
Chapter 251: Interference

Chapter 251: Interference

  One wheel from the overturned carriage wobbled down the path after the accident.

  If anyone witnessed this, they might have thought it was a major accident, and those inside wouldnt have come out unscathed.

  Despite the protective magic on the carriage, the severity of the crash suggested potential moderate injuries.


  Although Serena felt dizzy from the shock of the carriage flipping, she wasnt injured.

  Frey had acted swiftly, using himself as a cushion to shield Serena as soon as the accident happened.


  Frey, gazing down at Serena shivering in his arms, cautiously extended his hand toward her.

  Sssk, ssk

  He delicately brushed away Serenas hair that obscured her face.

  Youre not hurt.

  After a brief pause, he said, still wearing the cold expression he had earlier.

  Frey took Serenas hand and helped her stand while maintaining his cold expression.

  Your face wasnt attractive to begin with, so it couldnt get any worse.


  After lifting Serena, Frey spoke softly and leaned against the overturned carriage.

  Why the heck arent you moving and getting out of here?


  He crouched inside the flipped carriage, took a few deep breaths, then gave Serena a cold look and spoke.

  Its obviously an attack. You handle it.

  Ah, ah okay

  But honestly, you couldnt even handle a small ambush as an assassin. Youre useless as a fiance.

  I-Im sorry

  The least you can do is be a meat shield, right?

  As Frey scolded Serena with an icy frown, her face darkened.

  Im sorryyy

  Get out there and find out whos behind this, stupid.


  The joy of Frey protecting her faded as he looked at her with disapproval, treating her as if she were pathetic. Serena responded immediately, looking utterly dejected.

  I-Ill go out right away now

  Soon, with a piece of carriage debris stuck to her hair and slumped shoulders, she crawled out of the carriage.


  Frey quietly watched Serena, then sighed, lowering his head.


  He lifted his left arm, concealed behind him all this while, and with an impassive expression, pulled out a piece of debris lodged in his arm.


  Despite the severe wound, he showed no concern. He delicately shook his arm before fetching a bandage from his inner chest pocket.


  As a result of the collision and shielding Serena, he had suffered injuries, and a trickle of blood streamed down his lips.

  No life reactions in the vicinity

  He muttered in his cold voice as he wiped the corner of his mouth nonchalantly.

  No magical reactions either somethings not right.

  Quietly, he extended his mana in all directions, beyond Serenas awareness, and ensured the absence of threats.


  With a puzzled expression and a grimace, Frey suddenly tilted his head at an unexpected sense of presence.

  Whos that?

  Someone had intruded into his extensive surveillance network.

  They werent here before.

  Confused by the unexpected turn of events, Frey glanced at Serena, who was carefully scanning her surroundings outside the carriage.


  Next, he kicked open the door on the opposite side of the carriage, stepping out quietly to investigate the potential presence.

  Thud, thud

  Frey gazed out and saw the dense forest.

  Who could be here?

  He carefully moved through the underbrush, keeping a low profile, and then extended his hands forward with a gleam in his eyes.

  Lets see whos that?

  He quietly drew on his hero power, ready to confront anyone suspicious hiding in the underbrush. However


  Uh.. ugh!

  Quietly, he tilted his head upon seeing the startled figure before him.

  W-who are you?

  Crouched in the thicket was a slender girl with a pale face.

  Is she the culprit?

  Frey, examining the suspicious girl, started questioning her connection to the incident while wearing a stern expression. However

  Its more unlikely.

  Suddenly, he shook his head.

  Uh ugh

  The reason was that the petite girl, curled up and in hiding, was blind.

  Why are you here?


  Answer quickly.


  However, Frey hadnt let down his guard. He grabbed her throat and threatened her with a cold tone.

  If you dont answer Ill wrench your neck.

  Pl-please spare me

  Im quite annoyed right now My date got interrupted.

  Frey tightened his grip, making the blind girl tremble uncontrollably.

  No, instead of wrenching your neck, I might just chop it off

  I-I was hiding here


  As Frey tried to unsheathe his sword, the girl hurriedly replied, prompting Frey to pose another question.

