
Chapter 88

With Saylin’s hologram floating in the sky above, the Overseers on the stage began ushering the first batch of 56 children up to the machines to start their physical exam.

Standing below and far away from one of the stages, Cynrik and Brance stood, watching the reaction of the exam devices. Neither brother was entirely sure if what Saylin had said was the truth. Cynrik especially was absolutely convinced there was some catch involved and as such, he had the group position themselves at the back of a line and out of the way.

His eyes were dimly lit with specks of light, representing each of his Affinities, as he had already activated his [Mana Sight] so he could observe every fine detail of the exam procedures. Cynrik and Brance had already used their [Inspect] skill on the device, but its description was too basic to fit their needs and was flooded with question marks.

[I’m inclined to believe that there’s something more to what those machines are checking for; the question is, what exactly? It’s not like talent traits are a thing, so they can’t possibly be looking for a person’s potential.] Crossing his arms and shooting a glance up at Saylin’s hologram, Cynrik let his brother in on his thoughts.

[This may have something to do with that Perfect Foundation title we earned. If we could get it, there’s no saying others can’t, especially if they have any kind of backing. It wouldn’t be difficult for wealthy parents to flood their kids with resources. With our help, even Gabby and Benny reached 5th Prestige.]

[Tobs, explain the perfect foundation again.] Feeling that Brance had a point, Cynrik requested the description he had received last night from the system on the grounds he felt like he had missed something.

-Perfect Foundation: The title given to someone who has reached the Prestige cap before their first evolution.-

-Effects: The primary purpose of the Prestige system is to allow the Host to stock up on Essence before evolving. In doing so, the massive influx caused by the release of this energy causes the Host to undergo a secondary evolution determined by either an unknown source or a randomly generated and predetermined benefit.-

-In the case of Host Cynrik, the source of the secondary evolution was one of the unique benefits from Raven God Odin, in the form of the Æsir bloodline being bestowed, a percentage buff to his stats, and the forceful evolution of the Dark Affinity.-

-The Perfect Foundation for Vinestran Natives is different but still quite impressive; it can present in the form of increased evolution of Codexes, Circuits, or even Body strengthening, allowing them to stand above their peers upon reaching Tier-1.-

-But the changes Host Cynrik and Brance went through were many times more intricate than what a typical system Host would receive, and in actuality, are closer to the changes presented upon evolving to a higher Tier such as the 3rd or 4th.-

This was the first time Brance got this information, and he was stunned by what he was hearing. He wasn’t like Cynrik, who constantly analyzed every little thing. He had developed a habit of just letting his brother explain everything to him in a paraphrased way, but now he was starting to regret it.

[You’re on to something here; if those machines are indeed looking for people with Perfect Foundations, then…] Cynrik’s statement trailed off as he lost his train of thought, and his eyes went wide.

Across the courtyard, on the 3rd stage, one of the machines was repeatedly flashing and cycling from green to gold. The two Observers went into action, quickly shutting down the machine and escorting a teenage boy off the stage. The Green-haired boy, who held a haughty visage, and was wearing a complete set of bright blue leather armor, had a smug look painted across his handsome face. When he turned his head to the side, Cynrik could see his long, pointed ears.

As he was guided through the crowd, every time he passed by a girl, he would grossly wink at them and cast a charming smile in their direction. The effect of this disgusted Cynrik. Each girl he passed would blush brightly and giggle like a maiden in love.

Turning his head to the side to spit, Cynrik glared daggers at the guy. Then, feeling hostility coming from his back, the boy turned and looked in Cynrik’s direction before waving kindly and chasing after his escorts.

[What’s gotten into you?] Confused by his older brother’s actions, Brance spoke up while nudging him with his shoulder.

[I’m not too fond of his kind, the playboy, charming prince type. In novels, he’s the kind of person who will have some sketchy kinks. But that’s not all, his trope tends to but heads with the MC instantly, and more often than not, ends up plotting some devious shit to throw the MC into dispair. That and he’s probably rich too, and I’m sure he flaunts it. Just look at him, making eyes at every chick he passes, DISGUSTING, ptooi]

[Cant you take this seriously for once? Aren’t you even slightly curious about why his machine flashed gold?] Brance wanted nothing more than to punch Cynrik but chose not to due to their surroundings.

