
Chapter 294: Devil Professor Frey

Chapter 294: Devil Professor Frey


As the black smoke dissipated from the lectern, the girl who was being pressed down by me let out a whimper.

“Go back to your seat.”

I released my grip and stared at her coldly. Then with tears in her eyes, the student staggered back to her seat.

“Hurry, move faster.”


Following my command, she hastened her steps without even realizing it.

I could issue such simple commands to those marked with the stigma of slavery.

While complex orders and mental manipulation were impossible, basic requests would work on them most of the time.

Hence, the efficiency was so good that in some other countries, they even operated as ‘slave soldiers’.

It was because if everyone had the ‘same’ mark, you could easily control the group with a single command. 

One of the reasons I was marking all of them with the stigma of slavery was precisely for that purpose.

If I could control them all with one command, I’d be able to protect these kids from the numerous disasters that may occur in the future.

Therefore, I had to hurry and mark them with the stigma of slavery…

“Uggh… ugh…”

While quietly organizing my thoughts, a sobbing sound was heard in front of the lectern.


Wondering who was crying, I found the girl who had tried to attack me with a greatsword there. She was now shedding tears.

“Seeing someone sniveling is quite irritating for me. Stop crying.”


“Speaking of slaves…”

After stopping her tears forcefully with my command, she glared at me with eyes full of  loathing. I addressed her loudly, so everyone could hear. 

“If you charge into battle with the determination to kill, you must also be prepared to be killed. Charging in thinking you’ll win unconditionally will only lead you to break like this when you are defeated.”


“The stigma of slavery I carve is, as I mentioned before, a symbol that you have died once.”

Whispering in a colder tone, I continued.

“If you always want to be prepared for real combat, there must be a penalty comparable to your life. Something like your social life or reputation.” 

Although I spoke in a low voice, all the students could hear me clearly because the classroom was as silent as the grave.

However, I could roughly guess what they were thinking by looking at their eyes and expressions. 

Most likely, they were thinking, ‘Who does he think he is to say something like that?’ or ‘Does he even have real combat experience?’

It was a very reasonable thought, but nevertheless, they would have no choice but to follow me in the future. 

There was no better proof than a demonstration of one’s abilities.

“I have a question.”

As I was about to start the class, one of the students raised their hand to ask a question.

“What happens if a student, already attacked once and received the stigma, attacks again? What would happen then?” 

As she asked the question, the girl glared at me coldly.

‘Her name is… Lenya? Is it Lenya?’ 

To the bold question from the second daughter of the Horizon family, I rolled my pen in my hand, preparing to answer. 

“I will impose an appropriate punishment fitting the offense. I might carve an additional stigma in more visible places, or add another type of seal. Alternatively, I could also give individual tutoring sessions…”


Then, she glares at me, her teeth chattering as if she were shivering.

According to the prophecy, she highly valued her older sister. The fact that her sister was the first to bear the stigma of slavery probably fueled her burning desire for revenge.

Of course, considering that I aimed for that, I decided to leave her alone and soon turned my gaze away. 

“I also have a question.”

However, someone else raised their hand.

“You said “the determination to kill”, Professor, does that mean we can kill you?”

I tried to ignore the question, not wanting to waste the time further. However, with a haughty expression, she continued to press me with sinister tones.

“If we’re restricted to merely defeating you, the options are limited. However, if killing is allowed, we can use more lethal and discreet methods.”


“If we were to kill the professor, would the knowledge of the ‘Demon King’ in your mind be vanquished as well?”

After saying that, the girl, standing with her back straight at the back, looked at me. She had a gaze that sent shivers down my spine just by looking at it. 

‘She is indeed impressive.’

Eurelia von Justiano.

The girl also emitted an aura of darkness, just like her father, the ruler of the underworld, Count Justiano.

She could be perfectly described with a single sentence, ‘Roswyn’s superior version’.

Why wasn’t she the sub-heroine?

In fact, my ancestor also mentioned that, due to that reason, numerous people submitted inquiries to the development company.