  Why were you hiding here?

  Ugh keuk

  Frey held her neck tightly, lifting her chin with his thumb. The frightened girl, shaking with fear, began to explain slowly.

  I-I got startled when I noticed something so I hid here


  I-I hid here I-I couldnt see anything in front of me and I didnt know what was happening


  Frey watched the girl intently, gulping silently.


  An insignificant human, a lowly peasant like this is so unnecessarily bothersome

  P-please spare me You can do anything to me. Just spare my life I have younger siblings to feed

  As Frey unknowingly exerted force with his hand and muttered, the girl desperately begged with choked sobs.

  I finally found something to eat If you take it away, I wont be able to feed my younger siblings

  Then scram out of here quickly, filthy and worthless

  The ground was littered with many sprouting potatoes.


  Freys expression twisted as he watched the sight.






  This is

  Serenas eyes gleamed as she carefully inspected the overturned carriage.

  As I suspected, it was an ambush.

  The front of the carriage was noticeably distorted.

  She couldnt figure out the type of attack, but she was sure it was incredibly powerful. The defensive magic, set up two to three times for Freys safety, had been ruthlessly breached.


  Serenas expression instantly turned cold.

  It was the most fearsome expression she had ever shown before Frey.

  Tap, tap.

  Serena swung her fan twice, causing shadows to converge from all directions.


  Serena soon lowered her fan, and around half a dozen figures emerged from the shadows. They knelt on one knee and bowed their heads before her.

  Why didnt you intervene?

  Serena asked the kneeling figures with a cold expression.

  Those figures who lowered their heads further were from a direct line of the assassin family within the Moonlight familya lineage that had served as assassins for generations.

  Im sorry, My Lady.

  Its all our fault.

  So, please, punish us.

  The assassins quivered, heads bowed.

  They were supposed to serve the family head, Serena, but they actually obeyed the Secret Lordthe true leader.

  Not entirely controlled by the Curse of Familial Subordination, Serena gradually started taking command over them.

  Eventually, she managed to gain complete control over all direct assassins, except one cursed like her. This earned her almost infinite loyalty for redeeming them.

  Please, kill us, My Lady.

  As part of the Empires dark shadows, Moonlight family assassins occasionally deviated from conventions.

  I told you Im not like the Secret Lord. I wont kill you.

  Serena relaxed her expression and spoke gently, looking at those bowing before her, and asked.

  So, why didnt you step in?

  Well, Lady Serena, theres a reason for that.

  Then, the girl leading them stepped forward to explain.

  We couldnt sense anything.

  Surprisingly, she was the same blind girl Frey had found in the thicket earlier.

  In fact, all the other assassin girls were also blind.

  The Secret Lord, their trainer, had blinded everyone except Alice, who had initially been their leader. He did that to maintain secrecy.

  Serena had disguised them as passersby to ensure Freys safety.

  Thats a bit odd

  Deep in thought after the leaders report, Serena suddenly realized something unusual.

  I might not be skilled in this, but if none of you could detect the attack

  Despite their loss of sight, their other senses were superhuman.

  Even with five or six of them nearby, they hadnt noticed the attack at all. It wasnt just an error by the assassins; it was almost uncontrollable.

  Who dares to target my husband.

  Having taken various measures to ensure no obstacles for her husband, Serena looked at Frey. He leaned against the carriage in the distance, gazing at the sky.

  For now, stay ready. Stay hidden in the vicinity and handle the attackers at your discretion when they show up.

  How much discretion should we have?

  When the blind girl asked while tilting her head, Serena responded with a cold smile.

  Just as youve been doing.

  Got it.

  With those words, the assassins swiftly turned into shadows, dispersing, prepared for any attack. Meanwhile, Serena prepared to head toward Frey as if nothing had occurred.

  Uh, um


  However, the blind girl, who had been at the forefront, cautiously grabbed Serenas shoulder.

  I-I want to show you this


  Then, the girl took out a gold coin.

  This is a coin enchanted with a tracking spell, right? Where did you find it?

  Excuse me?

