
Chapter 313 - Too Obvious

Chapter 313 - Too Obvious

I didn\'t come here to meet the famous Bertha.

My first purpose was to find out about what happened to Lorene and how did the Dowager Empress convince the Grahms that she\'s on their side.

She is pushing Caroline Grahm forward; it\'s a given. She even managed to make her have tea with the Emperor himself.

But this doesn\'t have any role in the shortlist. The names have already been decided, at that.

His majesty knows that the Empress is working against him, so he would never allow her to condition his choice. Right?

Lorene isn\'t on the shortlist, which means the Dowager Empress isn\'t as informed as she likes to think.

?The court is very lively these days,? I comment. ?With so many young ladies, it\'s a pleasure to stroll in the gardens and admire their beauty and elegance.?

?Indeed,? his majesty confirms. ?I\'m glad they accepted our invitation to come here for the summer. Time flew by, with all the events happening meanwhile.?

?I\'m already missing the chatter,? I continue. ?When the ladies are left, this Palace will return to how it was before.?

?The vacancy of an Empress does that,? the Emperor comments. ?No one has the time or will to organise parties and cheer up the Palace dwellers. I hope this matter will be solved soon, though. I can\'t wait to see how the Palace will be once an Empress can take care of it.?

?I hope so too, your majesty,? I say, one hand over my heart.

Not too soon, by the way. He\'s fourteen: what is this hurry?

An educated, ready Empress is better than a moody teenager.

But this will be a talk for another time. After the name is made public and the engagement is secured. Then, the date for the marriage can be postponed.

?Most of the ladies have already organised their departure, right?? Caroline Grahm inquires. ?Is there any need for help? I guess that the selection was tiring enough for your highness as is. I\'d gladly collaborate with the trivialities.?

?It\'s all taken care of. But thank you for your offer, lady Caroline,? I reply.

?Unexpected events always happen, don\'t they?? she murmurs.

Hmm? Is she raising suspicions against herself? What is going on here? I should have stayed home.

?I mean, lady Lorene won\'t be able to follow her schedule once more. What bad luck.?

?Pardon?? I murmur, turning to my cousin.

?I fell on the stairs and broke a leg,? she sighs. She shows me her tiny leg wrapped in heavy clothes under her skirt. ?I can\'t walk. And the shaking of the carriage would be too painful.?

Her eyes are full of tears while reliving the scene of her falling down.

?You fell from the stairs?? I repeat. ?Are you sure it\'s just an incident??

Why keep her alive and well? They could have killed her and then made it look like an incident. Why let her get away with a scratch?

?Oh, I don\'t think anyone would wash the stairs just to make me fall,? she laughs.

The stairs were wet? Hmm, I get it.

?Archduchess, you\'re so fast at thinking about the worst,? the Emperor declares, raising his brow at my words. ?Is it a habit? Professional deformation of a crown\'s advisor, for instance??

?Just my previous experience,? I say without thinking twice.

How many times was my life in danger in this place? What stopped anyone from killing a random lady?

It\'s because this was no killing attempt. Does my uncle think I\'m dumb?

I\'ll tell him my mind when I meet him, damn it.

?Touché,? his majesty says, laughing.

He can laugh because he\'s not the one in danger. He wasn\'t back then, but now... Ah, should I let them make an attempt or two, just to make him a little anxious about his life?

?How long will the wound take to recover, Lorene?? I ask her, focusing on the job. She has to leave as soon as possible.

?The doctor said a few weeks. But I will be able to travel by carriage sooner! I don\'t want to inconvenience everyone for too long.?

?Take the time you need,? I say, smiling with familiar love. ?Your health is more important.?

?Thank you, cousin,? she replies.

Mhm? Where are her polite manners? I\'m an Archduchess before being her cousin.

When the tea party finally is over, I lean back on the chair and sigh in relief. His majesty leaves first, followed by what remains of the Dowager Empress\'s delegation.

Even Caroline Grahm goes, and the only people remaining are from Asteria.

