
Chapter 46


Cynrik struggled to keep his grip on his brother, who had a full 26 STR point advantage over him while screaming into the mind link.

But before he could talk some sense into his brother, Brance leaned back and headbutted Cynrik in the face.

– You have received 20 points of damage –

– Current HP 440/460 –

The hit stunned Cynrik momentarily, forcing his grip to loosen and giving Brance the space he needed to spin around and deliver a powerful kick to Cynriks chest hurtling him across the room onto the bed.

– You have received 75 points of damage –

– Current HP 365/460 –

Before Cynrik could jump up and charge forward, Brance opened the door and dashed out of the room.

[We don’t have time to lose Cynrik.] Leaving those words, Brance left the door open and swiftly made his way to the room where the person was beating the child.

[FUCK!] Cynrik slammed his hands on the ground and equipt his AC loadout before running out of the room. He watched as his brother equipt his Tank loadout and, using all his strength, burst through the door into the room where the children were.

“TSK,” sucking his teeth, Cynrik made a b-line for the room next door where the man who was previously sleeping was now out of bed and walking towards the door. Both the man and Cynrik made it to the door simultaneously, and the moment he opened it, Cynrik was on him.

“What the fu….” Before finishing the statement, he was stabbed violently multiple times by Cynrik with both of his now extended hidden blades.

” Couldn’t wait….”


“30 fucking seconds….”


” you just had to fucking rush ahead,” Cynrik watched as the man’s eyes rolled back in his head before delivering a spinning back kick to the man’s stomach flinging him backward several feet.

-You Have Killed a Level 16 Human-

– Since you defeated an enemy more than twice your level, you have received double rewards. –

-You have Obtained 3000 Essence-

-You have obtained 2 DEX points-

-You have received 2 KIN points-

-Tier 1 Mana Codex located would you like to extract it Y/N-



Startled by the loud noises next door, Cynrik quickly hit “Yes” and shoved the newly acquired codex into his inventory before rushing towards his brother. But, unfortunately, some of what he saw upon reaching the room was what he was expecting to find.

On one side of the room, a man dressed in female clothing held a young boy around their age in front of themselves like a meat shield, while Brance was on the other side, with a little girl behind him.

“Cough, well, quite the party I’ve walked into now, isn’t it.” Cynrik couldn’t help but stifle a laugh as he saw what the man was wearing.

“My guy, drag just isn’t your thing,” the person holding the young boy was wearing a bright yellow sundress that was covered in flowers and two sizes too small. Aside from being exceptionally well built physically, it seemed out of place for him to be wearing the dress and sporting an olden-time bonnet atop his head. In addition, Cynrik noticed the person had smeared makeup heavily all over his face.

“Damn, you even went all out with a wig and all; what should I call you my fairest lady?” Cynrik took a graceful bow before giving a charming smile to the man in drag.

“I WON’T LET YOU TAKE MY DARLING CHILDREN FROM THEIR MOTHER!” The frantic man in drag screamed while pulling a dagger from his inventory and holding it to the struggling young boy’s throat.

Watching this, Brance grit his teeth but stayed silent. Although he had just attacked his brother mere seconds ago, he could tell by the act Cynrik was putting on that he had already concocted some kind of scheme and was ignoring his little outburst.

“Aint no one tryina take your kids ma’am; you see, look, I’m just a harmless kid myself,” trying to sound as non-threatening as possible, Cynrik lowered his hood and showed off his face to the man in drag, who showed a flabbergasted expression.

His expression, however, was not as priceless as the one the young boy had; realization appeared over his face as he recognized the unarmed boy standing in the doorway.

“Heyah, Benny, now how’d you get yourself into trouble like this?” Cynrik tossed a broad smile at Benny before looking over at the little girl behind Brance.

“AH, I see even Gabby is here; excellent, I’m glad you’re both safe,” the little girl was wide-eyed as she looked at the boy whose black and violet highlighted hair was caked with blood, as she too recognized her playmate.

