
Chapter 526 The Storm Ravages (2)


The loud sound of metal slicing flesh was quickly covered up by the concussive boom created by Cynrik\'s follow-up attack.

"AH AHH AHHHH MY ARMS AHHH!" Torso Boy screamed as he thrashed about on top of one of the archers spraying blood from the four stubs on his body which used to be limbs.

\'[Umbral Sewing,]\' Cynrik thought while stomping the ground with his left foot and activating his CC skill, spawning thirty inky black tendrils that stabbed into every member of Team Romeoville except Torso Boy.





The chorus of cries and bloodcurdling screams coming from Team Romeoville was the sweetest of tunes to Cynrik as he pulled down his hood and flourished his kodachi.

"Demon, me, Nah, that would be too convenient of a title; I quite prefer the moniker "Menace to Society" Or "The Black Swordsman." Chuckling at the curses and screams, Cynrik injected a minute amount of Umbra Mana into his victims, shutting down their ability to wield Mana properly. But more importantly, his Umbra Mana injection was meant to stop Derrek from running away with one of those pesky Space Affinity Skills.

"Now then," Spinning around in a grandstanding manner, Cynrik looked up at the sky with [Mana Sight] and located the nearest invisible Camera Drone before addressing it directly.

"For those watching with young children, now may be the time to click off the channel or stream. I will be assuming my favorite role, the one of Judge, Jury, and Executioner today, and the show I have in store is not for the young of age or faint of heart."

"Dearest Roni and Cesar, if you ever intended to slap an 18+ tag on the feed, now would be the time since I am showing a quite unsightly show to everyone, one filled with swearing, gore, and potentially hehe, torture." Crossing his right arm over his body and bowing at the cameras, Cynrik turned up the dial on his performance persona before spinning around and grinning sadistically at the rooted-in-place and struggling Team Romeoville.

Well, to be more exact, everyone except Derrek had given up and become sniveling messes compared to their cocky and overconfident selves post-SRD Event.

"Before you stand those accused of Arrogance, and Crimes against ME, your beloved friendly neighborhood Sociopath. The crimes they have enacted are as follows." Stepping up to the four young people on the ground, namely the two archers, the healer, and of course, Torso Boy, Cynrik raised his foot and brought it down square on the chest of the limbless Psychic User, causing a large amount of blood to gush out of his stumps.

"Tsk, tsk, we can\'t have you dying before the trial; how about we cauterize those wounds into clean stubs, my good sir." Sheathing his left kodachi back on his right hip, Cynrik snapped his fingers, manifested four fist-sized purple fireballs, and directed them to the end of each of Torso Boy\'s limbs before searing the wounds shut and stopping the free-flowing blood.

"KYAHHH, AHHHH, NOO OWWWWW, IT HURTS AHHHH! MAKE IT STOP!" Torso boy screamed while unable to thrash around thanks to the black tendrils holding him in place.

"Shhh, I can promise you my loving attention is only beginning, Torso Boy. The more you struggle, the worse it will get." Crouching beside the young man, Cynrik lightly slapped Torso Boy\'s cheeks playfully, ignoring the large amount of snot and tears coating his face.

"YOU BASTARD, KILL HIM! HOW DARE YOU TORTURE MY TEAMMATES!" Derrek howled while pulling against the Mana Constructs impaling his arms, legs, and chest.

Hearing this, Cynrik frowned, rolled his eyes, and stood up.

"Shut your fucking mouth, coward." Snapping his fingers again, Cynrik manifested half a dozen golfball-sized fireballs and tossed them at Derrek. They exploded upon impact with Team Romeoville\'s Captain\'s body, dousing him in quickly dissolving flames.

Although they doused in no time, the intense pain they carried was enough to cause Derrek to flail about and scream. His screams drew outcries of fear from the other Romeoville team members, and the three young ladies of the team broke down in tears, with one of them even pissing herself in the process.

"Shh, shhh, no, no, you aren\'t allowed to cry, for you see, you are on trial here, and no amount of remorse for your actions will please me; only your suffering can solve the pain in my little, decrepit, black heart."

Suddenly appearing beside the young lady who pissed herself, Cynrik calmly tucked a lock of auburn hair behind her ear and gently caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.

But like a person with a mental health condition such as multiple personality disorder, Cynrik\'s demeanor changed in a second as he brought his hand up to the back of her head, grabbed a handful of hair, pulled her backward, and stabbed her through the heart in a fluid motion.

His swift attack and the pain associated with it caused the young lady\'s eyes to go wide, and her mouth dropped open before the light left her eyes, and she soon shattered into particles.

-You have killed a competitor from Team Romeoville.-

-Current Members on your Team: 1/7.-

-Current Members on Opposing Team: 6/7.-

Sheathing his second kodachi over his shoulder, Cynrik dusted his hands as if cleaning dirt and spun around with a clap.

"She died the quickest, and all it took was her peeing herself. If that doesn\'t tell you something about this court proceeding, well, you are dumber than a box of fucking rocks."

"You…you monster." Derrek gasped at how casually Cynrik had just murdered someone and felt fear gripping his heart as if it were in a vice grip.

"Hm? You wanna know something? I\'ve been called many things in my life, but it never grows old hearing people call me a monster." Shaking his head and holding up his hands as if feeling helpless, Cynrik sashayed to Derrek, slid beside him, and leaned on the opposing Captain\'s shoulder like they were best friends.

"Am I a monster? Hm, probably, but that isn\'t for you to determine since you are nothing more than a filthy prisoner on trial for crimes against me and my Faction."

"WHAT CRIMES? WE DID NOTHING WRONG! ALL WE DID WAS WIN IN A STUPID FUCKING GAME!" Attempting to shrug off Cynrik\'s arm but failing, Derrek spat while trying to move the Mana in his body for the 10th time, only to fail again.

"Tut, tut, a game? Do you think making my woman upset to the point of near tears is just a game? You think sacrificing your fucking peasant underlings to throw off my plans was a FUCKING GAME?" Enraged at Derrek\'s words, Cynrik kicked out his legs and manipulated the tendrils to plunge deeper into the young man\'s body, holding him off the ground like the legs of a table.

"ARRGGG, DAMN IT!" Derrek couldn\'t help but curse as he felt the stinging pain akin to hot pokers stabbing into his limbs and back.

"No, none of this is a fucking game, Derrek Gislaine; you have sinned in a way generally unfathomable to me." Waving his hand, Cynrik walked off to the four Romeoville competitors lying on the ground.

Behind him, the tendrils moved to keep up, carrying along the impaled Derrek.

"All that aside, you also serve as a target for my pent-up aggression. An example for those who are against me, one that shows that falling in my hands when push comes to shove is often worse than death."

"I don\'t enjoy torturing those who don\'t deserve it, so how about I clean up the dregs right quick before we continue this conversation."


Snapping his fingers, the restraints holding the remaining five members of Team Romeoville disappeared.

"Battle Royal, if you can injure me, then I will allow you to leave without any additional mental trauma. Unfortunately, Derrek boy here can\'t join you since he likes to run away with those pesky Spacial Skills of his.


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