
Chapter 133 - Like this in this case!

Chapter 133 - Like this in this case!

“Just praise him.”


Hearing Luke’s answer, I frowned. Praise Alex? I couldn’t imagine that.

“Tsk. I don’t know if you know, but Alex isn’t from a family of aristocrats. But with the help of his outstanding skills, he was able to rise to the captain of the Palace Knights. And in the royal palace, many despise him because of his low birth.”

Therefore, no one praised Alex. If he had done something, they just tell him that it was natural for the captain of the knights. If one were to think about it, Alex cared about the Hero Sieg. He even once gave his life for him. Thinking about it, I frowned again.

“So he is susceptible to flattery?”

“Well…you could say so. But this also cannot be done carelessly. He accepts compliments about his physique or that he is strong and courageous, but if you tell him that he is handsome or smart, on the contrary, he gets annoyed.”


“You don’t seem to believe me. Follow me.”

And after a few hours, Luke won over Alex’s mind. He achieved it perfectly. He told Alex exactly what he wanted to hear and supported his dream of a world in which commoners would be recognized. Five days later, the planned orientation turned into a party. Alex and Luke were drinking that day, and their relationship progressed to the point where they hugged each other by the shoulders.

I watched all this from the side. His skills couldn’t be denied.

“This is how the walkthrough looks like…”

This was no different from a game.

?Laughter: Praise, flowing like a sweet song, lifts the mood and captivates the heart, Kang Han Soo. Do you like your partner? I admit that the last partner I recommended didn’t suit you. I understand how you felt at that time, sorry.

Are you talking about Sieg? Anyway, Professor Moral, what’s your business with me?

?Explanation: You’re probably aware that this time you are recertifying due to the discovery of an illegal skill. I have been instructed from above to see if you are using illegal skills or not. But I’m very busy, so I’ll give it to one of the younger ones. Have questions?


?Laughter: Then first explanations. The re-admission system was designed to help graduates complete all assigned tasks with integrity but lack strength and your partner is one of those graduates who once showed incredible results. You can trust and follow him.

It was a very interesting story. I don’t want to depend on others, but I was already mentally tired after spending twenty-five years in the fantasy world. I’m ready to accept help even from mucus. And it was at such a time that Luke appeared. Looking at how he coped with Alex, you could understand that, unlike me, who was engaged in self-education, Luke knew the best option for how to get out of here faster.

If I left everything to him and just followed, I could graduate! There’s no reason to refuse.

?Satisfaction: I’m very glad you understood. The entire teaching staff sincerely wishes you graduation as soon as possible as your fighting power is better than any other student. I look forward to seeing your post-release actions. Good luck.

With that done, Professor Moral left.

“…Does he hold me for an idiot? And he dares to say this after advising me on how to flatter a person.”

It only spoiled the whole mood.

? Greetings: Kang Han Soo! Have you spoken to the elder? Hello again! I will keep an eye on you due to the busyness of my senior colleague.

Oh, Miss Trainee, you seem to be in a good mood?

? Smile: So was it noticeable? I still had some practice as an intern, but I passed the second test! Do you know how surprised I was when I received the notification? Judging by the words of a friend who works there, this is thanks to the recommendation of a senior colleague. This is all thanks to you, Kang Han Soo. Thank you!

So I have to call you Miss Teacher now?

? Shy: This is still a long way off. There are five tests, but I went through the most difficult stage, so now I am calm. By the way…Kang Han Soo, what do you think to do?

Me? I thought about following Luke because this self-proclaimed brother said that he would show me the ideal method of passing through the world of Fantasy. But I missed something important, and so did Luke. In these sold guides, everything was described with the condition that there was only one Hero.


In play 3, Alex had done a similar thing. He was in charge of training Heroes. Since he wasn’t a Hero, he couldn’t see our statuses, and to test our abilities, he demanded a friendly duel between Sieg and me at that time as it was now.

“Haha! Heroes. Nice to see you at the training ground of the royal palace. I heard at the last party that both of you are capable. And all the knights who saw you without clothes after the call praised your bodies. But you cannot save the world just by doing this!”

Two days after the party, Alex called us to the training ground.

“Alex. I don’t need training,” Luke informed him right off the bat.

He kept the information from the guide in his head, but relationships between people weren’t so simple. Sometimes you needed to adapt to the circumstances, and the current situation was different from what was written in the guide.

The re-enrolled Luke wasn’t level 1. Heroes who weren’t good at complimenting me would get a personal lesson from Alex, but even if you followed the guide, you would still end up on the training ground. Only time would change slightly. It was clearly stated in the guide that the training would occur in any case. You needed to hold out in the battle with Alex for 10 seconds. If you couldn’t do that, you needed to train here for one year.

You wouldn’t be allowed to leave the training ground a second before. During the first playthrough, I was the first case.

