
Chapter 135 - One Hundred And Thirty- Five : The Full Moon

Chapter 135 - One Hundred And Thirty- Five : The Full Moon

"This is your fault !" Daniel blamed, pointing at him.

"Oh, this is my fault now? " Asher questioned back in disbelief.

"You had an idea all along and you kept it to yourself! " Daniel roared at


"Really?" Asher scoffed and rolled his eyes " Who was like \'That is so not happening \' moments ago? " He mimicked sarcastically .

Furious, Daniel took a step forward ready to throw a punch at him when a voice from behind stopped him.

"A-asher? " Someone said from behind and he froze. Great, things just a lot messier.

With excruciating slowness,Asher turned around to face Jenny.

"Yes it\'s me, the one and only " he replied with a joyless expression

"But why are you here? How did you get in " She asked confused

"What\'s going on? " Jenny further inquired, hand pressing her temple as a throbbing headache rippled through her while the other rubbed her sleepy eyes .

"I don\'t understand, a minute I was standing and the next….." Jenny suddenly faltered and froze, her eyes bulging wide with shock as she took in her daughter\'s room.

Her hands flew to her mouth as she released a startled gasp while staring at the mess .

The glass balcony doors and windows were shattered; there were broken shards all over the place.

The stainless steel balcony railing was dented and crooked as if something strong had made a great impact with it , while there was a gaping hole in the wall; it was a wonder that part of the house was still standing.

"Oh my God, w-what..? H-how..? " Jenny struggled with words while the two men stared at her, probably flustered as she was, but that was until her eyes rested on the empty and dusty bed.

Her expression shifted, it was mixed with panic, anxiety and anger.

"Where is Lia? what have you done to my daughter?! " She fumed and began to flip pillows and sheets off the bed as if her daughter was being hid beneath it.

"Mrs Jenny, please calm down " Asher tried to coax her but she whipped around and passed him a death glare.

"Calm down?! "She roared, chest heaving " Where the hell did you keep my daughter?! " She screamed straight at him that he winced internally - Daniel included.

"She\'s safe " Daniel butt in " Your daughter Lia is safe " He tried to assure her as she faced him.

But she didn\'t say anything, just kept staring at him with an intensity that made him uncomfortable.

Abruptly she asked, "Who are you? "

Daniel tensed up, crap! He forgot she doesn\'t have an idea of him yet.

"I\'m.. I\'m…"

"I\'m calling the police " Jenny concluded right away when she couldn\'t take the unsettling knot in the pit of her stomach anymore.

She dug her hand into the pocket of her denim and brought out her phone intending to call the cops. But the phone was snatched away from her hand and her head jerked up

"What do you think you\'re doing?"

"No one\'s calling the police " He told her and crushed the phone beyond redemption with his bare hand while Jenny stared wide-eyed.

Her lips trembled as she stared at the disfigured phone in his grip and then at his face and back at the phone again, then roared at him

"Are you crazy?!"

"I\'m not crazy and I know this is hard to believe , but you have to calm down Jenny " he tried to explain but she didn\'t listen at all.

"I should calm down?! where is my daughter?! My daughter is missing and this strange things keep happening and you\'re telling me- "

Suddenly, a whooshing sound was heard drawing everyone\'s attention.

The air in the middle of the room began to ripple and Jenny reflexively took a step back. A glowing portal opened and a form emerged from it, stepping into the room.

"Sorry, I\'m late " She apologised, looking around.

"Sabrina " Asher breathed in relief.

Jenny\'s probing gaze rested on Sabrina and her brows drew together, expression perplexed.

It was confusing, she felt like she had seen her but she still looked oddly unfamiliar.

At that very moment, their eyes connected and the two women froze.

"Y-you " They both choked, pointing at each other.

"Weren\'t you in her room earlier?"

" Why are you awake ? "

They both queried at the same time with shocked expressions.

No wonder she looked familiar, Jenny thought. Though it was hard to believe since she thought it was all a dream but it was strange.

Her strong institution told her she had intended checking up on her daughter, but what happened next was somehow creepy, nerving and frustrating.

Jenny faced him "Asher, why is - "

"Sabrina, wai-"

"Fugit: cumque fugisset vir et in memorias " Sabrina casted a spell before Asher was through with his words.

Jenny\'s eyes rolled back and she fell, almost kissing the ground had Daniel not caught her.

