
Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Gu Ding Went Ham

Gu Ding’s violent attack lasted nearly ten minutes. In the beginning, Cooper could not keep up with Gu Ding’s rhythm. He did not expect Gu Ding’s attack to be so fierce and sturdy. Gu Ding’s every blow was extremely difficult to defend. His hands, feet, knees, and elbows were all used at random to deal horrific attacks, making him undefeatable. However, Cooper continued to defend himself with his body.

Cooper was originally a Rank 6 Gene Body with a Cell Index that reached 3000 points; this was also the upper boundary limit that a Rank 6 Gene Body could reach. Even with the use of the split-body ability, his combat effectiveness in the weakened state was comparable to a martial arts practitioner with a Cell Index of 1500 points. However, the truth was that the only thing halved was his combat effectiveness. Although his Cell Index was lowered as a result of his weakened state, it did not decline much and was still at least around 2000 points.

With all the add-ons, Gu Ding reached the strength of an 1800 point Cell Index, which allowed him to surpass Cooper. However, he was only slightly more powerful than Cooper. He could hurt him, but it was difficult to cause any fatal injuries.

As time passed, Cooper became familiar with Gu Ding’s fighting style, and he began to hatch an effective defense. When he saw Gu Ding’s crimson eyes, Cooper knew that his opponent’s state would not last long. As long as he could pull through this period, victory would eventually be his.

Gu Ding seemed to be aware of this too. His Rage Attack could only last so long because of his regenerative ability. However, more than ten minutes had passed, and his opponent’s defense was only getting stronger and stronger. If he did not take any special measures, the person on the losing side would be him once his Rage Attack ability timer ran out.

“Level 6...” Gu Ding was ready to take a risk.

Neptune also noticed Gu Ding was playing with the idea. From his understanding of Gu Ding, he could guess a lot of things about him without Gu Ding having to explicitly say it. “I know what you’re thinking, but if you use Level 6, your body will only be able to support it for up to five minutes. Also, even if you increase your combat effectiveness until it’s comparable to a 3000 point Cell Index martial artist, you’ll only be able to cause heavy damage to him at most. It’ll still be impossible for you to kill him.”

After hearing what Neptune said, doubt began to grow in Gu Ding’s heart. Even though his opponent was comparable to a 1500 point Cell Index combat power practicioner in his weakened state, he should still have been able to kill his opponent off easily once he reached 3000 points. However, Neptune said that he would only do heavy damage on him. Almost instantly, Neptune provided him an explanation.

“Humans can only be said to have a truly evolved gene body after they reach Rank 6 Gene Body. This is because after the gene has evolved to the sixth rank, and the DNA chain in the body will evolve from a double helix into a triple helix state, forming a more stable bond. Moreover, the addition of an entire gene chain will also allow the cell to undergo an entirely new metamorphosis. To a certain extent, humans who have evolved to this level can be said to be an entirely new species.

“Because of this, the stability of Rank 6 Gene Body cells is more than twice the strength of Rank 5 Gene Body cells, and its resistance to shock is twice that of a Rank 5 Gene Body. For example, take two people with Cell Indexes of 1000 points, but one of them a Rank 5 Gene Body while the other is a Rank 6 Gene Body. I’ll quantify the attack power so that you’ll understand it better. If the person of Rank 5 Gene Body can withstand 1000 points of attack power, there’s a risk of death if the attack surpasses 1000 points. For the person of Rank 6 Gene Body, they will be able to withstand an attack power of 2000 points. The attack power of more than 1000 points will hurt them, but it won’t kill them. They’ll only die if the attack power exceeds 2000 points.

“Although your opponent’s strength is much weaker, the fact that he’s a Rank 6 Gene Body hasn’t changed. Even if his current Cell Index is reduced to less than 2000 points, only a martial arts practitioner with a 4000 point Cell Index attack will be able to kill him. Even if you use Ultimate Arts Level 6, your attack is only of a 3000 point Cell Index martial arts practitioner. Therefore, it can hurt him, but not kill him. ”

After he heard Neptune’s explanation, Gu Ding fell silent for a moment. In the end, he still went with the decision to go all out and use Ultimate Arts Level 6.

The sixth level of Ultimate Arts has the effect of a fivefold increase in combat effectiveness. By pairing this with his double effect Combat Armor, and three times increase of Rage Attack, Gu Ding’s combat power increased to a whopping total of thirty times his original strength. Gu Ding’s original 100 point Cell Index had thus, strengthened to be the equivalent of 3000 point Cell Index. However, he could only maintain this state for up to five minutes.

In reality, the side effects of using Ultimate Arts Level 6 were clearly felt within his body. His body muscles began to feel sore, and he could detect faint wear and tear in his joints.

He knew that the five minutes Neptune mentioned was not said to frighten him, but simply the reality of the situation. From the state of his body, he was unsure if he could even last five minutes in the first place.

As he overloaded his body, Gu Ding received unprecedented, terrifying power. Every time he attacked, there were loud sounds that caused a violent sonic boom.

Not only was his strength enhanced, Gu Ding’s attack speed also significantly improved. Cooper, who had barely kept up with Gu Ding’s fighting rhythm before, was disrupted once again. He was a human sandbag that could not defend himself as he was completely subdued by Gu Ding’s violent storm of attacks.

“How’s this possible?!” When he felt his body’s injuries getting worse, Cooper was horrified and became speechless. “How did he become even stronger? The strength and speed of these attacks are the same caliber of attacks I used to become king.”

Gu Ding’s fists and feet fell on Cooper’s body wildly with no signs of stopping—he knew that he did not have much time. Although his own attack power was not enough to kill his opponent, it would be a win for him so long as his opponent injured enough that he could not fight back.

“Do you think you can kill me like this? You’re being naive!” Cooper defended with all his might. Although his physical injuries were getting worse by the minute, he waited patiently. He knew that the stronger Gu Ding attacks were, the shorter he could sustain them. “Trust me when I say, you won’t last long!”





Gu Ding’s attack poured out with no reservation as he punched with his fists, one after another. It was never-ending hellfire, almost as if he could not tire at all. Having said that, the amount of time he could stay in this state was dropping by the minute.

“This is the last ten seconds. Give up already, Gu Ding. Your body will collapse completely...” Neptune could not bear to watch it any longer. Gu Ding’s body was nearing total collapse, and most of the cells in his body were severely damaged, so much so that even his regeneration ability could not save him now.

“Die!” As Gu Ding shouted, the seventh level of Ultimate Arts was unlocked—a tenfold increase!

He knew that he had no other choice, and that this was the only way to kill his opponent. If he lost this battle, both Liliath and him would be as good as dead. If he won, perhaps Liliath might still stand a chance to survive.

He clenched his right fist. He could already see his muscles separating and bursting apart at the seams, but he stole wore the same grin on his face as he aimed his last punch straight at his opponent’s heart. “Steel Fist!”


After a loud explosion, a figure flew outward. A violent sonic boom caused a haze of smoke to cover the battlefield...

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