
Chapter 1707: Determination

So, Xi Gu could only grind his teeth and follow through with what he had been given. As for the minor flowzones that Lu Yin had listed, they were simply unlucky. Regardless of if there were actually any corpse kings within the flowzones, the Expeditionary Forces would still thoroughly search through each and every place.

While this search was being conducted, would it be possible for them to disrupt travel by removing or dismantling the tributary arks? That was impossible, as everyone was eligible to be searched and investigated, even the tributary arks and their crews.

All of this, including the fate of the Red Moon Dynasty and the Yin Tang Sect, was merely intended to be a lesson for the various flowzones. Lu Yin fully believed that, after everything was concluded, not a single minor flowzone would be willing to step up and help the Sword Sect and the other great Innerverse powers in their efforts against the Great Eastern Alliance. It was too easy for Lu Yin to move against such small powers.

Lu Yin stood quietly in outer space as he waited for something.

Before long, his gadget beeped, and Lu Yin glanced at it before answering the call.

"Where did this video come from?" The voice of an old man that came through the call, and it belonged to Arch-Elder Zen. Lu Yin had sent the man the video that he had taken.

"I found it by accident, but the corpse king in that video could not be found," Lu Yin replied.

"Who else has seen this?"

"No one. I sent it to you as soon as I saw it."

Arch-Elder Zen fell silent for a while. "Sky Creation Academy shouldn’t be cooperating with the Neohuman Alliance."

"Why?" Lu Yin asked.

Arch-Elder Zen did not answer, but instead, he said, "Don\'t show anyone else that video. Destroy it."

Lu Yin grew solemn. "Arch-Elder Zen, if you know about the Perennial World, then you must know about Aeternus as well."

Arch-Elder Zen listened quietly and showed no surprise.

"Aeternus has been humanity’s greatest enemy since ancient times. Even when Progenitor Chen and Progenitor Hui were alive, Aeternus was their greatest enemy. Since we know of a location related to them, why shouldn’t we go after them?"

Arch-Elder Zen sighed. "The Technocracy is very special, and the only way to enter it is through brute force. The graduation exam for Eversky Island’s disciples is for them to force their way into the Technocracy. You should know that, even if we barge in, even if we can get to Sky Creation Academy, how will we be able to find a connection to the Neohuman Alliance? Forcing our way in will scare them into hiding, but there’s no other way to get into the Technocracy."

"I have a way to get in," Lu Yin said.

Arch-Elder Zen was surprised. "How?"

Lu Yin\'s eyes went wide. "The Ross Empire’s Emperor Luo is actually someone from the Technocracy, and he knows of a route that lies between First Edition City and Sky Creation Academy that leads out of the Technocracy. I had him imprisoned in Gaia’s Swamp, but as long as you take him with you, you can get into the Technocracy."

Lu Yin himself had also escaped from the Technocracy before, but unfortunately, he had used a different route than Emperor Luo.

"Alright, I\'ll make the arrangements." Arch-Elder Zen started to get excited. He had not expected Lu Yin to have a secret path into the Technocracy. So Emperor Luo was actually someone originally from the Technocracy! This was something that the Hall of Honor had known nothing about. After all, Emperor Luo was not important enough to warrant the Hall of Honor’s attention.

Lu Yin quickly spoke up again, "Arch-Elder Zen, I have a request. I would like to travel to the Technocracy myself."

Arch-Elder Zen was caught off guard. "Go yourself?"

"Yes. I want to go too."

"Why? Don’t you know how dangerous the Technocracy is?"

Of course Lu Yin was aware, as he had been to the Technocracy before. If not for Hui Kong, Lu Yin would have never been able to return to the Human Domain even in death. However, Lu Yin did not have any choice at the moment; he was being threatened by the Perennial World, and he had to deal with the matter himself. This was not something that other people could deal with for him.

He did not want to be forever terrified that a Semi-Progenitor from the Perennial World would come to destroy him. After all, the four ruling powers were not short on Semi-Progenitors, so it was actually possible for them to send such a powerhouse to the Fifth Mainland to take care of Lu Yin. It was certainly possible, as long as they were willing to pay the price.

