
Chapter 182: - Same Choice

I found myself in a carriage making its way towards the back alley. Beside me, Lulu quietly nuzzled her cheek against my chest, giggling softly.



Within the carriage, there were animal-like creatures that looked at us with icy gazes.


Originally, I’d intended to bring only Lulu, but suddenly, these animals crowded in.

There was the black cat doll, enchanted by Kania with advanced dark magic just a few days prior, making it capable of continuous movement.

An owl with its eyes wide open.

A dove with a foolish expression, and a canary, huddled close, warily observing everything.

The black cat somehow slipped in by hiding in my coat pocket while these birds flew into the carriage through the windows.

Because of this, the carriage had literally turned into a zoo.

By the way, I left the dog at home.

She also tried to come with me, but isn’t a dog supposed to guard the house?

In fact, one of the reasons I left her behind was that I didn’t like the idea of her shedding fur in a confined space.

“However, isn’t this a bit too much?”

Yet, for some reason, I kept thinking about that little dog.

After telling that fellow who hung on to my pant leg to guard the house, she responded pitifully with her ears drooping.


Because of that, I was considering maybe taking her with me from now on.

Suddenly, while I was deep in thought, the black cat doll sitting on top of my head started pressing my head with its paws.



Following that, the owl began retaliating, and the cat fiercely fought against it.

The canary watched this scene with a fearful expression, while the dove, who was sitting leisurely by the windowsill, wore a foolish expression as it watched their fight.

“…It’s so peaceful.”

I murmured as I gently stroked Lulu, who had fallen asleep while nuzzling against my chest.

“I’m so happy.”

Whether it was in the past or now, all I desired was a simple and carefree day like this.

Well, although the current situation wasn’t exactly ordinary either.

At least, it was not like I was risking my life in a fight or racking my brain trying to solve an impossible problem.


I wanted to keep spending days like this.


“Meow… Meow…”


The owl’s talon finally caught the black cat, which had fiercely resisted. Then, she began to twist and turn the black cat in mid-air, with her head craning.

It felt like the owl’s attack today held some grudge for some reason. I wonder why?


As I watched this amusing sight and laughed, I eventually turned my gaze outside the window.

“As expected, I need to work hard.”

Even though this kind of life would come to an end once the vacation was over, I couldn’t fall into despair yet.

After bringing a happy ending to the world, I should be able to achieve a peaceful and carefree life, right?

– Clang, clang!

As I pondered these thoughts, suddenly, the carriage began to shake.

“We’ve arrived—!”

Soon, I heard the coachman’s voice.

It seemed like we’d arrived at our destination.


As I stretched to prepare to get off the carriage, I looked around at the now quiet animals.

“Don’t fight, just stay here calmly.”

After firmly expressing my command, I gently pushed Lulu, who had fallen asleep against the wall, away from me and slowly stepped down from the carriage.

“Wait for me here, I’ll give you as much money as you want.”


At last, I gave an order to the coachman, took out my walking stick, and slowly made my way towards the guild.


As I finally reached the counter, the smoking female employee looked at me with wide eyes and said.

“Oh, you arrived so quickly.”

“…Where’s Roswyn?”

“She’s waiting inside, Lord Frey.”

She smiled mischievously as she looked at me while saying that.

“Should I show you the way?”

“…It’s fine.”

As I waved my hand to her and went down into the underground, the female employee murmured.

“Stay strong, Lord Frey.”

Her expression somehow looked sad.


I had been pursuing Roswyn since I was quite young, so it wasn’t surprising to see such a reaction from her.


Entering the Information Guild with such thoughts, I couldn’t help but softly murmur inwardly.

‘Will things be different this time?’






– Knock, knock.

“Who is it?”

As the knocking echoed on the firmly closed door, Roswyn immediately asked.

“It’s me, Roswyn.”

In response, Frey’s voice came through from behind the door.


At the same time, Roswyn, who had been wearing a sour expression, quickly responded with a friendly but formal tone.

“You can come in~”

“I hope you’ve been…”

Upon hearing Roswyn’s response, Frey opened the door and entered. However, soon, his expression stiffened.


It was because there were pictures of a girl with ruby-colored eyes plastered all around Roswyn’s room.

“Roswyn, who is that person?”

After staring at the pictures for a while, Frey cautiously asked.

“What brings you here~?”

However, Roswyn simply grinned and immediately changed the topic.

