
Chapter 146: The Medici and the Aristocrats (3)

Chapter 146: The Medici and the Aristocrats (3)

Haejin wondered what the artifact Albert couldn’t figure out was, but right now, he also wanted to know what the Butler boy wanted him to appraise.

“What kind of artifact is it? A painting? Or a sculpture?”

He bit his lips and hesitated. Then, he said, “It’s a painting. From Jan van Eyck…”

“Jan van Eyck?”

In the 15th century, a new painting style, that was different from the one used in Italy, became popular in the south of the Netherlands (Flanders, now Belgium).

It was a naturalistic style, that was a combination of realistic details and religious symbolism. Additionally, it was far from the decorative luxury of the international Gothic style.

The founders of that style are the Master of Flemalle (probably Robert Campin) and Jan van Eyck.

While the Master of Flemalle’s paintings show persuasive elements, Jan van Eyck mastered oil painting and created very clear colors that are similar to the high definition images of today.

Possessing one of his painting was something great, but the boy seemed troubled while Florence was scolding him. Haejin wondered what was going on.

“Yes,” the boy confirmed while being somewhat ashamed. Haejin wondered why, but then he heard Florence mocking him again.

“Huh! That’s funny. I pity your foolishness in believing that it is Jan van Eyck’s painting after Albert told you everything.”

Someone then yelled from far away, “That’s enough, Florence. Edmond can’t just give up on it. Can’t you understand that?”

The voice, full of anger and irritation, belonged to a lady at Edmond’s table.

She was also wearing a dress as if she was at a party, but unlike Florence’s luxurious and passionate dress, her blue dress was cold.

They seemed to be of the same age, but they were completely different. The moment Haejin looked at her, Florence snorted and stood up.

“Okay, I will leave now. Who can stop him if he wants his painting appraised? But I am worried, he is about to become a laughingstock…”

She openly mocked Edmond and left the dining hall with her wine glass. Then, the cold lady slowly came to Haejin.

“I am sorry. This is Edmond Butler. He is only 13, but he is the eldest son in our family. I am his sister, Rachel.”

Haejin had thought he was 15 at least, so he was shocked to see that he was only 13. It seemed that western children mature faster than Korean children.

“Nice to meet you, I am…”

Haejin was a little tired of all the people that kept coming up, but Rachel waved her hand and stopped him from continuing. Then, she sat down on the chair where Florence had sat on previously.

“I heard your names. But… if you are an appraiser, you should know how it is. Jan van Eyck didn’t leave many paintings. Nevertheless, Edmond is sure that the painting isn’t fake.”

Edmond was just awkwardly standing there, so Haejin gave him a chair and gestured him to sit.

“I guess you showed it to Albert and he said it was fake?” Haejin made a guess.

“Yes,” Edmond replied. He had been timid when Florence was around, but after she was gone, he acted more like a man.

“Hmm… appraising wouldn’t be a problem, but you should know that if Albert said it was fake, my conclusion probably won’t be different.”

Albert was the appraiser of the Medici family, him being wrong about a painting was highly unlikely.

Moreover, as it was Jan van Eyck’s painting, it was worth at least ten billion won. Haejin didn’t want to take more than 100 million by appraising a painting that was almost 100% fake, even though Edmond was a nobleman.

So, he didn’t want to just accept it.

“My mama gave me that painting. It can’t be fake.”

Haejin didn’t think the boy would back off easily, but Edmond was even more determined than he had expected.

“Hmm… my fee is very high. No appraiser charges more than me. Would that be fine? I charge the fee based on the real artifact’s price, so you might have to give me at least 100 thousand dollars as the fee.”

Haejin thought Edmond would have to think about it, but he just tilted his head and said, “100 thousand dollars? Do you want to get it now?”

“Oh… just a moment, please.”

Haejin thought the boy was someone who was being bullied. However, this boy and his sister were rich aristocrats, far richer than most chaebols in Korea.

He looked at Eunhae who shrugged her shoulders, showing that he should do it.

Haejin then made up his mind and talked to Edmond, “Okay. My fee is 1% of the artifact’s assumed price. As I said, I will still charge 1% even if it’s fake.”

Edmond smiled brightly for the first time.

“Okay, I will make sure the painting gets here tomorrow morning.”

“That’s quick,” Haejin commented.

“Of course. I can bring it here using my plane. So, five hours should be enough, including one hour needed to wrap it up…”

That was the power of money.

“Haha… okay. I will then appraise it tomorrow morning.”

They all agreed with it. Next, Rachel stood up and gave her hand to her brother while saying, “Let us go now. We should let them have dinner.”

