
Chapter 560. Taking a Leap (5)

Kang Jin-Ho nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders. “Because I told him to come here?”

“You told that big basta... Kuh-hum, big man to come here? Seriously?”

“Yup,” Kang Jin-Ho replied without much concern.

Vator discovered Kang Jin-Ho and quickly strode toward the latter\'s position. “I greet my master!”

When Vator tried to get down on one knee again, Kang Jin-Ho briefly waved his hand and stopped the big man. “We\'re dispensing with unnecessary formalities from now on.”

“Understood. Your wish is my command,” Vator weightily nodded.

Lee Hyeon-Su\'s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. His shocked gaze hurriedly alternated between Kang Jin-Ho and Vator. “W-w-what, is g-g-g-going on here?!”

He failed to string a coherent sentence together when his shock ballooned beyond the manageable scale. Didn\'t these two men fight each other to death not too long ago? In that case... When did they establish a relationship like this one?!

\'Is this really happening?\'

Lee Hyeon-Su blinked his eyes nonstop while staring at Vator. If it was someone else, he\'d not have reacted like this. But Vator?

The Vator Lee Hyeon-Su witnessed that night was the type to never bow his head to anyone. Rather than submit, he\'d place his head on the chopping block first! But such a man was submitting himself to someone else? Seriously?

Wiggins pursed his lips while studying Vator from top to bottom. “My lord, I believe an explanation might be in order.”

“Mm...” Kang Jin-Ho nodded. “Got it. Let\'s go inside first. You too, Vator.”

“Yes, master.”

After confirming that Vator and Zhang Dajing had nodded in agreement, Kang Jin-Ho turned around and headed back inside the HQ.

While walking toward the conference room, everyone had a hunch that the upcoming meeting would take a while.


“Ehm...” Lee Hyeon-Su found himself panicking somewhat at all the attention he was receiving. \'What the hell?! Does everyone here think I\'m some kind of a moderator or something?\'

When the number of participants increased in a meeting, the role of a moderator who could set the agenda and keep everyone on track would become even more crucial. Lee Hyeon-Su knew that much. His problem was, though...

Why did everyone naturally assume that the moderator role belonged to Lee Hyeon-Su! Unfortunately, the conference room\'s atmosphere precluded him from voicing his dissatisfaction. Besides...

\'Firstly, Mister Jin-Ho and the Assembly Master Bang Jin-Hun. Then, Knight Wiggins and Vator, too...\'

All those people were capable of squashing Lee Hyeon-Su to death with only one finger! He suddenly became cognizant of how weird it was for him to hang out with all these titans. However, what choice did he have?

“Kuh-huh-hum. First of all...”

Lee Hyeon-Su should ask, \'How high?\' when ordered to jump, no?

“Is it possible for us to hear the explanation on why Vator... Mm, Mister Vator? N-no, Sir Vator has decided to join us?”

Everyone\'s gaze quickly shifted over to Kang Jin-Ho. He was the only one capable of explaining this bizarre situation, after all!

Kang Jin-Ho didn\'t betray their expectations and gave them an answer. “He\'s on our side now.”


...Unfortunately, his answer turned out to be utterly useless!

“M-Mister Jin-Ho, can you give us a clearer explanation?”

“Well, things somehow worked out that way.”

“N-no, hang on a minute... I mean, how did things, like...”

Kang Jin-Ho frowned slightly when Lee Hyeon-Su stammered ungainly like that. Not because he was displeased by the questioning, though. Everyone could see that he was mulling over how to explain this situation better. So, no one urged him to get a move on and patiently waited until Kang Jin-Ho could finish organizing his thoughts.

“Mm... I can\'t explain the nitty-gritty to you, but the point is this. Vator will be working for us. Consider it as Vator and me entering into a simple contract.”

Lee Hyeon-Su gulped slightly. “Can we... trust him?”


Lee Hyeon-Su nodded slowly. Since Kang Jin-Ho said so, there shouldn\'t be any danger of Vator betraying them. “Then... Should I consider this situation the same as Knight Wiggins? As in, accepting an outsider into our ranks?”

“Kind of, but the arrangement will be slightly different,” said Kang Jin-Ho. “Vator will be working directly under me.”

“Then, what about...?” Lee Hyeon-Su glanced at Zhang Dajing. \'I get Vator, but what about this hanger-on? Is this a discount deal of buy one, get another for free?\'

At least, that was what the look in Lee Hyeon-Su\'s eyes implied. Kang Jin-Ho noticed that look and briefly offered another explanation. “Think of him as an assistant.”

“Hello. My name is Zhang Dajing.”

