
Chapter 563 Patricide Of The Patriarch (4)

**Hey yall, sorry about the almost month Hiatus; things at home have been rough; partner that with the job I picked up for a few months, and it was a recipe for disaster. Things should be good now; anywho, back into the fight a long time coming.1500 words this weekend and back to normal Monday**

"I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU YEARS AGO!" Lithlen screamed as his Aura exploded forth. 

With the explosion of Aura, a projection manifested behind Lithlen, that of a massive Green Wolf, and with his fingers curled inward in a claw, the old man rushed forward to attack the Susanoo-clad Cynrik. 

However, the young man was ready and instantly slammed his skeletal construct arm down in a chopping motion, pounding his grandfather into the ground like a hammer to a nail. 

[Brancie, you still alive,] Cynrik shouted into the mind link as he brought the skeletal arm up only to repeatedly slam it into the ground several more times. 

Each movement brought earthquake-level tremors, and a loud concussive bang followed. 

[Ugh, yeah, I\'m good; I only ate a 50k palm strike.] Digging himself out of the rocky terrain, Brance crawled to his feet and shook his head violently to clear the cobb webs. 

Then, although his mind was a little fuzzy, and he could swear a small bird was flying around his head, Brance extended his arm toward his weapon and summoned it back to his hand. 

He didn\'t expect to see the unphased and calm image of his older brother raising and dropping his right arm in a hammer fist motion as if it were another training exercise. 

But even that wasn\'t enough to throw Brance off his game. When he was fighting, Cynrik was known for playing a bit; why would his actions be any different now that he was facing a Tier-5 being? 

However, as Brance was about to comment, Cynrik\'s Susanoo arm stopped mid-motion and slowly began raising, fighting against the force being applied downward. 

"E…ENOUGH!" Lithlen practically howled as the fierce Wolf head tossed back the Susanoo arm before chomping down on it and shattering it into Mana particles. 

[Oh…shit!] Cynrik shouted as time seemed to slow, and he watched the old man kick off the ground, fly up from the arm-shaped hole, and attack the body of his construct with a headbutt from the wolf, causing the Mana ribs to cave in and shatter. 

In one swooping motion, Lithlen utterly decimated Cynrik\'s Susanoo, causing his grandson to spit blood and fly up and out of the deep crater before rotating in a counterclockwise motion and sweeping Brance with his projections tail. 

Luckily for Brance, he was somewhat prepared and had barely enough time to bring his greatsword up to block the attack; thus, even though he was rocketed through the air and up into the zero-g environment, he could stabilize himself in the air. 

"You little bastards, how FUCKING DARE YOU!" Screaming at the top of his lungs and unleashing his full Tier-5 might, Lithlen ignored the rocks surrounding him as they tore away from the ground and levitated nearby. 

"Time and time again, you have thwarted my plans, and now, you two FUCKING INSECTS with lips still wet from their mother\'s tits have the Gall to stand against ME, YOUR PATRIARCH!" 

"Anyone ever tell you that you talk too much old man?" 

Before Lithlen could continue ranting further, Cynrik\'s chilling voice echoed through the surrounding Shadow Realm as he proceeded to rain down wave after wave of BlackFire swordlight arcs. 

In an instant, the entire crater was filled with dangerous black fire, and at the center of the bowl-shaped hole in the ground stood a 50-meter tall green hazy wolf construct. 

\'Tsk, of course, the old man\'s construct has high defensive properties; my BlackFire can\'t eat through it like it should normally.\' Cynrik thought as he continuously slashed with both kodachis. 

While Cynrik continued his assault, Brance wasn\'t idle as he brought up a clever topic with Tobs. 

\'Tobs, question, since my tower can manifest weapons, would it be possible to bring them out, such as the laser?\'

  -Yes, all of the offensive measures manifested by your [Radiant Tower] fall under subsets of your skill. You only need to locate the proper runic inscriptions and activate them individually.-

  -Mind you, what you are attempting isn\'t something easily done, and it will carry a high Mana cost, but it is possible. Unfortunately, as you are unlearned in the subject, you will require my assistance, and for that, I will need Skill points as a toll.-

\'No problem, take what you need, Cynrik needs help, and I don\'t exactly have anything apart from my [White Dwarf] that can rain down heavy artillery assault.\'

Suddenly flashing into sight, the little fairy stood on Brance\'s heavily armored shoulder before nodding and immediately setting to work, aiding him in locating the individual inscriptions. Soon enough, a colossal railgun took form to the right of his body through Brance\'s Mana control. 