“Okay then, I hope you have a great time.”

Edmond went back to his table. He kept smiling while eating, glad that Haejin had promised to appraise his painting.

Haejin and Eunhae had a bad feeling about it, but as Haejin had given his word, they decided to forget everything and focus on the dinner.

They had already assumed the chef must be very good, but Eunhae still kept exclaiming while eating and saying that the chef must have worked at a Michelin restaurant.

The rain started to fall.

After eating, they chatted on the lobby on the ground floor. Next, they each took a shower and parted with an awkward goodnight.

The next day, Haejin woke up early. He went down to the dining hall with Eunhae to have breakfast. However, the moment they went to the first floor, they saw a crowd gathered there.

“He really has brought it here.”

“The boy might do that, but why is his sister helping him? The Butlers are so stubborn…”

The people were scolding Rachel and Edmond, but they didn’t care as if they didn’t hear them. The siblings were watching their attendant who was carefully taking the painting to a room.

“It’s good that I’m wearing makeup,” Eunhae whispered.

She did mention that she just wanted to come; however, Eunhae prepared herself just in case, and it turns out that all the people were neatly dressed.

Haejin thought it was good that he was also well dressed. Then, he went to the Butlers.

“Have you had breakfast?”

They quickly looked at him and greeted him with bright smiles.

“Yes, we have. You can eat and come back,” Rachel replied.

“Please be quick!”

Judging by Edmond’s determined gaze, he was ready to accuse them if they were slow.

The people were still scolding them with their arms crossed, anticipating what would happen. The Butler siblings had a strong character.

Albert and Florence were also glaring at them, probably thinking that they were ignoring the siblings.

Oh, the pride of aristocrats and chaebols…

The breakfast was greater than that of any hotel. Haejin and Eunhae quickly ate with a troubled heart and went to the room where the Butlers were waiting. The aristocrats who were staying at the mansion were there as well.

There couldn’t have been so many chairs in that room, but the staff must have brought them from the other rooms. No one was standing, they were all comfortably waiting for Haejin.

“Wow… you must be so nervous,” Eunhae said, surprised.

“I am more worried. They will get mocked even more if I say that it is fake…”

Haejin didn’t feel any pressure at all, even with those aristocrats watching him as he was sure he could appraise any artifacts accurately. He was just worried about the Butlers.

“Good morning, Mr. Park,” Florence was one of those sitting closest to the painting, right next to the Butlers. She greeted Haejin while getting closer.

Unlike yesterday, she was wearing an elegant long dress. She was lifting her chin high, but she wasn’t putting any effort in doing that. Rather, it was her habit.

“Good morning, but I didn’t know so many people would come to see this,” Haejin said.

Florence raised her arms and looked around.

“This place is boring. This kind of event rarely happens, so of course, everyone is interested. But… seeing how good of an appraiser you are before the Medici’s charity event would be another entertainment.”

“How good of an appraiser I am… did your brother not tell you why it is fake? Do you think there can be more reasons? Or are you wondering if I will be able to say exactly what he said?” Haejin asked.

That was sharp, and she couldn’t answer that. She was thinking that Haejin would, of course, not be as good as her brother.

Then, Albert said, “I don’t know how you will take this, but I am hoping for you to come up with a different opinion from mine. I mean it.”

He probably really meant it. Then, he would be able to give Haejin a blow in the face.

“I see. I am getting more and more excited.”

Haejin meant that as well. He really wanted to make that rude nobleman pay.

The moment he went to the painting, Edmond came to him while looking nervous.

“Please… do your best.”

“I always do my best, no matter if the artifact is worth 10 dollars or a million dollars… that is my code, and that is why I take 1% as the fee.”

Edmond relaxed at hearing this and went back.

There was no one in front of the painting now. Haejin slowly approached it.

He started to examine it carefully while the aristocrats started to watch his every move.

It was the painting of a lady reading a book to a child. Even though it was trying to represent Jan van Eyck’s clear colors, the touch of the brush was crude.

It looked like an unskilled artist trying to imitate the painting of a master.

No one would be able to easily say that this is real.

“How is it?” Edmond asked since Haejin studied it for some time.


Haejin almost said that it looked too crude to be Jan van Eyck’s, but he didn’t. It wasn’t because he pitied Edmond, instead, that crude touch of the brush kept bothering him.

Then, Albert scolded Haejin, “Why aren’t you saying anything? Is it hard for you to say it is fake? Or are you thinking that it is really Jan van Eyck’s?”

Haejin was about to say something, but then, he spotted a blue cat in the painting. It was playing on the floor.

He knelt down and touched its fur. And…

“This is…”

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