
Chapter 758: Entrusting (3)

Yes, he had already noticed that Kang Jin-Ho had \'changed\' somehow. And that entity was no longer the same Kang Jin-Ho. Even if that was true, how was it possible for this \'new\' Kang Jin-Ho to suddenly experience a power-up?

Logically, such a thing made zero sense!

So, the Crimson King had to ask. Or his confusion might blow his skull apart while trying to get out! “Just who...! What are you?!”

“Hmm?” Kang Jin-Ho smirked while tilting his head. “What a stupid question that is. Still, I guess it might be fun to answer you.”

Kang Jin-Ho leisurely approached the Crimson King.

“What do I look like to you?”


“Answer me. What do I look like?”

The Crimson King couldn\'t reply. All questions had intentions behind them. However, he sensed that the entity\'s question lacked intent. And that\'s why he couldn\'t find an appropriate answer.

“Hmm, right. You called me by a name earlier. What was it?”

The Crimson King grimaced. “...Kang Jin-Ho.”

“Yes, that one. Well, there you go. I am Kang Jin-Ho.”

That was an answer that didn\'t serve as one. It explained basically nothing. Questions like how could another Kang Jin-Ho exist within Kang Jin-Ho or how could a change in personality affect his strength... None of those questions were resolved!

Kang Jin-Ho smirked. “To be more precise, I am the \'real\' Kang Jin-Ho.”

“The... real Kang Jin-Ho?”

“Yup. The fool occupying my body usually calls me by another name, though. As Heavenly Crimson Demon Emperor.”

The Crimson King\'s jaw fell before clamping shut. He already heard about Kang Jin-Ho\'s identity being that of the legendary Heavenly Crimson Demon Emperor through other channels. However, he didn\'t care whether this news was true or not. The way he saw it, nothing changed even if Kang Jin-Ho was that legendary cultivator from the past.

Kang Jin-Ho was a powerful demonic cultivator who had returned from the past. That fact would not change no matter what. Anything his former self could do, he should still be able to do in this life, too.

However, hearing it straight from the horse\'s mouth imparted a starkly different feeling.

Heavenly Crimson Demon Emperor! The most evil Demon King who ushered in the only era of the demonic to Gangho! The leader of the demon cult who forced countless experts to shudder in humiliation and swallow back their indignation toward demonic cultivators! And now...

Kang Jin-Ho unhesitantly called himself by that name.

“That fool calls me Crimson Demon while calling himself Kang Jin-Ho. What a stupid bastard. However…” Kang Jin-Ho muttered, his expression cruelly distorting to resemble a hideous creature. “Is that really true, I wonder? Let me ask you this, then. And you better answer me. I didn\'t have anyone to ask this question until now, you see? So, it\'ll be nice if you can humor me for a bit here.”


“I\'ve lived almost a century as Kang Jin-Ho. But some loser idiot who has lived for only two decades or somewhere around that long keeps calling himself Kang Jin-Ho. And he thinks I\'m just an extra ego locked away in his head. So... Who do you think is the real Kang Jin-Ho?”

Kang Jin-Ho suddenly began roaring in anger.

“That pathetically weak and incompetent bastard thinks everything I\'ve achieved is his! That he owns everything I\'ve done! Even though it was me who did all that!”

His roar thunderously rocked the world. But then, he instantly regained his creepy calmness. While leisurely glancing back at the Crimson King, he began smirking again.

“So, tell me. What... Or who do I look like to you?”

The Crimson King clenched his teeth. He had no thoughts of joining the insignificant battle between two egos for the right to control that body. Still, the other question burning in his head needed an answer.

“In that case, how can you…”

“...How can I be so strong? Is that what you\'re curious about?” Kang Jin-Ho cackled loudly. “It\'s obvious, isn\'t it? Do you know what he chose to discard in return for taking over my body? It\'s me. Me! I am the overlord of all things demonic. I am its undisputed ruler! I rule over countless demonic beings under the sun! And I am everything the demonic represents! Trying to contain me would\'ve instantly ripped this frail body apart into pieces!”

Kang Jin-Ho leisurely raised his sword and pointed at the Crimson King.

“My survival instinct split me apart into two egos, then shoved me deep inside my own goddamn subconsciousness. And then, I was forced into becoming a fantastic illusion existing within that fool\'s delusions.”

The Crimson Destiny gripped in Kang Jin-Ho\'s hand twisted ominously and began generating a piercing sword cry. And then... The treasure sword suddenly slashed diagonally downwards.

The ocean between the Crimson King and Kang Jin-Ho viciously split apart. The Crimson King couldn\'t even react in time.

He instinctively created a barrier of qi in an instant... But it got split apart as easily as tofu. A barrier created from the Crimson King\'s unparalleled qi reserve blew apart like soap bubbles! Yet another gaping wound appeared on the Crimson King\'s torso.