?Where is uncle?? I ask with my neutral tone. ?Why isn\'t he anywhere to be seen??

?He will come soon,? Lorene replies, with her usual sweet tone. A maid brings her another cup of tea, steaming of heat. ?I\'m glad you decided to attend. It\'s nice to feel supported, isn\'t it??

?I can\'t be sure how it feels,? I point out. ?All I do is undone by your useless schemes.?

?What are you talking about?? she murmurs with surprise. ?What schemes??

?Running into the Emperor at the hunt. Falling from the stairs. It\'s all so obvious, Lorene.?

?Is it??

?Yes, it damn is.?

She winces at the curse word, curling her lips down.

?Why are you so mean, Theodora? Are you perhaps afraid I\'ll ruin your position at court? I would never! We\'re of the same blood!?

Why is she calling me by name?

And most of all, what am I afraid of? She won\'t have any chance to ruin my position. But this game, this sliding on wet stairs just to stay longer and gain an advantage against the other candidates is simply too much.

Not to mention what my uncle did.

?My dear nieces, it\'s so nice to see you one next to the other. Let\'s hope I\'ll be able to gaze at this scene more often!? he exclaims in fact, appearing from the path his majesty took to leave.

You wish to see this more often.

?Uncle, I am not to be toyed with,? I say, getting up. ?I hope that something like this won\'t ever happen again.?

?Something like what?? he chuckles. ?I hope it won\'t happen again too. Our little Lorene getting hurt is painful to watch, isn\'t it??

?I hope you won\'t send false or misleading information to me again,? I point out.

Saying that her life was attempted after they themselves plotted the incident. So shameless.

Not that I care about being lied to by them. It\'s an everyday occurrence, isn\'t it? Yet, they would suspect me if I didn\'t react fiercely enough.

I have to show them I value our collaboration more than it looks. And that I\'m afraid of what would happen if they stopped helping me out.

I told Duchess Prim to stop the gossip about Alexander taking care of Lavinia and spoiling her like a princess, or it would become difficult to explain why he loves the daughter and not the mother.

And why does he sleep with me every night if we\'re in bad rapports?

I\'ve done my best to develop the image of cold marriage, but with Alexander nothing is easy.

Now, I have to work a way around my story.

?Lately, my position is a bit better,? I inform him. ?I think I found a way to... To maintain my head and title.?

I keep my voice low so that only the Ambassador hears.

?My husband isn\'t as cold as before. Maybe, I could try... I could try asking a favour or two from him. Who knows??

?Don\'t risk yet,? the Ambassador orders.

I sigh, deep inside, relieved. Just as expected, he doesn\'t want to ruin this link he\'s building to the Archduke of Kyre. He first wants to secure it, to make it grow stronger.

Then, when Alexander is supposedly under my spell, he\'ll instigate him to get the throne. Or something similar.

Also, right now, the Ambassador has an easier and less bloody path to the crown. His beloved second niece.

Less bloody my foot. She\'s already hurt, with a broken bone or something. I\'m getting rid of her in a few days.

When the other ladies leave, I\'ll have her depart as well.

Broken bone or faked injury, doesn\'t matter.

I need a clear path to lure the Dowager Empress out. I\'m not a threat to anyone right now, but I can become quite annoying.

?Regarding the names I was informed about,? I continue. ?Can I trust that list, uncle? For real??

I pout, showing the innocence of a young maiden.

This same innocence caused the fall of Polis in my first life. But that means it\'s believable.

I trusted the man that is smiling like a snake. I let him get close to my family.

But he also believed that I would do that. He was sure I had it in me to fall into his trap.

I thank the heavens for this second chance.

It is so obvious now. I was so blind back then.

What Asteria wants has never changed. Power, territories... Greatness?

The path to greatness is difficult, full of twists and turns. It\'s easy for someone to overlook a step and trip.

?Sorry for being this unreasonable, uncle,? I sigh. ?I was just worried.?

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