"Mrs Jenny " Daniel shook her before he glanced at Sabrina with anger "What did you do to her? "

Sabrina raised her chin defiantly "Erased her memories, something you two cannot do "

"We were handling it well before your arrival " Daniel spat,adjusting Jenny\'s weight in his arms properly.

Sabrina wrapped her arms across her chest and cocked a brow "Of course, you both were handling it perfectly "

Her words dripped with sarcasm while her eyes focused on the crushed cellphone tossed to a corner of the room.

Daniel scowled at her before leaving to tuck Jenny in bed.

"He does have a point, Jenny is Lia\'s mother and we can\'t keep hiding this from her forever " Asher told her with a deep set of frown on his face.

"You think I don\'t know that? But now is absolutely not the right time " came her reply as she stared at the messy room.

She threw her hands up in the air and shot at Asher " And seriously , don\'t you two understand the word \' play it low-key\' ? "

Letting out a tired sigh, Sabrina? casted a spell "Redi similis tui non erraverunt "

Immediately all broken shards began to float in the air and soon flew back to the door and window frames, repairing itself with lightning speed and soon was as good as new; as if it was never broken at all.

The crooked balcony railing straightened at once while the gaping hole closed up, everything returned back to how it was.

"By the way where is your mate, did you take her away? " She questioned as soon as it came to mind.

A solemn expression appeared on his face and sighed deeply.

She read his facial expression " I\'m guessing that\'s bad news "

"She has been compromised, " Daniel announced to her, striding into the room.

"I thought the evil eye had effect on humans only , I didn\'t know it had effect on supernaturals too " She murmured beneath her breath but the two supernatural creatures in front of her heard it clearly.

"Evil eye? " the both chorused.

"You heard-oh " She had forgotten they had incredible hearing

"There are rumours that Lawrence comes from a demonic bloodline which granted him another power aside from his necromancy " Sabrina explained .

"His eyes " Asher muttered " Before I was miserably tossed out of the room, I saw them flash an eerie green "

"That must be how he charmed my mate " Daniel figured out, then his gaze purposely rested on Asher "He\'s the same like all disgusting vampires who compel unsuspecting victims to their trap "

Asher\'s jaw ticked and he sassed back " It\'s quite funny but I think we\'re quite better than you dogs who dismember and tear humans to pieces out of your miserable rage "

Daniel growled, his iris flashed yellow and bared razor sharp teeth but Asher snarled back exposing protruding fangs and lowered his body into a fighting stance.

They tried to lunge at each other but Sabrina came in between them, using her magic to barricade them.

"What the hell is wrong with the both of you?! Can\'t you coexist for once without threatening to tear each other apart? " She yelled at both of them before turning to face Daniel in particular,

"And you, can\'t you shut your trap for a while, why are you being such a pain in the ass ?!"

"It\'s the full moon tonight " Asher realized shockingly, he couldn\'t believe he let that wolf get to him

"His wolf is slowing rising to the surface hence his irritably attitude "

"How comforting " Sabrina groaned out loud "So you\'re trying to say he\'s not going to be of much help tonight "

Daniel protested "I can control my wolf !"

"When the moon is at its peak? " Asher challenged and he tried to refute the claim but couldn\'t.

Though they could shift at will but werewolves were highly tethered to the moon and would normally wolf out on such days.

"If Daniel is out, then we need more help since I won\'t be there " Sabrina told them .

Asher glanced up and asked sternly "Why won\'t you be there? You know we can\'t do this without you "

"The council has ordered me to back out of this case, the falcon coven would be taking over it and I\'m afraid? if things continues this way, Lia would be discovered "

"It\'s not yet time for the council to learn of Lia, at lest until she chooses a mate. If the council hears she has a double mate, it would pose more problems than we already have in our hands? "

"Perhap if Sabrina can update us on their whereabouts, I can distract them while you get our mate to safety " Daniel suggested.

Asher was genuinely surprised at his selfless offer but he shook his head in refusal " No, you\'re her mate too and she might choose you in the future moreover, I can\'t tell what the council would do to you if they find out you intentionally obstructed them"

"Then what do you suggest, cause I won\'t sit and watch my mate get captured? " He declared firmly.

" We need someone who the council cannot afford to trifle, someone who can toy with them without even lifting a finger " Asher\'s lips curled up

"And I think I know the perfect? person for the job "

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