“Now, tell me,” Kang Jin-Ho growled as madness burned eerily in his eyes. “Who am I?”


The corners of Kang Jin-Ho\'s lips curled up.

Weak. So weak! Everything in this world was weak. The power he had regained at this moment was not even half of his previous peak. Yet it was still enough to treat the mighty Crimson King as a toy.

Indeed, this world... was too weak! In that case, what should he do?

\'Yes, I better let everyone know. Everyone... in this world!\'

He\'d let them know what true power was. What true demonic even meant!

In a way, the \'other\' Kang Jin-Ho might be a better fit for this weak world since he was also a weakling.

How amusing was this? A butcher responsible for murdering hundreds, nay, thousands of people just to ensure his own survival was busy yapping on and on about his family? His friends? And even the state of this world?!

What a nauseating hypocrisy that was!

By getting rid of his strength and separating the past version of himself, did he really think he could go back to how things were in the past? What a dogsh*t nonsense that was.

All the pain and guilt he was supposed to carry were now dumped on this Kang Jin-Ho\'s shoulders. As his reward, that bastard got to live a happy life in the modern era.

In that case...

\'I shall destroy everything.\'

Everything that gave him peace and happiness, that was! And this Kang Jin-Ho would watch in delight at how that other version of himself screamed in misery at the sight of demonic destruction engulfing the entire world. Just like how he had to sit through all that hypocrisy until he could finally free himself!

And to achieve that goal...?

“I guess I gotta kill you first, then?”

The Crimson King realized he couldn\'t resist at all when Kang Jin-Ho bared his fangs while closing the distance. This gap in strength was something the Crimson King had never felt before. It was so absolute and impossible to bridge. Nothing could overcome it!

\'Just what... What have I awakened here?\'

That entity woke up as the result of the Crimson King\'s fight against Kang Jin-Ho. The Crimson King was worried about how evil Kang Jin-Ho could be, but this entity was dozens of times worse than his estimation! And so much more vicious, too!

Thanks to the Crimson King\'s efforts, a demonic entity seemingly created through nothing but pure evil and malice descended to the mortal realm! All the stories of Heavenly Crimson Demon King\'s notoriety didn\'t do justice to all the malice gushing out of Kang Jin-Ho!

At this rate, the world would be dyed in evil and malice. If that entity wasn\'t stopped here... Every living person on Earth would be thrust into Hell!

The Crimson King was convinced. His conviction was unshakable! Not once did he feel duty-bound to fight for other people\'s sake in his entire life, yet... This gigantic bundle of malice and evil still instilled grim determination in his heart. Even if the Crimson King must sacrifice his life, he must stop this entity here and now!

“Heavenly Crimson... No, Kang Jin-Ho. It doesn\'t matter what I call you, now does it?” The Crimson King quietly growled. Kang Jin-Ho narrowed his eyes as he listened. “I shall stop you tonight. No matter what it takes!”

“You don\'t know anything, do you?” Kang Jin-Ho casually shook his head. Then his figure suddenly vanished with a Poof!

The Crimson King clenched his teeth and quickly circulated his qi. His opponent couldn\'t be tracked with his eyes or other senses. So he must give up doing so. Instead of tracking Kang Jin-Ho\'s movements, the Crimson King would try to perceive him instead!

“You can run your mouth all you want.”

The Crimson King rapidly punched behind him when he heard that voice. However, his fist didn\'t land on Kang Jin-Ho\'s flesh but on the Azuremourne.


Perhaps due to the power behind the punch, the deadly blade ruthlessly dug into the Crimson King\'s fist. He gritted his teeth at the horrifying pain of his fist being split open in half.

“You bastaaaaard!”

Qi boiled menacingly within the Crimson King\'s entire figure.

The longer he took, the more dangerous this situation would become. Incredibly dangerous, as a matter of fact! This entity was strong. So strong that the Crimson King couldn\'t even accurately estimate it!

In that case, dragging this battle out would only put him in a disadvantageous position.

He must end that evil, malicious entity in one strike!

The Crimson King roused up every ounce of qi left in his dantian to the max. He went further than that by extracting the last remaining bit of his essence qi, too!

He must kill that entity! No other thought existed inside the Crimson King\'s mind. His fist was meant to destroy heresy and evil. The fist that suppressed and defeated evil!

All of his martial art techniques were essentially created to oppose the demonic. As long as all the blood, sweat and tears shed by his predecessors were not in vain... As long as all of their efforts to stop the advent of yet another demonic era meant something... The Crimson King should be able to defeat this entity right here, right now!

Three essences of the human being—body, mind and spirit—became aligned for this moment even though they were not supposed to. This heightened state was the goal all martial artists set out to achieve when they began their cultivation journey.