[Holy fuck, what in the shit are you doing? Is that your fucking Positron Cannon from the tower?] Cynrik cried without stopping his attacks. Although the heavy storm of BlackFire swordlight couldn\'t deal damage, it was doing a splendid job of rattling Lithlen and keeping him occupied. 

Thanks to having [Mana Sight] active, Cynrik quickly noticed the surge of particles condensing beside his younger brother, and the massive Positron Cannon soon appeared.

Understanding what was happening, Cynrik picked up the pace, utilizing the full extent of his AGI and DEX stats while breaking into a twisted and bitter smile. 

Watching as ample amounts of Mana Particles surged toward the barrel of the Positron Cannon, Cynrik and Brance\'s eyes met for a second before Cynrik brought his legs up and rocketed himself backward. 

Knowing that a hell created of pure Light was about to erupt, Cynrik, being the Dark Affinity user he was, got the fuck out of there just as the Cannon finished charging, and a loud ZIPP sound could be heard, followed by a deafening explosion. 

For a moment, color was brought to the neverending grayscale world that was the Shadow Realm as the powerful Cannon erupted and a beam of pure Terra-Light-Wind Mana bore into the ground…it\'s target, the giant green wolf. 


Meanwhile, several kilometers away, Headmaster Rivia stood in stunned silence as he noticed the horizon Light up with color. Suddenly, his eyes caught sight of Cynrik, flying at the fastest speed toward him.

With a look of confusion in his eyes, Geralt lept into the air and glided forward to meet the young man, but when he came into earshot of Cynrik, his pupils constricted to pinpricks.

His eyes looked beyond the panicked young man to an intimidatingly large dome of Light with a mushroom cloud at the top, and he turned in the opposite direction and took off.


"MOTHER FUCKING BRANCE AND HIS MOTHER FUCKING LIGHT AFFINITY! AHH, AHH, IT FUCKING BURNS! AHHHI, SWEAR TO EVERYTHING UNHOLY, IMA GET HIM BACK FOR THIS!" Cynrik cried at the top of his lungs as he kicked on the afterburners and picked up speed.

Unknown to him, smoke was pouring out of his back as he was still too close to the point of impact, and the large amount of Light Mana radiating from the blast was beginning to burn him alive. 

Looking ahead, Cynrik caught sight of Geralt and angled himself downward in his direction. 

"DAMN IT. GERALT, YOU OLD BASTARD, HANG ON TO YOUR UNDERWEAR; WE ARE GOING SUPER SONIC!" Soon enough, he passed Geralt but not before catching the Headmaster by the back of his suit jacket, bringing him along for the ride. 

Zipping through the air faster than ever, Cynrik quickly broke the sound barrier, and a cone formed around him and Geralt as he tried to get them as far away from Brance\'s attack as possible. 

The two went on like this for several dozens of kilometers until, finally, Cynrik believed it was far enough and began slowing down. 

From his left hand and both feet, jets of pure, transparent flames started to shorten as Cynrik felt he was far enough away… unfortunately, he had miscalculated, and the instant the pair slowed below the speed of sound, the loud concussive…


caught up to them, sending Cynrik and Geralt tumbling through the open zero-g environment in an uncontrolled spin. 


At ground zero, things weren\'t looking any better for Brance. Without having enough time to flee, Brance was instantly flung away from the blast site and found himself thrown away from the point of impact much faster than Cynrik was running away. 

That wasn\'t all; in contrast to his older brother, who couldn\'t be near the explosion, Brance, was thriving. As he tumbled head over heels for dozens of kilometers in an uncontrolled spin, he noticed his MP steadily tick up.

This fact was a first for him, considering the only abundant Mana particles here in the Shadow Realm was that of the Dark Variant, meaning any other Mana type could not be replenished. 

--PPPST, READ The Conduit\'s Requiem!!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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