
Chapter 551 The Gala (7)

\'Tobs, ima need some backup on this one. Can you hack into my Watcet and pull up what you can on these guys.\'

Manifesting at his call, Tobs plopped down on Cynrik\'s shoulder in her fairy form and crossed her arms to pout. 

  -What\'s in it for me? You always demand shit from me but never reward me. Why should I help you out this time?-

Heaving a sigh, Cynrik didn\'t bother looking at her on his shoulder and mentally rolled his eyes. 

\'I promise no music for at least a month, plus you can take some Skill Points from me; I know you seem to like those. Oh, and I\'ll supply you a bit more mana so you can fly around to hang out with anyone in the group except Kurza and Melody.\'

  -HMPH, I wanna meet Gabby too.-

\'UGH, Tobs, we\'ve talked about this; that just isn\'t possible; she can\'t see you. If you could gain a physical form in the real world, that would be different, but you can\'t.\' Cynrik countered while stopping his left eye from twitching at her childish behavior. 

\'Not to mention, Gabby and Benny don\'t know you exist, let alone what you represent. I still don\'t think having you interact with those two in the first place is a good idea. Sure, they know bits and pieces about us since we halfway came clean to them, but knowing Gabby, you\'d overload her brain.\'

  -Nuh uh, there totally is a way; all I gotta do is drag her into either Yours, Selene\'s, or Brance\'s SOC.-

Ignoring the second part of his statement, Tobs countered with some new information, causing Cynrik to almost recoil. Sure, he could and has brought Selene into his own SOC for COUGH smexy time, but until now, he figured it was only possible because of their connection as fellow Over-Break Hosts. 

This information was slightly overwhelming, and knowing he didn\'t have time to argue with the AI fairy, Cynrik caved. 

\'Ugh, FINE, we will make it happen somehow, but there must be some ground rules to follow; regardless, help me out.\'

  -WOOHOO, kay, no problem, alright, so the guy\'s hand you are shaking is…-

Feeling as if he got the short end of the stick in the negotiations, Cynrik absorbed all the information as Tobs said it before meeting the gaze of the imposing General standing before him. 

Less than a second had transpired, but in that time, Cynrik knew everything that Tobs could dig up, thanks to the instant transfer of their thoughts. 

Observing the man standing before him in a Silver camouflage uniform, Cynrik smirked and thought carefully about his words before speaking. 

"You jest, although I am quite observant, that doesn\'t mean I am ill-informed. General Kent Braddick, third General of the Amestrian Moor Army, graduated top of his class as a Tier-4 individual early as a Year-5 student from Renson Military Academy thirty-one years ago and since has had an outstanding Military record." Tilting his head to the side, Cynrik began spitting out facts about the General before directing his gaze toward the second of the Generals. 

"Vice Admiral Harmon Rabb of the Third Airborne Fleet," Cynrik\'s eyes fell on the man in a light blue uniform with Three Stars before looking over at the remaining two Generals, the first in a bright Orange Uniform.

"Major General Taland Armond, of the Fifth Brigade," jumping to the fourth and final General wearing a forest green uniform, Cynrik smirked because this was the man above Col. Hawthrone.

"And Major General Bryce Lander, also known as the man in charge of operations at Renson Military Academy."

"I know I am on the record saying this, but I may as well repeat it, the worst, and I mean absolute worst thing you can do when analyzing me as a person is make assumptions that I am a dumb and unlearned child, General Braddick."

At his words, the four officers standing behind their respective Generals flinched and appeared to be close to blowing their top due to Cynrik\'s blatant disrespect, but to their surprise, not one of the Generals reacted in a hostile manner. 

"Well, I guess the rumors about you are true." General Braddick said while wearing a stony expression. 

"Oh? And which rumors are we talking about here? Because, frankly, there are too many to count." Cynrik retorted while taking a step forward, not to lose ground metaphorically and physically. 

"That you lack respect for your elders and are fearless before those who could crush you like a bug on the windshield of a hover jet." Matching Cynrik in taking half a step forward and getting directly in his face, General Braddick replied with a smile that wasn\'t a smile. 

"That and you lack a sense of respect for those who hold authority." A second and gruff voice replied, this one coming from the man in the light blue uniform, Vice Admiral Rabb. 

"Well, according to my shrink, it\'s simply a lack of fear that causes me to be the way I am, well that or some deep-rooted emotional trauma and damage, but who\'s to say that guy isn\'t full of hot air?" Untangling himself from Selene\'s grasp, Cynrik crossed his arms over his chest and smirked. 

Although he wished for nothing more at that moment than to assert his dominance, the fact that each one of the eight men had on an Anti-Formation pin was enough to restrain his tongue. 

"Anyway, now that we\'ve got the pleasantries out of the way, what can I do for you, fine gentlemen?" Taking a step back and causing the group of military men to smirk, Cynrik sniffled and adjusted the cufflink on his right wrist. 

[[Holy shit, you…you actually backed off; who are you, and what have you done with my older brother.]] Brance snorted with a slight smirk on his lips.

Only, instead of getting a response, Cynrik completely ignored him. However, that didn\'t mean that his words went unheard by Selene, who swiftly delivered an elbow to his stomach. 

After making it to the corner, MyrkLys\' formation collapsed. The weaker group was closest to the wall, and the strongest pushed forward, creating a body shield to protect the likes of Gabby, Melody, and Kurza. Benny and Brance filled in behind Selene and Cynrik, putting them in the perfect position for an attack from the not-so-happy lady. 

"Come now, young man, if you are half as intelligent as you claim to be, you should already know why the eight of us have singled your group out while everyone else is avoiding you." General Braddick stated as his eyes flicked to Geralt and Garrison, who were only now stepping into the parlor. 

"Hm, if I had to guess, there are only two reasons for you to practically ambush us without my chaperone here. The first is to test the waters and determine what we plan to do after graduating."

"Like, let\'s say if any of the MyrkLys members plan on serving in any of the four branches of the military, for example. To which I would have to say a resounding HA, yeah, right." Hearing this, the Generals sneered and postured up. 

"But…that is pretty unlikely, considering, as you\'ve already stated, I have a tiny issue with authoritarian society. The most likely scenario is that you greedy fucks are attempting to bully me into delving into my secrets, or you want the Uchiha Clan Skills." Cynrik spat with a sneer.

This time, instead of posturing, all eight of the men in uniform outwardly showed the purest of hostility toward him, yet unbothered by this, Cynrik continued speaking. 

--PPPST, READ The Conduit\'s Requiem!!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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