When Zhang Dajing nonchalantly introduced himself, Lee Hyeon-Su couldn\'t help but sigh deeply. \'Yup, we still know nothing.\'

What was that man\'s name again? Was it Jo Gyu-Min? Lee Hyeon-Su suddenly wanted to speak to that man. If they got together to share some booze and gossip about Kang Jin-Ho... They probably would continue shooting the breeze till sunrise the following morning!

“I see. For now, this topic will…” Lee Hyeon-Su cautiously scanned his surroundings, and it seemed no one was in the mood to demand an explanation.

Bang Jin-Hun was making a serene yet somewhat hollow face as if Kang Jin-Ho\'s antics couldn\'t surprise him anymore. Meanwhile, the former knight Wiggins was smiling contentedly, his eyes sparkling ominously at the fact that someone in a similar situation as him had now joined the party as well.

\'Now that I think about it, people gathered here can\'t be described as normal, huh...\'

Lee Hyeon-Su chuckled wryly at this sudden realization. Wasn\'t this group of people shockingly unique? So much so that it kind of felt... illegal in some way?

After clearing his throat, Lee Hyeon-Su asked Kang Jin-Ho again. “Then, what will be their official positions in the Assembly?”

Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head. “Is that really necessary, though? Up until now, we didn\'t need to care about such things, so…”

“Yes, that might have been true, but... Some people are of the opinion that suitable positions are necessary for the smooth overall operation of the organization. And I wholeheartedly agree with that assessment. At the end of the day, all organizations function on the premise of defined relationships and the corresponding power dynamics. If people of unclear standing join the group, it\'ll be similar to introducing impurities to your body.”

“Hmm...” Kang Jin-Ho slowly nodded as if he understood it. “In that case, let\'s just call them directors. However, since they aren\'t exactly official Assembly members, how about... non-executive directors?”

\'Mister Jin-Ho, that\'s not what non-executive director means....\'

Unfortunately, that sounded the most fitting job title at this point in time, which left Lee Hyeon-Su with no other choice but to nod in agreement. And now, this moment would go down in history as the first appearance of South Korea\'s strongest (?) non-executive director.

“Set up a suitable residence for Vator and Zhang Dajing to reside in,” said Kang Jin-Ho. “Their living cost will have to be... paid for by our side, too.”

“I see. I\'ll handle that aspect,” Lee Hyeon-Su nodded. Although he still wasn\'t 100% sure about what the hell was going on here, being able to welcome someone as powerful as Vator into their midst was a heaven-sent opportunity. If the transfer fee was only the living cost and a house, that seemed like a bargain of the century.

Wiggins raised his hand. “Oh, hang on. Please take care of that for me as well, Mister Lee.”

“Of course. I should\'ve done that sooner. My apologies.” Lee Hyeon-Su quickly bowed to Wiggins. Wiggins gently smiled back to say it was all good.

“Well, then. Before we move on to the next topic...” Lee Hyeon-Su glanced at Vator. “Since Mister Jin-Ho has vouched for him, I\'ll consider Mister Vator as a part of the brain trust of the organization and continue with this meeting. Is this okay with you?”

Kang Jin-Ho and Bang Jin-Hun nodded simultaneously.

Lee Hyeon-Su turned his attention to Wiggins next. “The next agenda concerns Mister Wiggins. He\'d like to personally explain the situation.”

“My lord,” Wiggins unhesitantly spoke up. “The Round Table is demanding to know where I stand.”

Zhang Dajing translated what Wiggins said to Vator, while Lee Hyeon-Su did that for Bang Jin-Hun.

Kang Jin-Ho rubbed his chin. “So, they want to know where your allegiance lies?”

“Yes, my lord. They want to know why I left the Round Table without permission and chose to reside on the Assembly\'s grounds."

“Hmm... I thought you\'d already done that?”

“My apologies. I\'ve been putting it off as it\'s a sensitive topic.”

“So, what now?” Kang Jin-Ho crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

Wiggins quietly coughed to clear his throat. “Before expressing my position to them, I\'d like to know what you thought about this matter, my lord.”

“My thoughts? Why?”

“My lord, my role in the Round Table was far more... important than you think. When they learn that I\'ve decided to serve you, the relationship between the Round Table and the Martial Assembly will reach the point of no return. That could lead to open warfare.”

“Hmm...” Kang Jin-Ho groaned softly.

“That is why... I\'d like to hear what you think, my lord. Are you truly prepared to go that far? Should I inform the Round Table of my current status? If you don\'t want this, I can always return to the Round Table.”

Lee Hyeon-Su hurriedly butted in. “H-hold on. Even if you return to the Round Table now, would it be enough to mend the relationship between the two organizations? Besides, you…”

“Yes, I\'ll most likely be detained and punished severely. However, I do not wish to stay if my presence would bring harm to this place.”

