
Chapter 471 The Aldon Conversion Method

"But it wasn\'t for many years before a breakthrough was developed. And that Breakthrough came by way of an Elven Researcher named Handa Aldon." Geralt stated, cutting off the laughter of MyrkLys before it got too out of control.

"Handa Aldon was a prominent figure in Elven Scientific Research, whose primary focus was Mana Particles and their effects on a being\'s mind. As the story goes, upon learning about the Copenhagen theory, he tossed aside all other research topics. He changed his primary focus on whether Essence can manifest within the SOC or if it must first be condensed in reality before being absorbed."

"Using this idea as a basis, he quickly saw results in developing a replicable method of what would later be called "Conversion" instead of Condensement."

Uncrossing his leg, Geralt leaned forward and propped his elbows up on his knees while lacing his fingers together.

"The Aldon Conversion Method, as it came to be later called, works for some people, and doesn\'t for others; still, it is the foremost way we have when it comes to converting XP into SPN-XP."

"Through his previous experience studying the Effect of Mana particles on the mind and subsequently the Sea of Consciousness, Aldon combined his earlier experiences with the Copenhagen Theory into a three-step conversion method."

"The first step is by far the most difficult and will decide whether or not you will need external help when converting your XP. His Method states that since a Being has complete control over their SOC, they should, in theory, be able to manifest a Totem or Relic of sorts in the mindscape of their SOC."

"This Totem or Relic is often depicted as a large tree bearing thousands of branches since, in the initial method, he used the Tree of Life, or Yggdrasil, as a reference."

"At VSFA, there is a course centered entirely around visualizing and manifesting said Tree, as it isn\'t something that can just be "done." Kurza can tell you about the lengthy and boring process of staring at an intricate Tree of Life diagram for hours on end until you memorize every detail of the picture."

Hearing his name, Kurza perked up for a second, but then the memories of his time in that awful class surfaced in his mind, causing him to shiver.


"From what we have learned, this is the easiest and best way to form the mental Relic-Totem in your SOC since if you know every detail of an object well enough, all it takes is a simple thought, and you can recreate it. However, it isn\'t necessarily the only way to form your Relic-Totem."

"For example, the one I created happens to be two massive crossed swords since when I was at Tier-3, my weapons were the objects I could describe in perfect detail, even with my eyes closed."

"But this is where problems arose. While the vast majority of people can create a Relic-Totem with relative ease, only requiring a sufficient amount of time, many find themselves unable to do so even after years of visualization."

"This is where the "external help" I spoke of comes into play. Through the magic of technology, engineering, and of course, the hard work of hundreds of thousands of Artificers, unique artifacts exist that can be absorbed into one\'s SOC and can fill the spot of a self-created Relic-Totem."

"Unfortunately, seeing as I didn\'t expect to need to have this conversation with you so soon, I am unprepared and currently don\'t have any SOC Artifacts on hand. So, I can only give you a copy of the diagram we distribute to students." With a snap of his fingers, five sheets of weathered brown leather appeared in Geralt\'s hand, and with a flick of his wrist, he sent one to each of the members of MyrkLys.

Holding the fragile sheet of what appeared to be beast hide in his hands, Brance examined the intricate linework of the diagram and couldn\'t help but notice how much the picture resembled what he had seen in Fantasy Games in his past life.

Examining the colored image, Brance could feel the scale of the tree by looking at how small the mountains in the background of the image seemed when compared to Yggdrasil.

Although there was no way of telling how large the tree depicted in the picture indeed was, between the hundreds of flowing branches and wide trunk, Brance knew that the tree in question was no doubt more extensive than anything he had ever personally seen in either of his lives.

"If you cannot manifest a Relic-Totem on your first attempt, don\'t feel sad or discouraged. I can count on one hand the number of students who were able to, and the average time taken to manifest one ranges from a month on the fast end to an entire school year on the slow side."

Looking away from the vividly printed image in his hands and up at Geralt, Brance nodded unconsciously in response, even though the statement wasn\'t posed to him directly.

"The second step of the Aldon Method is significantly more straightforward than the first. This step involves linking the Relic-Totem to your System. Generally, the primary way to tell if you have succeeded in ultimately manifesting your Relic-Totem is the notification sent by your System requesting permission to link it to your SOC. All you need to do is accept, and you will be ready to move on to the final step."

"Once your Relic-Totem has been successfully linked to both your SOC and System, you enter the final step, and that\'s the actual conversion part of the Aldon Conversion Method. A new function will be available by connecting your tree or object and your System. That function is the ability to transfer your XP into the Relic-Totem, much like you do when assigning XP to either your Class or Primary Level."

"Then it is just a matter of directing your XP to the proper area where filtration begins. Now, this is where the details get a little hazy in my explanation. And that is because no one really knows how or why the Relic-Totem can filter XP and convert it to SPN-XP."

"I suspect only Aldon himself knows the answer, but for whatever reason, he never gave a proper reason for it and took the answer to his grave 3000 years ago. While there are plenty of theories about it, as it stands, we don\'t need to know how or why, only that it works."


Shrugging his shoulders, Geralt ignored the heated gaze threatening to pierce the back of his head from Cynrik, who found it unacceptable that there weren\'t answers to something so important.

"Regardless, answers or not, the final part of the last step is the easiest yet most time-consuming part of the Method, which is meditating at the base of the Relic-Totem, with your back resting against it. Physical contact is important, so never forget that part."

"The time it takes to transfer XP from the Relic-Totem is different for everyone. But the good thing is, so long as you have transferred XP into the object and meditate with your back against it, your Relic-Totem will autonomously convert it with the aid of your System. From that point onward, all that remains is transferring it back to yourself with the System function, which requires physical touch."


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