Why was the useless Roswyn considered as a sub-heroine while girls like Lenya and Eurelia, with charming narratives and settings, faced horrible deaths as extras?

Of course, Roswyn naturally held the position because she possessed the seemingly unattainable ability called the ‘Helper System’.

However, if there were no system, perhaps the position would probably belong to Eurelia, Count Justiano’s esteemed daughter. 

“If any one of you kills me, I’ve placed a spell to transmit the information in my mind to the Imperial Family and the Church.”

“How can we trust that?”

“Why in the world should I prove it?”

I remained aloof as I pondered such thoughts, and in response to Eurelia’s question, I raised the corners of my mouth.

“Not proving it is also a defense mechanism in itself.”

“Are you afraid?”

“I once brought your father to his knees. Why would I be afraid of his daughter?”

Upon hearing that, she scowled.

“Puh, Pfft…”


“Ah, sorry. My apologies… Pfft…”

Then, she gazed at Lenya, who was laughing with her mouth covered from the side, with a cold expression.

‘Come to think of it, were those two rivals?’

Scratching my head, I felt like such a setting was vaguely mentioned in the prophecy. I soon looked around at everyone and spoke up again.

“Well then, let’s begin the first class.”

As a result, the already cold expressions of the students turned even colder.

‘No doubt, they’ve been planning various schemes to disrupt the class.’

Sounds of magical recording devices and magical documentation devices being activated can be heard throughout the room.

They probably planned to record my lecture, and if I fell into their scheme or delivered a subpar lecture, they’d use it for a public opinion campaign.

“Pay attention, everyone.”

However, their plans today would spectacularly fail.

– Boom!!

“Wh-what was that!?”

“Oh my gosh…”

Loud noise and smoke billowed next to the lectern I was standing, the students who were fiddling with magical tools or drawing counter-magic circles widened their eyes in shock.



And their expressions turned aghast as the smoke cleared, revealing the woman who stepped forward and waved her hand.

“What I’ll be teaching you in the first class is the structure of the demon race’s mana circuit. And, tactical systems.”

With her purple skin, horns on her head, and a swaying tail, she was clearly from the ‘demon race’.

“Nice to meet you~!”

In fact, she was a Combat Executive in the Demon King Army, ranking fourth. After hearing that I was orchestrating a covert operation to seize the academy, she immediately agreed to cooperate.

“You won’t mind this much, right, Hero?”

Behind the students who stared blankly at the demon looking at them affectionately, there was Ruby, who had been silently furrowing her eyebrows all this time, and I turned to her to ask with a smile.

“This is all to defeat the Demon King, isn’t it?”


Hearing Ruby’s reluctant answer, I quietly smirked and soon turned my gaze around the room.

‘This should drive them insane. All of them are elite students, crazy about studying to the point of dying from overwork.’ 

I had no intention of providing subpar education.

I was once unable to do anything but watch the students who, according to the prophecy, were destined to die, but now I could finally directly intervene.

How many of these young heroes I could save depends on my actions as their professor.

There’s no way I could just teach these kids normally.

“Open the prepared material. The research paper on the ‘Demon Race’s Mana Circuit’ from a few hundred years ago that I told you to bring last time…”

I quickly ordered as I approached the blackboard. But, when I saw the bewildered expressions of the students, I asked while tilting my head.

“Did no one bring it?”

Then, some students carefully took out the materials.

“Those who didn’t bring them, share with a friend or understand it on your own.”

After saying that, I glanced behind me, and most of the students, including Lenya and Eurelia, who were in a scuffle just a moment ago, were now frowning and looking around. 

Their intention to disturb the class had almost disappeared.

“Well then, let’s start the lesson.”

My first lecture began with great success.






– Ding dong! Ding dong!

After the long and eventful day of the entrance ceremony, the sound of the bell announcing the last period rang.. 

– Scribble, scribble…

– Roll..

Even though it was break time, the sounds of writing tools and magical recording devices echoed from all directions. 

Frey taught ‘Demonology’ for an extended period from the 1st to 4th period, and the ‘Tactics of Demon Race’ from the 5th to 6th period.

