

Cole unwrapped the next covered bundle, exposing two matte black revolvers with blue and red highlights. The hammer of the guns however was a bright gold, which seemed out of place with from the rest of the body. Cole picked the both of them up, noticing slightly that one had a bit more weight than the other.

The one with a bit more weight was shorter, and bit bulky, while the other more lighter revolver was longer and lighter. However both revolvers had 8 rotary barrels for ammunition, and they were actually the same gun, but with different looks. Once again Cole felt a sting in his hands, one that filled him with trepidation as the stat page for the guns popped up.

[Cursed Weapons Blue Obsidian and Black Sapphire Have Found A New Master]

[Weapon: Blue Obsidian/ Type: Revolver(Power)/ Level: 0/ Rank: Iron/ Genre: Growth/ Status: Pair]

[Attributes: Demonic| Cursed| Soul. / Effects: +25% damage to all shots, +35% damage to all skill shots!/ all skills cost health to activate. 50% chance for Bleed curse to activate, 50% chance to Pierce silver rank armor]

[Skills: <Double Tap> <Obsidian Shot>]

[Weapon: Black Sapphire/ Type: Revolver (Range)/ Level: 0/ Rank: Iron/ Genre: Growth/ Status: Pair]

[Attributes: Demonic| Cursed| Mental. / Effects: +25% damage to all shots, +35% damage to all skill shots!, All skills cost health to activate. 50% chance for deranged curse to activate, 50% chance to Pierce silver rank armor]

[Skills: <Double Tap> <Sapphire Sniping>]

Cole whistled, he wasn\'t so shaken anymore by the fact that both the sword and the guns required his health to be able to utilize their skills rather than his energy reserves. Either way there was a skill that he severely lacked, and that was a way he could infuse energy into his weapons.

This was a bread and butter skill for most players, and while it was uncommon, it wasn\'t exactly rare, you just needs a prism that has been tried and tested to be able to give an energy infusion skill of any sort. Then again he could influence getting that skill to a certain extent by perhaps practicing and trying to utilize it.

Perhaps he would be able to get it in his next racial upgrade or when he stops being a pussy and pick a class once and for all rather than just dancing around he entire topic. Cole equipped everything he had gained, then turned around to look at the mirror opposite him.

He was still really bothered about his height, but gear, grew and shrunk to fit the people wearing it. So he at least knew he would be using this for a while. The clothes would get redundant eventually, of course he could just as easily go crazy and use that combination Regent to combine them with his stealth suit, but that would only be possible when he is on a floor that would give him access to all his inventory.

"Well Rob Van Damme I\'m fine!" Cole called out to no one in particular, he got the intimidating/ legendary bounty Hunter factor down to a T. now he just had to move on to his next adventure. He turned around and went to the door of the room then turned to worker there.

"Please can you get Bob for me." The worker gave a stiff nod then walked away. As soon as he did that, Cole summoned his stat sheet, the gear did not give him any stat bonus, but that was okay, with what he had now he was plenty dangerous. He was about to move on to it when he noticed that there was still a single package left, it was long and wrapped in brown leathers and it had somehow fallen off the table and followed under it.

Cole picked it up and unwrapped it. He felt his breath hitch in his throat as a creature of extreme beauty of present in front of him. The rifle was a meter long, just enough for his size, though it did have a few inches to it on its barrel. The stock was black, just like everything else he had gained, but it was wood, and from the grains on its body Cole could see gold and blue line of energy pulsing under his gaze.

The barrel was silver, with sigils and runes on it. And then there was the black scope, and then a small casing at the side that held six 7 inch long bronze bullets with bright red tips.

[Weapon: Custom Made Raen Ranger Rifle/ Type: Gun/Precision Range: 0-800 Meters/ Range: 0-100 Meters./ Rank: Gold Rank I]

[Effects: +200% Normal Damage per Successful Shot, +100% Demonic Damage Per Successful Shot, 50% Chance To Drain Hit Targets of Life and Energy]

[Skills: <Double Tap> <Eagle Sight> <Homing Shot> <Spiral Needle>]

This was a good ranked weapon, and frankly speaking, none of what Bob had offered to him was here. Everything was different, and it was weird how he had not noticed the guns, and how just after seeing this, he also noticed the set of a dozen bronze ranked throwing knives that were supposed to go into his jacket. Cole sighed, something was up with this place…. Or in the end it could just be lazy writing. Now for the stats.