  Intrigued, Serena inquired, and the girl looked surprised.

  Uh, well, you see

  Then, she recounted the story behind the coin.

  So, that man he bought your basket of potatoes?

  Y-yes He said he was hungry and forcefully took the basket from me, saying its enough for peasants like me


  B-but he mentioned it was a copper coin

  Saying so, the girl fiddled around hesitantly.

  T-then are these all also real gold coins?

  She took a handful of gold coins from her pocket and showed them to Serena.


  The girl secretly blushed as Serena stared blankly at those coins and nodded.

  So, who is this person were escorting?

  The girl asked while fidgeting nervously.

  I-its not a big deal I just want to know his name, but

  Serenas expression turned cold upon hearing that question.

  I-Ill tell you later. For now, please return to your duty.


  Then, Serena moved with an anxious expression.

  Serena was delighted that her fianc became more charming, but it was uncomfortable when others tried to tempt him. 

  Determined to showcase her charm and fully captivate Freys attention during this opportunity, she approached him.


  ..It was clear that you couldnt find the cause.

  Ah, well

  Useless bitch.

  However, when Frey shot her a cold look, her resolve crumbled, and she gave up.

  Whenever she faced him, her mind went blank.

  Th-that why did you buy that basket?

  So, Serena, stammering, ended up asking the question out of intense curiosity.

  What? What the hell are you looking at?

  To her question, Frey responded with indifference.

  I bought it to disguise myself as a farmer. My identity might be suspected if I keep acting like a noble.

  Th-Thats how it is? But you gave her all those gold coins


  Serena stared blankly at him and asked another question. Frey, looking quietly at the hand that had gripped the girls throat, responded nonchalantly, saying it was nothing special.

  I might have confused them for copper coins.

  Uh, well

  Dont bombard me with questions. Its irritating.

  As Frey turned his head while saying that, Serenas bright smile faded instantly, and she hesitated to speak.

  B-but with the carriage breaking down and the attack, should we end our date now?


  I I had a short but delightful time. I wore the dress you chose for me felt the warmth of your embrace and um

  Her shoulders down, Serena acted like she had lost everything. Frey began walking ahead. 

  If the carriage broke down, we could walk to the city or whatever.


  Serena, looking puzzled, asked.

  B-but that means well arrive in the evening, and there will only be a few hours left

  Frey walked ahead, leaving her behind, and stated bluntly.

  Did you only plan for today?


  Serenas eyes widened as she tried to decipher the meaning of his words.

  What are you doing? Why arent you following me?

  Gulping nervously, Serena pulled a small notebook from her pocket upon hearing Freys distant words.

[21 Best Music for Prenatal Education]

Marche Limpide

Serenade of Stars and Moons

Symphony of Destiny




  Which academy should I send her to? Is Sunrise Academy still the best for the childs future? No, maybe an academy abroad could be more beneficial

  Though Serena calmly flipped through the notebook, her imagination ran wild uncontrollably.





  Meanwhile, at a tower quite a distance from Frey and Serena.

  Wh-Whats happening?

  After receiving the order about Freys ambush and monitoring the situation through a magical tool, Alice nervously started to sweat.

  Who the hell is attacking them!?

  Their carriage had been attacked before the ambush order had been issued.

  I-I need to report this somethings wrong

  Feeling flustered by the unusual turn of events, Alice tried to speak to her colleagues behind her in a shaky voice.

  Can you guys please be quiet?


  Her words were cut off by a tense voice coming from behind.

  Irresponsible, Ms. Alice.


  To her surprise, Ferloche, usually sporting a foolish expression, was sweating heavily and glaring at someone.

  Whats going on?

  After a while, the youngest Paladin, who had been the focus of Ferloches gaze, asked quietly.

  Is there a problem?

  Just a week ago, before the Church summoned her, her eyes were silver. Now, for some reason, they were shining crimson.

  Oh, greetings, Lord Frey.


  Ferloche, observing her, suddenly shifted her gaze to her back and waved cheerfully. In that brief moment, the Paladins body twitched slightly.


  Then, a long silence ensued.

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