
Chapter 82 082: Factory Of The Damned I

For a moment he wasn\'t exactly sure what he was looking at. He could feel Morgan behind him, but even the feel of his metallic body was not enough to soothe Cole in anyway. The sight in front of him was probably one that would haunt his dreams for quite some time.r

Cole took a step backwards, but stumbled as he felt his foot move through liquid. He looked down and noticed that the aisle he was standing in front of had blood on its floor, going from one end of it to the other. Then high above in the rafters not the factory, black threads or vines stretched down from the ceiling and ended up with people of different races, stabbed through by the vines, and hung out to dry like common animals that had been hung upside down so that their blood can be drained.r

"ahhh that\'s my body by the left over there…. Can you do me a favor and grab it on your way out? For some reason this factory feels like it is designed to keep souls trapped and bodies weak, I need it to be able to come back to life."r

Cole was startled as once again the voice that he has been hearing so far popped into his ear and spoke, this time it wasn\'t just simple words, he got a full sentence and perhaps a bit of insight into what happened or is happening in here.r

At a go Cole could not count the amount of bodies, there were dozens of them in sight, but ultimately only one out of all those bodies was still bleeding, the rest had been drained dry a long time ago. Cole took notice of the body, then turned around for look for an alternate route that was quite far away from this particular scene.r

If he could, he would grab the body on his way out. If he couldn\'t well no sweat of his back, it\'s not as if he was being haunted by a ghost. He turned a corner and came face to face with another zombie.r

Cole reacted normally, by screaming out in shock at being startled, but the Zombie had different thoughts as it\'s neck grew weirdly long and stretched, while it\'s mouth snapped at the air in an attempt to bite Cole.r

Cole tripped and fell back as Morgan stretched his massive jaw forwards and caught the Zombie mid flight. One hard chomp from him and the body crashed to the ground like a puppet without strings. Cole got up, but a rictus snarl seemed to echo behind him.r

He turned just two seconds later from hearing an echo, whipping the butt of his rifle out, as he clocked the jaw of the Spirit of the damned (since the ghost says they weren\'t zombies). The creature was manifested as a twelve year old girl in a dress that\'s hanging to shreds with parts of her body exposed. The way her clothes were ripped was extremely insinuating and while Cole was no saint, there were just some things that he would not stand for.r

The spirit slammed into the side of the barrel then turned mid air and literally reversed it\'s own inertia and shot right back towards Cole. He [Shadow Dance] out of the way, appearing behind it as he raised his rifle and fired.r


The spirit crashed to the ground, and while it was not zombie Cole was not taking any chances as he fired two more times, making sure to aim for the neck and the head, until he had completely served it for the rest of it\'s body. He reloaded his rifle and watched as what was a spider made from bodies synched together in an extremely macabre fashion fall down from the Ceiling and go straight for Morgan.r

It crashed into his Mechanoid body, eliciting a yelp of shock from the Mechanoid Direwolf. Cole followed behind, jumping off the side of one massive barrel then to the next before he got the top of the barrels and followed the fight between Morgan and the Stitched together spider of the damned.r

"Morgan open fire!" Cole ordered and Morgan responded all too eagerly as he opened fire, letting loose a hail o bullets that flew every which way. Cole aimed his rifle, took and deep breath and fired. r

[Homing Shot]r

The bullet curbed around a barrel and slammed into the side o the spider\'s head, eliciting a shriek of pain that Morgan took advantage of by shooting at it\'s massive horror like head. But that was one fight about to be settled on the other hand Cole got speared from the top of the barrel, his back smashing into the ground with such force that even with his advanced stats he couldn\'t help but cry out.r

Then he felt the Spirit of the damned sink rotten teeth into the side of his neck. Cole gurgled out in pain as he used [Gravity] to create a little bit space then grabbed the spirit at the neck. Even with the pain he was feeling Cole had to fight back a shudder as his hands came in contact with the cold and rotten skin.r

[Sin Eater]r

A deluge of extremely cold energy surged into his body, and for he first time since he had been taking on energy, he locked up. The feeling this time was a lot more weird, it cost extremely strange as he felt as if he was taking on every single shred of feeling of negativity in the area, and it was pooling into his body.r

The spirit itself began to shake and shriek in pain, trying it\'s absolute best to be able to escape from Cole\'s grasp. He held on tighter though, squeezing as he felt himself get stronger, but he wasn\'t so sure how true that feeling was.r

[Sin Eater Has been Used! +200 To Energy, +35 to Negative Energy]r

[Negative Energy Pool Unlocked! +50 to all stats! +25 Negative Energy]r

There were some things happening right now that Cole did not understand. But be that as it may he was still alive and the spirit had turned to dust, but there was another one in the naked in front of him, a boy dressed in a farmer\'s overalls and holding a pitch fork.r

Cole scrambled up to his feet and let his rifle hang behind him as he pulled out his sword and Black Sapphire, it was time to so just how powerful the ranged revolver was in a close combat encounter. He fired off a shot and tool of the head of the farm boy spirit.r

He ducked as Morgan came over one of the barrels and swiped another spirit from the air, it was just as large as the spider and seemed to be a stitched together dog. Morgan held it down while the mini gun on his sides peppered it with bullet.r

Cole kicked a spirit straight in the face, not caring one bit that it was an old made with a bag, of curse said bag hand guts, her own guts hanging inside of it. She crashed to the ground as Cole jumped over her body, firing off a shot into her skull as he did so while Black Malakai sliced forwards through the air, straight into the mouth of another farmer look spirit. This time is was a girl with her eyeballs hanging out of her eyes and holding a sickle.r

He flung his arm backwards, creating a wall of [Gravity] that stopped two more spirits in their tracks before he slashed with Malakai [Black Cut] releasing a black and grey wave of destruction that cut both spirits in half, and turned them to dust immediately without damage to their heads.r

It left Cole feeling a bit confused, but there was no time to dwell on it as he turned around and grabbed a baby with her limbs folded like that of a cricket, leaping for him, with her entire skin peeled or skinned from her body.r

Cole grabbed the baby out of the air and used [Sin Eater] there was some sort of power to these spirits of the damned. He had no idea what a negative Energy pool was, it wasn\'t something he has ever heard of before, hi he absolutely loved how he could attack the spirits with it and not have to make sure he goes for the head…. It was powerful, and he wanted more of it.r

The body of the baby spirit of the damned turned to dust as Cole summoned a [Chaos Blast] and flung it in the direction of a group of rapidly approaching spirits. Then he used [Shadow Dance] to clear the aisle as he looked around to identify a proper target, it looked as if there was no end to all of these spirits.r


The Chaos Blast went off as once again Cole noticed a red glow from the depths of the factory. He wasn\'t sure what it was, but this was as good a time as any to go find out what it was and put an end to this reboot of Rise of the Evil Dead….. he didn\'t feel very much like a movie protagonist at the moment.r

"Morgan head north! And if anything gets in your way…. Kill it, with extreme prejudice."r

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