
Chapter 637 Raiding The Vault (5)

Chapter 637 Raiding The Vault (5)

For a time, the only sound that could be heard within the vault was the creepy laughter, until as suddenly as it began, it was silenced.

The reason is that Cynrik had activated [Inspect] and was busy planning how he would become rich with their addition to Brance\'s repertoire.

-Elemental Affinity Orb (Bronze)-

-By absorbing this Orb, a system host has a 100% chance of developing an Affinity for the Basic and Evolved Terra Element of Bronze.-

-Furthermore, ambient Bronze Mana particles will be steadily drawn towards the Orb during absorption, allowing the Host the opportunity to awaken the element within their Codex.-

-This is considered an Evolved Basic Grade Element, so long as the user of this Orb is proficient in their Terra Affinity, there will be no chances of failing the assimilation, and they will automatically obtain the Affinity mentioned above.-

Reading through the Bronze Affinity Orb description, Cynirk nodded twice in acknowledgment before moving on to the Silver Orb.

-Elemental Affinity Orb (Silver)-

-By absorbing this Orb, a system host has a 35% chance of developing an Affinity for the Advanced and Evolved Terra Element of Silver.-

-Furthermore, ambient Silver Mana particles will be steadily drawn towards the Orb during absorption, allowing the Host a chance to awaken the element within their Codex.-

-This is considered an Evolved Advanced Grade Element, and although the Mana stored within is considered stable, this element is difficult to assimilate into one\'s Codex if the user isn\'t proficient in their Terra Affinity.-

Unlike what he observed with the Bronze Orb, the description for the Silver Affinity Orb was slightly different. Unlike the weaker Bronze Orb, which guaranteed its assimilation, the Silver Orb only had a 35% chance of success, which, although slightly worrying, was still within the bounds of Cynrik\'s acceptable expectations.

However, when it came to the Gold Affinity Orb, deep wrinkles formed on Cynrik\'s forehead as he read through the description, and he couldn\'t help but click his tongue in annoyance.

-Elemental Affinity Orb (Gold)-

-By absorbing this Orb, a system host has a 5% chance of developing an Affinity for the Special Advanced Grade and Evolved Terra Element of Gold.-

-Furthermore, ambient Gold Mana particles will be steadily drawn towards the Orb during absorption, allowing the Host a chance to awaken the element within their Codex.-

-The Gold Element is extremely unstable and considered a Special Advanced Element. Due to its unstable nature and rarity in the abundant Mana of the World, the chances of success when assimilating and obtaining this Affinity are Drastically lower than many of the other Metal Affinities.-

"5%? What kind of shit is that? I remember the Lightning Affinity Orb had a 15% chance of success, yet this Gold one is 10% lower." Cynrik mumbled under his breath, drawing Selene\'s attention.

"Oh? Only 5% will be rough for Brancie to pull off…what about the Bronze and Silver?" She asked as she swiped the Gold Orb from Cynrik\'s hand and rolled it around her palm, much like how she had seen him doing.

Unperturbed by her snatching of the Affinity orb, Cynrik filled her in on the assimilation rates for the other two orbs.

"Silver has a 35% chance of success, whereas Bronze is guaranteed with a 100% success rate. Sigh, of course, things aren\'t simple. Regardless, I should be able to devise a method or two to ensure Brancie gets the Gold Affinity." Shrugging his shoulders, Cynrik motioned for Selene to store away the Gold Orb while at the same time putting away the Silver and Bronze Orbs into his inventory.

Without hesitation or saying another word, Cynrik picked the lock on the second of five chests and was surprised to find another batch of Affinity orbs, all three of which were for other Metal Varieties.

"Hm, Adamant, Orichalcum, and Mithril….all have disgustingly low success rates. What the hell was this family trying to do? Create a money-printing puppet?" Voicing his concerns, Cynrik explained the rates on the three new Orbs.

Mithril, which had a pale royal blue color, carried a 10% success rate, along with an Advance Grade; Adamant, which shined with a deep emerald color, boasted a 5% rate like Gold and was labeled as Special Advance Grade, and Lastly, Orichalcum, which had an abysmally low 1% success rate, and was labeled as a new Grade which Cynrik had yet to come across when it came to Affinities, Basic Mythic Grade.

Strangely enough, the Orichalcum Orb was multi-colored and appeared to combine all the different Metal Affinities: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Royal Blue, and Emerald.

Further setting it apart from the other orbs, as Cynrik moved it around, it seemed to change colors.

"Whatever, come what may, let\'s see what\'s in the other three chests. I knew there were Affinity Orbs based on their size, shape, and Mana Signature, but if these three chests have what I hope, we should be in for a treat." Cynrik mused as he picked the lock on the three remaining chests in size order and rested his hand atop the largest of the three without opening it.

This small action practically set Selene off, as she was patiently waiting to see the contents with imaginary dollar signs in her eyes, something that didn\'t go unnoticed by Cynrik, causing him to tease her a bit by putting on a show of unlocking the remaining three chests.

Snickering to himself upon seeing her flustered and annoyed expression, Cynrik opened, put his hand into the third chest, and withdrew a cluster of small, metallic bars.

"RICH, WE ARE RICH CYN!" Spotting and recognizing the multi-colored bars, Selene metaphorically jumped out of her skin before pushing Cynrik aside and dumping out the contents of the chest, which just so happened to be well over a dozen hand-sized bars…of pure Orichalcum.

"Pppfft, HAHA, damn, I knew you were gonna freak out, but I never expected you to go ape shit over some metal bars, no matter their value." Bursting out in a boisterous laugh, not unlike Rikards, Cynrik held his stomach while watching Selene arrange the 20 Orichalcum bars into a neat pyramid.

"Che, what do you know? All women love shiny objects, and these glorious bars are irresistible. I am sure she will react similarly if you show them to Gabby, so don\'t you dare tease me, Cynrik Ayke Jetlensr, or so help me, I will forbid you from sex for the next ten years." Selene snorted as she dragged 19 of the bars into her inventory before holding on to the final one as if it were the most valuable object in the world.

"OI! Stop using our intimate time as a threat, and move your ass aside so I can empty the remaining two chests. Oh, and don\'t get your hopes up because their contents will only matter to me if my guess is correct." Reaching out with lightning-fast reflexes, Cynrik slapped Selene\'s ass, making her yelp, before forcefully moving her to his left side and grabbing the second to last chest.

Opening the lid with an excited expression, Cynrik rummaged about its insides before withdrawing a stack of papers, causing Selene to make strange noises in confusion.

"Oh… excellent…paper, hey Darling, please tell me they are like war bonds or something else valuable." She stated before peeking over his shoulder and widening her eyes in surprise.

The papers themselves weren\'t valuable per se, but what was written on them was definitely something only Cynrik would geek out over.


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