Because each piece of that knowledge held a national treasure-level value that could bring a revolution to the academic field, everyone was putting in their utmost effort to transcribe it perfectly.

The ‘Operation to Sabotage Frey’ had long become forgotten.


In front of them, Frey, who had been preparing for the last class, appeared.

– Thud!


“I haven’t finished writing everything yet…”

As Frey, who had been quietly checking the time on his wristwatch, snapped his finger, the contents written on the blackboard vanished at once.

“In the last class, I’ll teach you Magic Theory.”

Ignoring the students who subconsciously expressed their dissatisfaction , Frey spoke in a low voice. 

“No, it would be more correct to say that I introduce rather than teach.”

Hearing this, the students wore puzzled expressions.

“This class is a brief explanation of the new magic theory I’ll be teaching you for the next year. To put it simply, it is an orientation.”

Hearing this, the students sighed in relief and put down their writing tools and magic tools.

Because they thought if it was just a simple orientation that would last for one class, there was no reason to risk their lives taking notes. 

‘Nice, this is my chance.’

Even Lenya, who was scribbling notes as if possessed, thought the same.

‘If I can succeed in the operation during this gap… I might catch Ms. Ruby’s eye.’

She shook her head, sitting with her legs crossed as she pondered about it.

‘Also, I’m confident… if it’s about magic theory.’

Then, she wore a content smile.

Despite being flustered with unexpected knowledge previously, she was a talent closely observed by the Magic Tower.

If it was just a magic theory from someone like Frey, she could easily debunk it.

‘It seems he’s pretty knowledgeable about the demon race… But ultimately, it’s just knowledge tainted by sin.’

She admitted that Frey was quite knowledgeable about the demon race, both last time and now, Lenya thought it was simply due to his experience being part of the Demon King’s army.

‘Let’s see how well you do in pure magic theory, Frey.’ 

With her arms quietly folded, she prepared to bombard Frey with questions.

“I only want to say one thing.”

After a while, Frey calmly opened his mouth.

“The rules of the world you believed in are all wrong.”

As Lenya was about to frown at these words, Frey calmly continued.

“So, from now on, you should believe in my teaching instead of the false world.”

As laughter erupted around the room at that grandiose statement…

“Since you seem to have trouble believing that, let me give you an example.”

– Snap!

Having said that, Frey snapped his fingers, and neatly organized papers flew into the student’s desk.. 

[Lesson – Divine Classification]

< Author Unknown >

“In this world, there is no ‘divine power’.”

The students, staring blankly at the title, widened their eyes upon hearing Frey’s words. 

“The power you think of as divine power is nothing more than a natural law, just like the flow of mana and sword aura. Only, it has a slight addition of ‘miracle power.\'”

Frey delivered this shocking statement to the students.

“If you try operating the magic circuit according to the formula in the paper, anyone can easily prove that fact. Give it a try yourselves.”

Silence settled in as soon as he finished speaking, but no one dared to operate their magic circuit.

It was because the collision of powerful theories had paralyzed their minds as much as proving that one plus one equals three. 

Moreover, the clarity of the formula made it unnecessary for them to attempt it themselves. 

“No way… This can’t be real…”

“I-it’s a scam. It has to be a scam.”

“Maybe the verification is wrong? Why is this sign here…?”

As some students who were deeply devoted to their faith and others with limited knowledge grumbled, the youngest paladin started to sweat profusely. Then she raised her hand and asked a question.

“Then, what about the Church?”

“Historically, they are a fraudulent group. The self-proclaimed ‘Church,’ which claimed to serve the Saintess that appeared a thousand years ago, gradually transformed over the centuries and became a genuine church.”

“What kind of crazy…”

“The only things considered ‘divine’ in this world are the power possessed by the ‘Saintess’ and the ‘light mana’ held by the three light families. Just memorize it if you don’t know.”

Serena’s devised Divine classification had unveiled the true nature of the Church to the world.

“First, let me explain from the stellar mana that I possess…”

– Crackle…

As the students, whose ways of thinking had been completely overturned, were at a loss, Frey emitted stellar mana from his hands, prompting them to resume note-taking frantically. 