“Oh, I just… wanted to see your face…”

“I’m a bit busy right now. Unless it’s something important…”

“Oh, now that I think about it, I have a request.”

Upon Roswyn’s lukewarm response, Frey sat down with a pitiful expression.

“I want to request something right now… is that possible?”

He asked the question while observing her reaction.

“Yes~ it’s possible.”

Only then did Roswyn, who had been preoccupied with her flowers until now, shift her gaze to Frey. She stared at him with a darkened expression.

“So, what kind of request are you going to ask?”

No longer was there the usual fawning, flattery, and gentle demeanor she displayed whenever she met Frey.

There was only a formal gaze and tone.

“Well, um… I need information on the youngest paladin of the Church for a starter.”


“…You have never asked for reasons until now, have you?”

Frey furrowed his brow and asked back. In return, Roswyn calmly smiled as she replied.

“Just curious~ I wondered why you suddenly need such information.”

“It’s nothing, I just need to have some information in advance…”

“Alright then, I accept your request!”

Interrupting Frey’s words, Roswyn responded quickly, and as she was about to leave her seat, Frey quickly added another thing.

“Oh, and… I’d like to request any and all information about the Church as well.”

“Got it.”

“Uh, is obtaining such information about the Church really that simple? If it involves the Church, shouldn’t you…”

“Just trust me! It’s not like you’re using me for the first time.”

Saying so, Roswyn stood up from her seat.

“Both pieces of information will require additional investigation, which might take some time. When the investigation is done, I’ll send it to you by letter.”

“Well, wouldn’t it be safer to meet in person? I mean, considering the security…”

“I’ll cast security spells. So you don’t have to worry.”

After promptly answering Frey’s questions, she was about to leave the room.

“Wait, Roswyn!”


When Frey urgently grabbed her arm, Roswyn’s expression slightly contorted.

“Um, that… I have something I want to say…”

“What is it?”

“Well… you see…”

Frey stared at her anxiously.

“Would you like…. to go on a date?”

He pulled out a golden rose from his pocket and shyly asked.


Then, silence prevailed.

“Just once. Can’t you agree with me for once?”

Frey spoke to Roswyn with an earnest gaze.

“I’ll adjust my schedule to fit your time. I can also make all the arrangements for the date.”

“Um, well…”

“I’ll use every means at my disposal to make you happy. So, just once. Please?”


However, Roswyn’s response was lukewarm.

“…I’ve been curious for a while.”

After staring at Frey with an indifferent expression for a while, Roswyn slowly spoke.

“Why have you given so many flowers and continuously asked for dates all these years?”

“Well, that…”

Frey was momentarily at a loss for words upon hearing her question. Then, he tightened his fists and answered with determination.

“I’ll be honest.”

“…I like you.”

Blushing as he spoke, Frey continued.

“I fell in love with you at first sight when I was young.”

He began his story with a rather low voice.

“Ever since the day I first met you, I’ve been making efforts to win your heart.”


“I know I’m considered a good-for-nothing in the eyes of the world. I also know I’m pathetic. Even so, I wanted to be decent in your eyes at the very least.”

As he confessed to this extent, Roswyn’s eyes widened.

“But now, honestly… I’m reaching my limit.”

Seeing Roswyn’s reaction, Frey continued with an even more earnest expression.

“In a few months… I might not have the means to treat you well anymore. Not to mention flowers, I might not be able to give you any proper gifts… I might not even be able to hold my head up high in front of you anymore…”

He swallowed hard as he spoke.

“…It seems like this might be my last chance.”

With a trembling gaze, he looked at her with desperation.

“I’m fine even if you agree just once. Could you go on a date with me? Please?”


“If you don’t want to, I’ll stop. I’m not going to act pathetic like this anymore. Just once, please. accept my ‘sincerity’. Please?”


As Roswyn began to ponder on his words, Frey took a step closer to her.

“I’m willing to do whatever it takes to convey my sincere feelings to you.”

“I’ll grant any wish you have. Just name it. Even if I have to empty the family’s fortune, pour out all the remaining power I have, I’ll make it happen.”

As he said so with trembling hands, Frey extended the flower to her.


He closed his eyes as he whispered that.


Looking alternately at him and the golden flower, Roswyn, who had been immersed in deep silence, slowly began to reach for the flower.


“I actually have achieved what I wanted most in life a little while ago.”

Roswyn took the golden flower from Frey’s hand.

“But still, since you asked so earnestly…”

Taking the flower from Frey’s hand, she smiled and answered him.