•tAspirant: [Cole <World Breaker> Night] Class: [N/A]

•tLevel: [18/20(1678/9000)] Race: [Raen Spawn]

•tTittles: [Savage Connoisseur] [Antihero] [Warrior] [Progenitor] [Genocider] [Rambo The Commando] [Mass Murderer]

•tMoney: [Tibons: 248] [Tisons: 286] [Tigons: 2325]

•tEnergy: [150/286] Alignment: [Chaotic Neutral] Lives: [10]

•tBuffs: [+15% Damage] [+200% Eating Skills] [+50% Damage To All Alignments] [+70% Damage/Skill With Firearms] [100% Damage to Endangered Species and Solo Enemies] [+10% to all stats when Facing off against more than 5 Enemies, Doubles every +10 Enemies] [Permanent +25 points every 50 Enemies killed in a single Conflict]

•tPrimary Weapon: [Raen Ranger Rifle] Secondary Weapon: [Black Sapphire Cursed Revolver] [Blue Obsidian Cursed Revolver] [Black Malakai Cursed Sword]

•tPrimary Armor: [Night Demon Bounty Hunter Set] Secondary Armor: [N/A]

•tParty:[n/a] Team:[n/a] Guild:[n/a] Alliance:[n/a] Faction: [Bounty Hunter (Second Floor)

•tCharisma(Seduction): Bronze IX(00/50) [Lesser Mind Control(Active)

•tPerception(Domain): Bronze X(43/100) [Aeronaut(Passive)] [Sin Seeking Eyes(Passive)]

•tIntelligence(Technopathy): Bronze IX(00/50) [Shielded Mind(Passive)] [Sin Eater(Active)] [Technoman(Passive)]

•tDexterity: Bronze X(73/100) [Spectral Rover(Active)]

•tAttunement: Bronze VII(03/45) [Gravity(Mastery)] [Adaptive(Passive)] [Demon Constitution(Passive)]

•tKnowledge: [Martial Arts Master] [Expert Marksman]

•tStat Points: 3

Cole was happy, with all of the problem concerning gear out of the way, he was well and really prepared to take on this world. He could complete his bounty quests by going down successive floors of the Wandering Heart Dungeon, but there was no need or use for it anymore. Because what he really wanted to do was see this World, if this world and the many others to come is what would be Earth\'s future then…. He needed to set roots.

He had to understand how it worked, who to trust, what to invest in, and above all he had to make sure he killed it for every thing that it was worth before leaving. He had two weeks to do so, this event was not a sprint to the finish line, but a marathon. Cole knew now that he was playing an entirely different game as opposed to the rest of the five million other players, perhaps few out of that number have realized what was at stake and were making moves.

Either way, Understanding this digital universe consuming other universe to make them part of itself, would be a way to survive. The door opened and the Bob walked in, dressed more like the boss of an establishment with a white shirt, a hat and a cigar in his mouth. The only problem being he wasn\'t a short portly man anymore, but a huge heavy set orc.

If not for the resemblance Cole would have thought it was a different person. Never the less he would take everything in stride.

"I see you are not shaken by my new appearance, impressive. How are your new weapons and gear Mr. Cole, I trust they are to your liking?" he asked as he took a seat opposite Cole.

"None of them are what you had previously offered, making me wonder why go though all the stress. But in they look good and are things I would use till the end of my adventurers, so I am satisfied. However I have a business proposition for you, however I won\'t be giving what I am offering now…. How much would the location of the dungeon core for the wandering heart dungeon cost?"

Bob was a professional, he raised an eyebrow then laughed as he looked at Cole with a small smile. Then he leaned forward.

"That Dungeon Core is unlike anything to have ever existed, no core has been able to keep itself hidden for this long, and the floors it has made have birthed some of the most powerful people in this world. I dare say some people would want to silence you so that knowledge of that core doesn\'t come out.

Others like me on the other hand would very much pay for that information as it would make me a lot more money. So honestly I can\'t put a price on it, information of that magnitude that can affect that growth of power for an entire nation would go for at least a Billion Gold, I believe you call them Tigons.

However if you can gain the core yourself and let\'s say plant it in a controlled environment of your choosing, perhaps back in the world where you come from. You would be able to train powerful warriors, creating a force of your own to put power in your hands for the fight that is sure to come. You would also be able to introduce the system earlier to your World, at least to the people that serve you anyways."

"Who the hell are you?" was the only question Cole could ask in shock at what he had just heard…. He was right in the end…. Something was going on.

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