Besides, even the first person that had been sent after Lu Yin was powerful enough to defeat someone like Hui Kong.

Lu Yin could not have a Semi-Progenitor as a bodyguard, as that was unrealistic. Besides, if he was being targeted by the four ruling powers’ Semi-Progenitors, Lu Yin would not feel safe even if he were next to his senior brother, the Chief Justice. Before such experts, the Second Night King and Liu Huang were nothing more than ants.

Lu Yin could not simply wait around to react, and he instead had to be proactive. He needed to take a risk at this time, as if he did not, only fear and death awaited him.

The four ruling powers had managed to exile the entire Lu family, so there was no need to even mention Lu Yin alone.

"No matter how dangerous it is, I’m willing to go. Emperor Luo is cunning, and it’s possible that he hasn’t completely broken off his connection with the Technocracy. This is also why I locked him up in Gaia’s Swamp, as only I can control him. As for other people, even if you yourself go, Arch-Elder Zen, it might not be possible for you to control him, as people can be unpredictable." Lu Yin used a completely ridiculous excuse; could a Semi-Progenitor fail to control Emperor Luo? That was simply impossible.

Arch-Elder Zen considered the matter.

Lu Yin waited some time, but when there was still no response, Lu Yin continued, saying, "Senior, this junior is willing to take the risk. I beg you to let this junior go. This junior has already been in the Technocracy before, so I am not unfamiliar with the place."

"I don\'t know why you insist on going to the Technocracy, but I want to remind you of one thing," Arch-Elder Zen spoke somberly, "The Technocracy has the ability to force back even us old people."

Lu Yin\'s eyes flickered, as Arch-Elder Zen was referring to Semi-Progenitors, which meant that the Technocracy possessed the strength to force back even the Human Domain’s most powerful experts. However, this was something that Lu Yin had already expected. Otherwise, there was no way for the Technocracy to have endured against the Human Domain for so many years.

However, Lu Yin was also completely confident that forcing a Semi-Progenitor to retreat was not something that the Technocracy could use freely. If it were, it was impossible for Hui Kong to have remained in the Technocracy for so many years without suffering. Lu Yin felt that his assessment of the Technocracy had to be fairly accurate, otherwise the war between the Technocracy and the Human Domain would have been over long ago.

Regardless, Lu Yin had no choice but to go. If he were given a choice, he would naturally let someone else make the trip in his place, but anyone who was qualified to replace Lu Yin was not someone he could trust, and anyone he trusted would die without a doubt during the trip, and Lu Yin was not cold-hearted enough to do such a thing to those whom he trusted.

This was a risk that he had to face on his own.

If he succeeded, even if he did not stop the four ruling powers from entering the Fifth Mainland, he would at least know when someone was arriving, which meant that he would no longer be as blind or ignorant.

"This junior is determined to go to the Technocracy," Lu Yin said.

Arch-Elder Zen continued to think for a bit. "I\'ll make some arrangements for you. Also, this trip will be considered as you taking it on behalf of the Hall of Honor, so regardless of the success or failure of the mission, this matter and credit will be added to your record."

"Thank you, Arch-Elder Zen."

"I will need some time to make all the arrangements, and you should use this time to reconsider your participation in this trip. Given your talent and abilities, as well as the fact that you’ve opened your three meridian points and obtained Origin Matter, the possibility of you becoming a Progenitor in the future is quite high. I don\'t wish for you to die in some pointless adventure, as your death would be a huge loss for the Fifth Mainland, you, as well as your loved ones. So, think about this carefully.” Arch-Elder Zen then ended the call.

Given the old man’s position, the fact that he had repeatedly tried to persuade Lu Yin to change his mind amply showed the importance that Arch-Elder Zen placed on Lu Yin. However, this was also all that the Semi-Progenitor could do. He would not refuse to allow Lu Yin to travel to the Technocracy to investigate this matter, as Lu Yin\'s attitude had shown that he would likely make the trip alone if he was not allowed to join the Hall of Honor’s expedition. Thus, it would be better for Arch-Elder Zen to have various experts participate alongside Lu Yin. That way, it would be more likely for both the mission to succeed and for Lu Yin to return alive.