“I’ll consider it for now.”


Then, a long silence followed.


As Roswyn accepted the flower, Frey’s hopeful expression gradually turned into a frown.

“Did, by any chance… something appear in front of you or anything like that?”

Suddenly, Frey asked with vacant eyes.

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

Roswyn replied, looking puzzled.


Upon hearing her response, Frey lowered his head without saying a word.

“Hmmph, but I’m deducting some points because of the flower’s color. I prefer red, not golden.”

As Roswyn looked at the golden rose he had wholeheartedly obtained, she responded with a regretful expression.

“Last time… didn’t you say you like golden more than red…”

Still with his head lowered, Frey recalled Roswyn’s statement from his birthday celebration in the grand ballroom.

“…Never mind.”

Suddenly, he lifted his head, offering a dejected smile, and turned away.

“Roswyn, thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”


As Frey spoke up, Roswyn tilted her head.

“You’ve been through a lot because of me, right? I’m truly sorry.”

“Um… well…”

“I won’t bother you like this anymore.”

Upon seeing Frey put on a sad smile and speak like that, Roswyn was slightly flustered.

“Well then, goodbye.”

With Roswyn behind him, he took reluctant steps forward.

“It was always enjoyable… meeting you all this time.”

After grabbing the doorknob, he turned back as a slightly trembling smile appeared on his face.


He closed the door and left the room.


And for a while, there was only silence in the room.

“My Lady!”

The one to break the prolonged silence was a female employee whose face had turned quite pale.

“What’s going on!?”

“Lord Frey had terminated his guild membership!”


“What happened? Why would someone who was such a regular customer…?”

Listening to the pressing questions from her employee, Roswyn sat in her spot for a while, seemingly lost.

“Wait here.”

She then got up from her seat.

“I’ll look into it.”

“…And confirm it myself.”






“What’s going on all of a sudden? It’s not like he’s a dog that ran away from home.”

Muttering under her breath, Roswyn stepped out of the guild’s entrance and began to look around.

“Lord Frey~? Are you here~?”

After a while, she raised her hand to her mouth.

“Shall we have a little chat~?”

She started to call him out with a slightly elevated tone.

“If you leave our guild, where are you planning to go… Hmph.”

However, her call didn’t last long.

“…How annoying.”

She rubbed her sore throat, worn out from dealing with too many customers, and she grumbled with a furrowed brow, anxiously glancing around.

“Well, he’ll probably be back soon.”

There was a hint of confidence in her voice.

“After all, that jerk only depends on me, right?”

Even when she threw a complaint, he would only laugh and listen.

Even when she made unreasonable requests, he would somehow fulfill them.

Even when she raised the asking price a bit, he would chuckle and accept the new price.

Roswyn had become accustomed to Frey’s pattern where he confessed, got rejected, and then still grinned as he clung to her. As such, she clearly believed that he would eventually come back and this obviously boosted her self-esteem.

“Tsk, It was meaningless for me to shout out, calling for him.”

As she continued to clutch her sore throat, her heart was racing for some unknown reason. Why was it like this? She tried to return to the guild nonchalantly while attempting to calm her racing heart.

– Flutter!

At that moment, she heard a flapping noise coming from somewhere.

“What, what’s…?”

And then the next moment…



With an intense pain on her forehead, Roswyn collapsed to the ground.


While still holding her forehead, she let out a moan because of the splitting pain.


Suddenly, her gaze drifted somewhere.


It was because something came into her sight.

An owl was beside her, quietly perching on a carriage’s windowsill while silently eyeing her. Additionally, a surprised Frey stood next to it.

“Oh? Is that Lulu? Why is she…”


Lulu was there, embracing Frey with closed eyes and licking his face.

“Lu… lu?”

Since Roswyn also had been proposed as one of the members of the Hero Party a few days ago, she naturally knew about Lulu.

“W-what’s going on? I’m sure you’re…”

Wearing a perplexed expression, Roswyn attempted to get up from the floor.

“…Stop it, Lulu.”

On the other side, Frey sighed and patted Lulu. He was wearing a gloomy expression.

“…Yes, Master.”

Lulu briefly gazed at Roswyn with her Magic Eyes while embracing Frey’s arm and nuzzling her cheek on his hand.


Roswyn, who had collapsed on the floor, watched this scene, and her expression began to shift to one of bewilderment.



Before long, the carriage departed.

And from that moment on, a certain change began to take place within Roswyn.


But it was too late.

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