
Chapter 539 - Unexpected Twist (7)

Chapter 539: Unexpected Twist (7)


Brianne breathed deeply. She was so impressed with what she just saw that she could not easily forget it. She sometimes watched broadcasts like the Grand Chef competition, but the current competition was basically different from the usual cooking competitions that she had seen until now because each participant here was clearly different from the Grand Chef participants. Even the judges of the Grand Chef competition would be treated as participants here, not judges, in terms of their cooking level and skills.

But it wasn’t just because of such a stark difference that she was so nervous right now. It was because of someone who would open this door pretty soon. At that moment, she was about to take a deep breath when somebody opened the door and stepped inside. It was Min-joon.

“Good morning?”

“Oh, hi, good morning!”

She was so nervous that she raised her cracked voice at his greetings. He smiled at her, and she blushed as if she was embarrassed.

She said in a calm voice, “Hmmhmm... I’m sorry. I think I’m nervous.”

“Well, I understand your feelings. If I’m here right now, I get nervous, too.”

Although he said that, he looked quite calm. It was natural he was calm, she thought. Based on her research, he already went through various cooking competitions like this although his cooking career was not long.

Suddenly, Brianne recalled him standing on the podium in the auditorium a little while ago. She thought he was really cool when he spoke to hundreds of chefs confidently without getting cold feet at all. So much so that she felt even jealous.

“I’m Brianne.”

“I’m Min-joon.”

“I’m sorry to tell you this, but because of the limited time for this interview, let me start asking you right away. This is my first question. As you know, this competition has drawn lots of attention from all the chefs across the country. Who do you think will win?”

“Well, the most likely candidates are Chef Dave and Chef June, but it’s hard for me to say who will win because you have to expect something like an unexpected twist. In fact, I’m trying to have the same expectations from all the participating chefs.”

“Lots of people say that if you were a head chef, you would be among them, participating in this competition. What do you think?”

“Well, they are overestimating my capabilities. Of course, I might advance to the finals, but I’m afraid I won’t win the competition.”

Actually, he was serious when he said that. Above all, his cooking level was still 8. So, he would be greedy if he coveted the top position of Rose Island.

At that moment, she asked again, “Then, what about your chances in five years?”

“Five years?”

“Yes. If you attended this competition in five years, do you think you can win?”

He was lost in thought for a moment. Five years? After thinking carefully about how much Dave and June might have improved for the next five years and comparing them with himself, he broke into a smile and said, “Yes, I think there is quite a lot of possibility that I can win.”

She might think he was conceited, but he didn’t think so because he knew exactly how fast he could grow during the next five years. Five years was enough for him to be competent enough to compete with June and Dave as well as other head chefs.

“I just don’t know whether you are kidding or if you are really serious.”

“Why should I kid around? Of course, I can pretend to be humble, but I don’t like pretensions, no matter what. Five years is long. I know how to walk, so I know which path to walk on to. And I walk fast. If you ask me if I can walk around a supermarket in my neighborhood, it would be funny if I said it would be hard, right?”

When he replied, she opened her mouth a bit in surprise. As far as she knew, he had a calm personality, so she didn’t expect at all that he would be bold enough to speak out. It was a development she didn’t expect at all.

So, she asked while trying to calm her surprise and embarrassment, “Then, can I look forward to you winning the competition five years from now?”

“Well, the top position of Rose Island is going to be determined this time, not five years later,” he said firmly after finding out her intentions.

Watching him answer like that, she came to take a fresh look at him. Above all, he was full of confidence. She felt this kind of competition would not be hard for him five years from now if his confidence was backed up by his remarkable capabilities. Wouldn’t it be natural for him to be greedy in such a situation? Wasn’t it human nature for one to be greedy about something if he or she could grasp it by reaching out? How could he pretend to be indifferent as if he wasn’t interested at all in this competition this time? Was he trying to act up?

‘If he is not trying to act up, he is really great.’

She really thought so because he was not biting off more than he could chew despite the fact that he was as competent as the participants. In some respects, it would be more accurate to say he was not too greedy right now, but he was not greedy about taking over the top position of Rose Island. In other words, it meant that he was not interested in anything other than cooking. At a glance, she felt he looked like an artist.

So, she wanted to ask him if he was greedy about the top position, but she could not for some reason because she would feel too snobbish not to appreciate an artist’s soul if she asked such a question.

“When this competition is over, I hear there will be a lot of change in Rose Island. According to rumors, one of those changes is that you will leave Rose Island. Do you have anything to say about such rumors?”

“How can I give you a definite answer about that? I can tell you I’ll leave Rose Island, but I can just decide to stay for the rest of my life. And I can tell you I’ll continue to stay here, but I may leave several months later and open my own restaurant. So, I can’t give you a firm answer to your question.”

“Then, who is the chef you’re supporting this time? I mean somebody you really wish he or she could win the competition. I think you have one in your mind.”

Min-joon was silent for a moment at that question.

In terms of his acquaintance, June was the one he wanted to win. But he thought he should not support a chef just because he or she was close to her. To be honest, he didn’t like the idea that anybody who was close to him would be Chef Rachel’s successor when he or she was not qualified for the top position.

‘Is June eligible?’

It was a difficult question he could not answer easily. It was clear that she was a hard worker.

She also had talent as a chef. Given her political power and shrewdness, she might be more suitable as one who could make Rose Island more prosperous than Dave.

But what about cooking?

‘I do not know.’

Honestly, he was well aware that she could not catch up with him in terms of cooking. Even if she could beat him this time, it would be hard to conclude that she completely beat him. The fact that she beat him only once was not enough to conclude she overwhelmed him once and for all.

Then, should Dave be the new head of Rose Island? Was he cheering for Dave now?


Brianne asked as he pondered over that question longer than she thought.

When he was slow to reply to her question this time, she looked at him curiously because he answered other questions quite easily. She just wanted to know which chef he was supporting, but obviously, he gave significant meaning to her question.

He smiled at her with an embarrassed expression then said, “It’s a difficult question”

“I’m surprised. I thought you would support Chef June.”

“I’m cheering for her, of course. But...”

He tried to say something, but he stopped. He thought it was funny to say he found it hard to support June fully because he was not so sure whether she was ahead of Dave. If he said that, it would imply that he was not considering any other chef than the two chefs for the top position. Since the competition just started, it was not his job to give her such an impression.

She felt a bit embarrassed to find that he was hesitant to answer her question, but she didn’t force him to answer. So, she changed the topic with a natural smile.

“Can I ask you the next question?”


“When I interviewed Deborah, I now know you’re very close to her. Is it true?”

“Yeah, we’re close.”

“As you know, she is the first to get your evaluation. What do you think of her results?”

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