
Volume 1 - 5 Ghost Thef

[Virus] could feel the deep sincerety in her voice so the cartoonish face inside the 3D screen smiled too as it said. "you’re welcome lil beauty."

Then turning towards the other four ugly males frowningly [Virus] granted them permission too to the world, but they took around a day to process everything in the world, so after a day or so they opened their eyes which shone with enlightenment looking at their master with an ugly smile on their faces they were starting to say. "Thank you master for... ."

When [Virus] interrupted them, while loudly emphasizing the word [Never], he said "NEVER dare talk to me again before I grant you permission, am I clear?"

"Yes master." And that was how the four scared ugly male bodygaurds replied at the same time before going silent untill the next time their master gave them permission to talk.

Even the golden beauty was scared by the sudden change in behavior her master went through, while it was talking to her , [Virus] behaved like a kind old grandpa but when it came to the four ugly males its behavior underwent a total 180 degree change, behaving in a chilly way that sent shivers down to your spine.

After that [Virus] ordered one of it’s higher ranker workers to buy four bodygaurd suits with black glasses along with beautiful and expensive clothes for a young 19 years old girl, who bought them immediately and sent them through the elevator.


While at this moment almost all of the news around the world were covering a shocking news.

"A very shocking news just came through to our news station. According to our sources around two years ago some amounts of money were lost at the same time in lots of different countries including USA, Russia, China, Korea, Japan, England, Iran, etc." The middle agd newscaster lady said.

"The amount of which was abysmal said to be around 21 billion dollars." She continued.

"All the countries are working together trying to track the money but to this moment all of them has failed and came to the same canclusion: That the money has disappeared."


In another live program that was talking about the money stolen throughout the world, two people were talking to each other sitting on chairs inside a studio, a middle aged female which was the host and an old man with white hair who was the guest of the programm.

"Good afternoon everyone, we are here today with you guys together with Professor West. Professor we invited you here today to talk to you about the 21 billion money theft which has came to be known as the ’Ghost Theft’ that has happened throughout the world, welcome." the middle aged lady said with an smile on her face.

"Thank you Amanda, I’ll answer and analyze your questions and queries to the best of my abilities." Professor West said smiling back.

"So Professor how do you think the money was stolen from this many countries, who can have this much ability to steal from all over the world? is it even possible?" Amanda said turning serious and shocked, and then the screen changed to show proofs of the money that has been lost from different countries, they were endless.

"Well I’m also both amazed and shocked by this theft, it has literally made my world upside down, after lots and lots of delibration I could only come up with some possibilities of how the theft was done, saying it was done by only one person would probably be too fatched, so I would say this could only be done if a group of world’s best hackers like Gary McKinnon, LulzSec, Adrian Lamo, Mathew Bevan and Richard Pryce, Jonathan James, Kevin Poulsen, Kevin Mitnick, Anonymous and other amazing hackers worked together but even then I don’t see how it could be done, stealing from all over the world in a matter of seconds, maybe the hackers who stole the money has created a programm which can break all codes and security walls and what not in seconds, or maybe one of the countries in the world is behind, as you’ve heard Amanda the money has completely disappeared without the possibility of tracking down where or to whom the money has gone to, they can’t even track the hackers, so maybe and that’s just maybe one of the countries with malicious and political intentions has just made the money disappear completely forever, they might have contaminated the banks and other sources in different countries with a virus that makes the money disappear forever and be gone, and the last possibility I could come up with is that it was a virus that was created by a single hacker and as he or she released it to the world in a matter of seconds it’s destroyed lots of money throughout the world and then destroyed itself." Professor West said, he himself shocked and lost because of this matter.

"Wow, so professor do you think the matter of who is behind this will be revealed or do you think that’s impossible?" Amanda asked.

"Well, truthfully I believe it’s impossible to track down who or what has done this, this was definitely the biggest and the most flawless hack that was done, if it was a hack that is." Professor West said.

"And at last Professor do you think this kind of theft will happen again? or it’s impossible for such a thing to happen twice?" Amanda asked again this time even more serious.

"As I’m here to reveal the truth and nothing but truth I’ll be completely frank and honest here, No one even noticed the money was gone till much later, no one knows what method was used, no one knows where the money has gone to and we know no one with abilities to such an extent, even though I talked about different the possibilities a little while before, truthfully I don’t think even those possibilities are true but they are the only possibilities I can come up with, so I would say something much bigger is going on here, something we can’t even begin to guess, so if I have to answer to the question of whether I think this will happen again, I would definitely say yes." He answered.

"Okay thank you Professor for coming here to answer our questions and for making time eventhough your schedule is very tight because of this theft right now." Amanda said

"It’s my duty to answer to people to the best of my abilities so no problem, it was an honor appearing on this amazing programm, Goodbye." And this was the last of Professor West’s words as advertisements started.

After couple more minutes the programm started again but Professor West was no longer there, Amanda was alone talking more about the theft.

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