As the classroom reverberated with the sound of scribbling again, Lenya began to sweat coldly. 

– Scribble, scribble…

Glancing to the side, even Eurelia, who had been asserting her pride until a moment ago, had lost her composure and was taking notes.

‘Me… what about me…’

In such a situation, Lenya found herself in the biggest dilemma of her life.


With everyone’s attention captured, she worried whether she should disrupt Frey’s class now. Would Ms. Ruby be angry if she did? 


While pondering this, she turned around, only to find Ruby’s expression looked bad. After weeks of planning went down the drain, she seemed to be in a bad mood.

‘I-if I do it… If I disrupt it…’

“The mana circuit you’ve known is also wrong. The mana circuit is not just in your chest, abdomen, and head; it spreads throughout your body like blood vessels. You’ve been wasting that vast space until now…”


Even as the students were still trying to digest the information they were given, revolutionary concepts that would turn the world upside down continued to be presented.

She realized she had to take notes now. Especially right now…

‘This isn’t right. Don’t I have the magical video recording device?’

After hesitating for a while and breaking out in a cold sweat, she finally remembered that her magical video recording device on her chest was recording the whole thing, and she started to look relieved.


– Snap! 


As Frey snapped his fingers, the magical video recording device around the room floated in the air and began to move towards Frey, leaving the students in shock.

“Recording my classes is prohibited from now on.”


“Because it could be leaked. Guidelines regarding the written notes will be announced later, but that’s the main reason.”

Observing the students who relied too much on magic tools and now wore expressions of despair, Frey spoke with a cold gaze.

“And, to learn knowledge, you need to put in the effort, don’t you think?”

– Ding Dong♪ Ding Dong♪

“…I’ll conclude today’s class here.”

Hearing the bell, Frey declared with a composed expression.

– Snap!

“Ugh, uwaaa…”

Simultaneously, a ‘snap’ echoed in the classroom, and the complex formulas on the chalkboard, which were worth at least tens of thousands of gold, disappeared in an instant, just like before.

“Your assignment is to summarize what you think are the key points of what you learned today in 10 pages.”


“It’s to assess and evaluate your proficiency levels. I’ll determine the rankings based on the reports and announce them, so do your best.”

After finishing his speech, which further despaired the already despairing students, Frey, who had finished tidying up the lectern, calmly opened his mouth.

“What are you doing? Why aren’t you all leaving?”






“In the end, I couldn’t do anything… I am…”

With a vacant expression, Lenya lowered her head and mumbled.

“I couldn’t do anything right…”

The frustration of having firmly resolved to do something yet achieved nothing, the shock brought by Frey’s theories, and many more. 

‘Am I… just an incapable girl who can’t do anything else…?’

She was tasked with disrupting the final class, and, wearing a gloomy expression, she blamed herself for not being able to do anything.

“Excuse me, Ms. Lenya.”

“Hello there!”


As noble young ladies gathered around her, Lenya made a bewildered expression.

“By any chance, do you know about the ‘Freshmen Welcome Party’?”

“We would like to invite Ms. Lenya… Would you be interested?”

The noble young ladies threw a subtle glance along with the proposal.

“W-well, there were rumors that it’s not a good place to go…”

“No~! It’s a place where freshmen like Ms. Lenya and other fresh faces are welcomed, promoting friendship.”

“Think of it as a place similar to a social gathering where you can make new friends.”


At first, Lenya had a hesitant expression, but the mention of a “social gathering” lit up her  eyes. 

‘Alright, there’s still a chance. I can make up for it…’

“Well, if you don’t want to, there’s nothing we can do…”

“I-I’ll go! I’ll follow you!”

In the midst of calculating fervently in her mind, Lenya hastily stood up and shouted as the noble young ladies turned away. 

“Oh my, you’re such a lively person~.”

“Then, please follow us.”


With those ladies calmly smiling, Lenya left the classroom with an eager expression.


And at that moment, Frey, who had been blocking the drawer under the lectern with his knees, coldly observed the conversation.

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