“Luke. I heard your story; you came from the future. Depending on how much you know about me, it’s true. But we don’t know the future, so we just want to be sure. Show me the capabilities of two Heroes,” Alex said politely.

“Need to hold out for another 10 seconds?”

“Ha! As expected, Luke. You know that too. But this time, His Majesty suggested something different. It’s a secret, so don’t talk about it anywhere.”

“A secret?”

Judging by the look on Luke’s face, it wasn’t in the guide.

“His Majesty isn’t eager to give the throne to one of the princes, but he still needs an heir. Therefore, he has high hopes for the child who will be born to the princess and the legendary Hero.”

“Then that means…”

“It would be nice to give a chance to the Hero, who will take over the heart of the princess, but the situation in the kingdom isn’t so simple. We will offer a chance to the strongest of the two Heroes.”

Such a decision could only be made in a wild fantasy world; after all, a strong male must have a female.

“Then there is no need to fight. Because I am stronger than Kang Han Soo,” Luke remarked confidently.

It was a little annoying, but I could understand why he was saying that. After all, his confidence didn’t come out of thin air; he said so because he saw my skills.

Meanwhile, I was a civilized person; I would never even think about fighting for a girl who wasn’t interesting to me. Alex shrugged.

“Forgive me, but the people above want results, not empty words. This is a friendly match, so fight in the designated area. That magician over there will capture everything with the help of a magic crystal and then send the recording of the battle as evidence upstairs.”

In the end, it was decided that a duel would be held between the two. Luke and I stood opposite each other on the training ground. What did my status look like with the sealed Black Box?

? Race: Natural Human

? Level: 906

? Specialization: Hero (Experience 500%)

? Skills: ■ ■ (S), Interpretation (A), Spirit (E)

? Condition: Good

The level gradually rose, and the spirits living in the royal garden slowly stuck to my body, thanks to which the Spirit skill had increased to E-rank. What about Luke?

? Race: Unique Human

? Level: 869

? Specialization: Hero (Experience 500%)

? Skills: Artillery S, Accuracy A, Interpretation A, Penetration A, Sword Mastery B …

? Condition: Magic Sword

Seven days had passed since the call, but it didn’t have any notable changes. However, no matter how you looked at it, Luke was in a better position. He seemed to think so himself.

“Haha! Brother, since it’s this way, let’s give it our best.”


“Yes. They said they were filming us? If we fight at half strength, they will immediately notice. Let’s just get along without offense if someone loses. Hah! …If there are two Heroes, shouldn’t there have been two princesses? If I had the opportunity, I would file a protest!”

?Consent: Using Luke’s protest, I will report to a senior colleague! I also think it is wrong when two Heroes have to fight!

Miss Trainee, don’t. Although it’s good that you’re so enthusiastic after the second test!

The Dumpling King wanted to get a grandson in which his blood and the blood of a Hero will flow. But if there were two princesses, there would be two grandchildren, which would only sow new seeds for discord.

“No offense. I promise.”

I didn’t want to participate in this, but my biological age was now ten years old. Small mistakes could be solved with the help of my cutie.

Level 906 → Level 905

For starters, I used one level and another thing. In the 9th playthrough, I received new teaching from Master Mollan, so the adrenaline rushed through me now like a volcano.

And thus, I jumped up to Luke.


He got scared of my speed without a skill. However, with Dodge (C), he automatically dodged and counterattacked. He hit my shoulder with a wooden sword. In this, he was helped by the Sword Skill (B). Right now, I had no skill support.

But would twenty-five years of experience in the fantasy world just go away? I was beaten down by King Dragon Noebius, but it’s because his age was too old. If we’re a similar age, it’s easy.



But I decided to trade blows. This is my favorite fighting style, and I also wasn’t sure if I could dodge because of his accuracy skill.


I stabbed Luke in the stomach with the wooden sword. However, because of the Slime Armor he was wearing; he wasn’t badly hurt. The sword also broke. However, after being struck by a blunt blade of a wooden sword, blood was flowing from my shoulder. My wound was bigger, but because of Luke’s scream, it seemed that his wound was worse.

“Oh my…”

I think I saved my experience point too much. I couldn’t fight at full strength because that would be only if I turned all the experience points of my 900 levels into strength. Then not only Luke but the entire royal palace would be demolished.

I needed to control myself.

“Kang Han Soo! You attack without dodging! I can’t just leave it like that!”

Luke summoned his Magic Sword. It was naturally different from a wooden sword with a dull blade. Without protection, even a Hero with my experience wouldn’t be able to survive. So…

Level 905 → Level 895

I would be a little more serious too. The broken wooden sword fell to the ground, and my right hand filled with green energy.

Even the spirits shared their power with me. Earth, fire, wind, water, ether. The five energies combined and became incredible power.

“Hey Luke. My friendship will be a little painful.”

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