Even though Lu Yin had a good chance of becoming a Progenitor in the future, and Arch-Elder Zen would protect Lu Yin when possible, it was impossible for the Semi-Progenitor to act as Lu Yin’s nanny just because there was a chance the youth could become a Progenitor. In the end, it was merely a possibility, and no one could see the future.

If it was possible to see the future and know for absolute certainty that Lu Yin would become a Progenitor, then things would be different, and Arch-Elder Zen might even personally move to protect Lu Yin. Unfortunately, no one could not see the future, and the Fifth Mainland’s Semi-Progenitors had Origin Matter themselves, so each of them also had a chance of becoming a Progenitor. At best, Lu Yin was on the same level as the Human Domain’s Semi-Progenitors, just much younger. Thus, Arch-Elder Zen would not ask his peers to demean themselves and sacrifice their cultivation time to protect lu Yin.

This was how cultivation was; everyone had their own path to walk, and no one could be responsible for another, no matter how impressive their talent might be or how great the expectations placed on them were. There were some dangers and trials that had to be personally experienced.

This was an obstacle that Lu Yin needed to overcome, and Arch-Elder Zen could not stop it, so he would not even try to do so.

Lu Yin lowered his gadget and looked to the west, towards the Technocracy. He had to go back to that place, and the goal of this trip was to create a place of refuge.

In Basong Flowzone, the Great Eastern Alliance’s Allied Forces took over everything, and they began frantically searching for corpse kings.

Lu Yin entered the flagship, and Balsam started praising him. "Alliance Leader Lu, the Great Eastern Alliance has accomplished a great thing for the Human Domain, and you have caused the Neohuman Alliance to suffer heavy losses."

Lu Yin laughed. "Not really. We just cleaned up some leftover corpse kings. The Neohuman Alliance hasn’t really lost anything, not even the corpse king with a power level of a million."

Balsam smiled. "Every large organization is comprised of numerous essential parts. This place was probably the Neohuman Alliance’s most important base in both the Innerverse and Outerverse, and I’m guessing that this was actually their local headquarters. This is not the minor loss of a few corpse kings, but rather the loss of countless years of effort. You have destroyed all of their plans for the Innerverse and Outerverse, and it should be very difficult for the Neohuman Alliance to make new corpse kings in the Innerverse and the Outerverse from now on."

Lu Yin stared out into space. Balsam did not paint a bad picture of the situation, and according to the reports, more than a thousand corpse kings had been destroyed in Basong Flowzone so far. While this was a negligible number on the battlefield behind the Perennial World’s Mother Tree, this cleanup had taken place in the Fifth Mainland. How many corpse kings could the Neohuman Alliance actually have here? Also, having access to a stable flowzone that could provide a steady supply of corpse kings was extremely important to the Neohuman Alliance.

Lu Yin had essentially destroyed the Neohuman Alliance’s method of creating corpse kings in the Innerverse and Outerverse. Even if they had other bases, they would be much smaller and less important than the one that Lu Yin had destroyed. He had caused the Neohuman Alliance to suffer massive losses.

Still, when it came to actual powerhouses, the Neohuman Alliance had suffered no losses at all, and this was the part that Lu Yin struggled to accept.

He could not forget the 3,000 hidden worlds in the Honor Zone, especially the hidden world that had looked like a drop of water. All life in that place had been destroyed by the Neohuman Alliance’s Vitality Poison. This had shown to Lu Yin that the Neohuman Alliance was not only able to target the Innerverse and Outerverse, as they were also able to attack the hidden worlds protected by the Hall of Honor. Hidden worlds could also be used to create more corpse kings. The Innerverse and Outerverse were not the Neohuman Alliance’s only source of materials.

Only by destroying every single corpse king in existence could the Neohuman Alliance be considered broken.

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