Kang Jin-Ho slowly nodded, then replied casually. “Tell them the truth.”

“...Will that be fine, my lord?”

“It doesn\'t matter,” Kang Jin-Ho relaxedly revealed what was on his mind. “I knew this would happen from the beginning. And I wouldn\'t have said yes if those people worried me.”

Lee Hyeon-Su grimaced while raising his voice. It seemed he didn\'t agree with Kang Jin-Ho\'s point of view. “But, Mister Jin-Ho... The Round Table is not as weak as you think. For one, this is probably the worst move you can make politically. With this, we will be completely isolated with no allies to speak of.”

“Since when did the Round Table become our allies?”

“But, the possibility of...”

Kang Jin-Ho shook his head. “Don\'t try to survive while hoping for imaginary allies to suddenly come to your aid. The world isn\'t kind enough to act according to your wishes. The only way to survive is to become stronger. That\'s it.”

Lee Hyeon-Su clamped his mouth shut. What Kang Jin-Ho said was a realistic yet idealistic way of looking at things.

Independently improving one\'s strength to prepare for potential external threats was probably the most ideal strategy. Unfortunately, such a thing was realistically impossible. That was why countries formed alliances and signed security treaties with each other.

With constant and dedicated investment, that ideal strategy could become a reality one day. However, the enemy nations wouldn\'t be sitting around sucking on their thumbs in the meantime. Obviously, they wouldn\'t graciously wait around for you to become stronger.

Wiggins nodded contemplatively. “In that case, I\'ll let them know, my lord.”

“Okay. Do it.”

Lee Hyeon-Su\'s frown deepened in dissatisfaction and concern, but he couldn\'t say anything else. Thankfully, though, it seemed he wasn\'t the only person thinking this way.

“Mister Jin-Ho?” Bang Jin-Hun suddenly raised his voice.


“I get what you\'re saying. However, don\'t you think that\'s way too idealistic? We\'re already at odds with Japan and China. In this precarious situation, can we even afford to make an enemy out of Europe, too?”

“It will be tough, yes,” Kang Jin-Ho replied honestly.

“Then... Why do you deliberately choose this difficult path?” Bang Jin-Hun\'s expression stiffened noticeably. “If we look at our situation realistically and objectively, there are several options available to us. We could join hands with either China or Japan, even if we\'d be subjected to some humiliation. Or, we could try to maintain some kind of balance while not antagonizing either side. So, why do you wish to drag Europe into this as another enemy and drive our situation to the extremes?”

Kang Jin-Ho stared quietly at Bang Jin-Hun before slowly addressing not just the Assembly Master but everyone else in here. “Because... This is the quickest way for us to get stronger.”

“I get that, Mister Jin-Ho. However, we don\'t have the time to...”

“Yes. Because we don\'t have the time,” Kang Jin-Ho muttered, his voice becoming colder and withdrawn. When Bang Jin-Hun heard that voice, he automatically sat upright. “I\'ve been thinking about something while observing how our enemies responded to us. And that is... They don\'t wait for us. And they will resort to even more extreme measures to oppress us in the future. Yet, you wish to act as a balancer?”

Kang Jin-Ho smirked derisively. The role of maintaining balance could only be performed by someone strong enough to suppress all sides simultaneously. In that case, why was the weakest group in the fray thinking about maintaining balance and whatnot?

A weak balancer—an individual maintaining balance—was fated to be used and abused by all sides before being kicked to the curbside. Entering an alliance with one side wouldn\'t help, either; once the alliance was deemed to have run its course, the weak balancer would be taken out to the back and put down... Just like a hunting dog with no more uses left.

“I have many things to protect. And many things to do,” Kang Jin-Ho slowly chewed his words out. “I realized something not too long ago. If I continue to passively defend against the incoming attacks, a situation beyond my ability to fix will arrive sooner or later. Even if I have to get a move on when that happens, I don\'t want to regret anything. Growing stronger even if the going is getting tougher... That is the path I\'ve chosen.”

“Does that mean... Rather than co-existence, are you choosing the reign of domination, Mister Jin-Ho?”

“As far as I know...” Kang Jin-Ho suddenly smirked suspiciously. “There is no such thing as co-existence when strong individuals are involved.”

Chills ran down Lee Hyeon-Su\'s spine just then.

Was Kang Jin-Ho aware of what he just said? Did he know how his words might be interpreted as? He just declared his intentions to trample on Korea\'s East Asian neighbors and seize the hegemony of the region!

And that colossal declaration forced everyone to focus their gaze on Kang Jin-Ho... Their eyes burning brightly with hot-blooded passion!

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