
Chapter 499 499: Train Wreck

Chapter 499 499: Train Wreck

By this point Cole already had enough from the man as he asked.

"Just who in the fuck are you? And what the hell are you talking about?"

The train driver/Conductor responded by smashing his foot into Cole\'s face. His helm shattered to pieces, cutting into his face as his head smashed back down, breaking the glass as the shards cut into him. But for Cole though the impact of that foot was as if someone had dropped a planet on his head.

He was bloodied even more now than all the time Azrael had attacked him. But he was not as injured, just in a lot of pain and looked like a mess. The train shook, rumbling before shaking a few more times.

"See what you\'ve done! You broke my train and now with it\'s defenses down, the void is tearing it apart, damn it!"

The person, who Cole could now see fully to be a man dressed in large train conductor clothes with a top hat filled with the bones, hair, feather, fur, fangs, teeth, beaks, claws and tails of a variety of animals…or monsters.

Said person growled and turned to the side, running out of the coach into the next one. Cole against his better judgment, got up and followed after him, even bloodied and quite hazy he was still able to follow she noticed that each Coach had passengers or different types and sizes and sexes. Aliens, elves, demons, what ever race you wanted to call, they were represented here. Along with a Raen that Cole was quite surprised to see here.



Cole stretched his hand out and dragged the body along with him. He didn\'t know why, but he was having an extreme feeling, he couldn\'t tell if it was fear or worry, all he knew was that it was telling him he had to follow after this man and that there was danger behind.

Cole knew better than to doubt that instinct, that feeling. Since it was quite possible that this was his Divination stat at work, and it was using everything to pick up on the danger signals and warn Cole in such a way that wouldn\'t be distracting. Of course Cole knew the moment he stopped moving the vision would assault him, and he\'d be subjected to an alternate future.

Cole dragged the shocked Razor along as he came to an abrupt halt, stopping behind the train conductor who Cole could see had come to a stop before the next coach, banging at it in fury as Azrael\'s shadowy visage hung over the window on the door. Cole didn\'t have much time to dwell on that as the vision grabbed at him.

The train tilted sideways, the sound of very loud creaking heard as the metal seemed to be compressed and twisted into itself by a powerful natural force. Cole turned to run, only to be stopped by the locked door to the next coach and Azrael\'s fleeing figure, Cole attempted to find an alternative, but the ground gave way from under him as Razor was pulled from his grasp and his body, down to his very cells were ripped to pieces by the void.

Cole did not waste time as he leapt upwards, going over the coach and handing on top of it with Razor still held tightly in his hand. He started running blasting off towards the front of the train as he chanced a look back to see the train driver blast past him, while coaches were twisted and torn apart by the black storm that they had been traveling in.

Cole watched as weird eldritch creatures with wings, tentacles and massive claws, looking like a cross between a monkey, an octopus and some sort of beetle. There hundreds of not thousands of those things flying about, and as Cole watched he saw them swooping down, and blasting into the coaches through the windows, and then flying out with passengers in hand. Cole turned to Razor who turned back to him and said.


And run he did as he sped up after the man, his body leaping over platform after platform as the Voidlings renewed their assault, Cole\'s presence noticed as about a dozen of them swooped down releasing piercing shrieks that almost ruptured Cole\'s eardrums, but was still standing without any sort of damage for the moment.

[Gravity Rings]

Spun into existence above Cole and Razor as he spun the rings and made it so a powerful repulsive force was released, blasting the Voidlings back into the void from which they came.

"Hey!" Cole raised his head up to see the conductor waving him over from the top of the train with Azrael held tightly in his hand by his hair. Cole was beckoned over, which was suspicious, but Cole would go regardless as that was the only other place to go. The coaches had started falling off from behind, and whether it\'s to get to safety or to kill Azrael\', forward is the only way to go.

Cole rushed and closed the distance between them, making sure his hold on Razor was steady. He still couldn\'t understand how the boy was here, last he checked he was still in a coma. Either ways as soon as he got close enough , the man grabbed him by the throat and jerked him up.

"YOU! This is all your FAULT!"

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