When his body and soul became one, the Crimson King experienced waves of unprecedented fulfillment washing over him.

How ironic was this, though? The realm he tried to attain so hard for as long as he could remember suddenly opened its doorway to him at this very moment. Something he couldn\'t achieve when he ardently wished for it became available when he let go of everything.

His everything focused on his fist. And then... He punched!

Here it was, the one true strike that he had never unleashed before in his life! The Crimson King had finally reached a realm necessary to perform this ultimate feat.

A new sensation branded itself into his soul. And that sensation was his everything rising up from the ends of his feet and tips of his hair before focusing on his fist... Then, unleashing itself to the world! No pleasure or pain imaginable would ever trump this sensation.

It felt like a waterfall exploded inside his brain. Maybe this strike could cause his life force to be extinguished. Even so, he didn\'t think his sacrifice would be in vain. This attack would undoubtedly pierce through the evil entity\'s heart, after all!

Unfortunately, his conviction, his belief, got mercilessly trampled on.

The entire world was gradually dyeing in darkness darker than the night itself. A river of blood began flowing in the sky while the curtains of darkness descended to the land below like falling air.

The blowing winds carried the distinct stench of blood, and the seawater crashing into the Crimson King\'s legs turned into sticky crimson blood!

The Crimson King obviously knew this was all an illusion. His physical being was warning him, even going so far as to change how he perceived the world to this nightmarish version.

It warned him that, right before his nose was... The evil monster!

The world stood still just then. The Crimson King\'s strike that illuminated the world like the rising sun of the early dawn... helplessly vanished in the blink of an eye.

...And then, the Crimson King saw \'it\' vividly within this frozen-still world. It felt like he was staring at a mass of malice and evil come to life!

That darker-than-black demonic qi! Within the squall of deadly-sharp sword qi, the Crimson King saw the licks of demonic qi roiling, dancing, struggling, screaming and ripping each other apart. It was like watching a massive bonfire. Or a surging tsunami wave!

Even the Crimson King, famous for his hatred of all things demonic, grew entranced by this spectacle. And the price for his stupefaction proved costly.


The demonic qi sliced through the fist strike created through the Crimson King\'s everything with consummate ease before engulfing him. The Crimson King\'s tightly clenched fist broke into pieces like taffy sticks. His muscles that protected his innards like impregnable fortress walls shredded apart bit by bit, fiber by fiber!

His bones broke and shattered. His flesh punctured and tore.

He couldn\'t even feel pain anymore. The best he could do was stand his ground and not crumble to the ground. And that involved forcing his freely-buckling knees to straighten. This task required him to focus what little strength was left in his body on his legs.

This was the Crimson King\'s last vestige of pride.

Even as there was a hole in his gut, and his innards could be seen...! Even as his arm was almost torn off and hung by the tattered skin...! Even as blood gushed out from the gaping wound running across his face...! None of these horrifying wounds managed to bring the Crimson King down to his knees.

“Hmm. Well, I\'ll acknowledge you, at least,” Kang Jin-Ho casually nodded as he stood before the Crimson King and spoke seemingly without a care in the world. “Your abilities might be pathetic, but your will and tenacity are pretty exceptional. I don\'t think I\'ve seen your level of guts from all the enemies I\'ve faced in my life. So, I\'ll be merciful and allow you to die on your feet.”

The Crimson King smirked when he heard those words. Then, he casually spat in Kang Jin-Ho\'s direction. “Go to hell, you evil monster.”

Even before the spit could land, Kang Jin-Ho mercilessly swung his Crimson Destiny. The blade started its journey from the seabed and sliced through the ocean, the air, and even the Crimson King\'s thick neck.

Or, at least it was supposed to.

However, Kang Jin-Ho\'s sword stopped moving while touching the Crimson King\'s throat. The sharp blade did split open the neck skin, but it hadn\'t severed any major arteries.

The Crimson King\'s eyes, now filled with confusion, scanned Kang Jin-Ho.

Was this an act of mercy? Of course not. An abominable demonic monster like him would never show mercy to anyone.

As if to prove that point, Kang Jin-Ho\'s expression was hideously distorted. More hideous than anything the Crimson King had ever seen!


Suddenly, Kang Jin-Ho\'s entire body began shuddering for some reason.

“You... You son of a b*tch! Again!? Agaaaaaaaain?!”

The Crimson Destiny tumbled out of Kang Jin-Ho\'s grasp as he urgently grabbed his skull. Kang Jin-Ho violently jerked and twisted around on the spot before collapsing on the ground. He flapped and flopped around, clearly in torment.

“Kang, Jin... Hooooo!”

The demonic entity began screeching in despair and anger.

This terrifying demonic entity...!

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