[Nope, not in the least. It’s simple to tell he has a Perfect Foundation; look at him with [Mana Sight]; he’s already at Tier-1. All it’s done is prove my hypothesis that there’s more to these machines than we were told. The real question now is, where are they taking that scumbag piece of shit?]

Casting [Mana Sight], followed by [Inspect], Brance was able to verify Cynrik’s words.

: Status :

: Dathúkowa Holiadon:

: Title – Perfect Foundation, Elven Royalty :

: Elven Male:

: Age-13:

: Tier-1 :

: Primary Class – Archer :

: Distribution: DEX, AGI, INT :

: Highest Stats, 85 DEX, 80 AGI, 80 INT :

Turning his head to meet Cynrik’s gaze, Brance threw him a disapproving frown. [You sure you aren’t just upset because he’s getting a bunch of attention from the opposite sex?]

[Fuck off. Do you really think I’m that petty?]

[Yep, you sure are.]

Cynrik scoffed out loud, causing Gabby and Benny to shuffle uncomfortably. This scene had played out numerous times between Cynrik and Brance, and it always ended with them rolling around, swinging wildly until someone broke them up.

Luckily, the brother’s potential dispute was stopped, as several gold lights lit up around the courtyard, signifying multiple people with Perfect Foundations had appeared, causing the brothers to get serious suddenly.

[Looks like it’s not as unique as I believed.] Brance was the first to break the silence.

[No, things arent that simple. That guy Dathúkowa triggered some kind of chain reaction. By being the first to show off, he brought all the rich kids out of the woodwork, and they jumped the line, not wanting to be shown up. Time to go.] Uncrossing his arms, Cynrik started channeling Mana into his legs.

[You grab Gabby, I’ll take Benny, let’s go show off a bit.] A cocky smirk formed on Cynrik’s face as he reached out and grabbed Benny by the arm.

“Benny, don’t scream; we are going up to the stage in style,” whispering softly, Cynrik told Benny roughly what he was about to do before looking at Gabby. “Brance will give you the princess carry you’ve wanted forever, so don’t scream either.”


Cynrik ignored his little brother’s discontent and gave him some advice.

[Shut up. We only have one shot to look good here. If I am correct, then those with Perfect Foundations are being brought to recruiters or something. So it’s totally reasonable that the Academies would want these kids. Now then, keep up. I want you to use a burst of Wind to propel yourself into the air and then perform a superhero landing on the stage. I’ll use Fire.]

[Did Mom drop you on your head when you were an infant? What happened to not being flashy and keeping a low profile?] Motioning for Gabby to come closer so he could pick her up, Brance insulted Cynrik while at the same time questioning the sudden shift in plan.

When they first discussed the Exams, Cynrik was adamant about not showing off and keeping a low profile just in case. But now, here he was, willing to thoroughly toss out the old plan for the sole purpose of not being bested by a bunch of rich kids.

[Fuck the old plan; I’ve got a new one, so just shut up and pay attention. Once this group leaves the stage, we have to intercept the Observers before grabbing the next batch. At that point in time, I’ll give the signal to create a Mana burst, and we will take off. Be sure to emit at least 2g of Killing Intent on the crowd so they know not to step up. I don’t want to have to kick some obnoxious idiots off the stage.]

[Aren’t we the obnoxious idiots in this scene, Cyn?]

[Tsk, speak for yourself, Lightbringer.]

[What? Don’t even start with me; why bother dragging a 1% bloodline into the conversation. You’re acting as if you even know any background to it.]

[Who says I don’t? You got the SAME amount of info from the bloodline memories as I did.]

[Cyn, two five-minute daydreams don’t constitute a full-blown memory.]

“Um, Brancie, the group is getting off the stage….” Gabby’s innocent voice broke up the brother’s argument, and their expressions went blank for a moment before quickly changing to serious.

[Fuck it, let’s do this.] Brance sighed heavily and reached over, picking up Gabby in his arms gently, making the girl squirm in excitement.

[NOW THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING BOUT, PRINCESS CARRY YOUR LITTLE DARRRRLING HAHAHHA!] Cynrik laughed maniacally in the mind link while swapping from Benny’s arm to the scruff of his neck, picking him up like a kitten.

Wearing a mixture of depression and embarrassment on his face, Benny didn’t bother fighting back and just hung in the air limply.

[Let’s cause some chaos!]

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