done by the opponent car companies who felt threatened by this new car company who was abruptly going to the direction of being considered the best car company out there.

Other than this the country and the world was almost quiet other than some minor news that drew the attention of the world to itself.

One of such news which brought some rage to the world was the Boston archbishop Cardinal Bernard Law who resigned as a result of the Catholic Church’s sexual abuse scandals and cover-up of priest-child molestation.

Another was the news that drew some attention to itself around the world in the science category, which said scientists had compared mouse and human genomes. They had seen that the first analysis of two complete genomes reveals striking similarities making them hope the finding will hasten the understanding of genetic diseases.


The golden beauty which was in front of the TV listening to the News and the analysis related to the genomes couldn’t help chuckle in mock, thinking ’The world is still researching on Genomes and DNA, not fully quite understanding what they are, while before they even released the first draft of the human genome sequence last year, master had already made himself a body and transferred his whole consciousness and existence inside it, the world is truly pathetic compared to master and master is like a cheat in front of them.’

As she was watching the TV, another news came which surprised her, the news was related to almost all of the major phone companies around the world, saying that they had been releasing at least one type of new phone to the market since the past few days.

And according to the description and functions of the phones along with the investigation done on them, they were as advanced as the phones of the newly founded Virus Industries though they all looked different with a somehow different operating system.

This news shocked and confused the whole world, they had thought that the other phone companies were far behind The Virus Phone Industries, but it seemed they were wrong?

Lots of discussions were going on over the internet on this subject.

One of the best examples was the discussion that was going on in one of the major servers over the internet where people talked about such matters.

"What’s going on? wasn’t the other phone companies far behind The Virus Phone Industries? I thought almost all of the other companies didn’t even have the camera technology yet, and only one of the companies had just released their new phone which had a trashy camera which couldn’t even be considered a camera before the Virus Company released their phones to the market. Seriously what the hell is going on?" PenDrive21 said.

"The above PenDrive is right! what’s going on?" DragonPool too said.



After some irrelevant stuff was said someone replied.

"I feel a conspiracy here!" WorldBoycott said.

"Yeah! Definitely a conspiracy!" PenDrive21 said again.

Then the discussion started heating up as others also got involved as these kinds of thoughts had also popped up inside their heads.

"They have probably stolen the Virus Company’s technology and used it on themselves, otherwise how can they for it in such a short period of time?" DrGoody replied.

"Or maybe the Virus company had stolen another phone companies technology, I mean... let’s get real guys, how can a company from which we have never heard of before they released their phones to the market, suddenly release such advanced phones, it’s literally impossible!" RobotSlayer said.

"In reply to RobotSlayer, come on, how is it impossible, maybe the government is behind the Virus Company as they are finally releasing their highly advanced technology they were hiding until now to the world." Draculamule replied.

Seeing this the RobotSlayer said again "From what I see, something doesn’t add up with this Virus Company, they haven’t even made clear how or when they have made the phones, they just suddenly appeared out of nowhere and now the number one phone company all of a sudden? suspicious!"

"Who are you really RobotSlayer? Why are you so much against The Virus Company?" Citizen3021 asked.

"Lol, probably a CEO of one of the companies who’s on the verge of bankruptcy because of The Virus Company, uncle, go try actually doing something to save your company instead of gossiping over the internet." Lindadell said.

"If you ask me, I would say the other phone companies have definitely stolen the blueprints from the Virus Company by some means, now they are producing their phones!" DrGoody said again.

"But the new phones released by the other companies look nothing like the Virus Company’s phones, they look completely different! and some of their options and functions seem to be different too, though not by much." IdolMan1 said.

"Well, we’re gonna reach nowhere by talking to each other, our only option is to wait and see how the other phone companies and the Virus Company respond to this, this is going to be so much fun, haha." IHateFighting said.

"Lol, IHateFighting dude, you better change your name, because it doesn’t suit you, but you’re probably right, as lots of discussions like this are going on everywhere, as everyone is truly confused, the companies would be forced to give some explanations! So let’s wait and see what happens." PenDrive21 said.

"Yeah let’s wait and see." WorldBoycott said as others also started liking the ’let’s wait and see’ text.

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