“CYN!” unlike her older brother Benny, Gabby didn’t keep her mouth shut when she saw Cynrik.

“Yes, yes, Your big brothers are both here; no need to worry,” Cynrik winked at her before directing his attention back to the man in drag and activating Inspect.

: Burt Clemsdale:

: Human Male:

: Age-49:

: Level: 18 :

: Mana Codex Tier: 2:

: HP 958/1000 :

: Build – VIT/STR:

[OH, HO, lookie here, it’s corn-fed mother fucker.] Cynrik was unable to stop himself from taking a dig at Burt, [VIT, STR, which explains the 1k HP, but I’m a little worried about how strong he is.]

Cynrik quickly gave Brance a look over and noticed his shield had a massive dent in the center, as well as his brother, had lost over 200 HP.

[See, if you had just waited like a good little lad, you wouldn’t have gotten the shit kicked outta your poor shield;] he teased Brance momentarily before looking back at Burt.

” Now, ma’am, these two are our playmates, it’s a tad unfortunate for you, but Ima have to ask you to get the fuck away from him.”

The moment Cynrik spoke those words, he unleashed his full Killing Intent generating an invisible force of 2 times gravity on the whole room. Then, ignoring the people’s reactions in the room, he dashed forward, using his 64 agility to its full extent, and activating his ShadowVeil. Less than a second later, Cynrik arrived in front of Benny and sliced Burts forearm with one of his hidden blades.

This action triggered a scream from Burt, who released his grip on Benny, giving Cynrik his chance to grab the boy. Cynrik wrapped both his arms around Benny and executed a perfect german suplex; however, instead of slamming Benny on the ground, he flung him in the direction of Brance, who had already put his shield away and was waiting with open arms.

Benny, who was flung like a sack of potatoes, was under an immense amount of strain from Cynrik’s Killing Intent and while mid-flight was rendered unconscious.

Using one arm, Brance quickly caught Benny and then spun on his heels, reached out and grabbed the also unconscious Gabby, and tucked them both under his arms before sprinting out of the room with both children securely in his grasp.

This sequence of events lasted less than 3 seconds from start to finish. However, before Cynrik could even make a smart-ass quip, he was sent sailing by the enraged man in drag.

-You have received 260 points of damage-

– Current HP 115/460 –


The move was so fast he hadn’t even seen it coming,


Cynriks body slammed into the wall with a load crash, and his ShadowVeil was canceled. Upon impact with the wall, he could also feel several of his ribs crack; overall, he felt like a car had just slammed into him.

“Mother fucker, that hurt,” spitting up a mouthful of blood and struggling to his feet, Cynrik wiped the blood that was leaking out of his mouth with the back of his hand. Then, shaking his head in an attempt to clear the cobwebs that were forming from the potential concussion he had just received, Cynrik swapped into his SAO loadout and drew both his swords.

“Well now, not only are you ugly as shit, but you also hit like a truck, duly noted, my horribly dressed friend,” chuckling to himself, Cynrik dropped into his fighting stance.

“MY CHILDREN, MOMMY WILL SAVE YOU!” But, on the other hand, Burt was flailing about franticly and screaming about saving his kids.

[Hurry up and get back here. This guy’s like the fucking Hulk; I’m already down to 115 HP, one more hit, and ima be meat paste on the wall.]

[I’m on my way. Hang in there!] Brance had just dropped the unconscious Gabby and Benny off in the room they were resting in earlier and was already dashing back to his brother.

Meanwhile, Cynrik engaged with Burt and was making swift movements, jumping around like a grasshopper while dodging all of the wild swings coming from Burt. [Oh yeah, no, totally take your FUCKING TIME! I’ll just be over here tryina be fucking Kirito while you meander around in the hall.]

“YEAAAAHHHHH,” kicking off the nearest wall, Cynrik dove in front of Burt and slashed with each of his swords before bending backward matrix style and just barely dodging one of the crazed man’s attacks. Then, moving purely on instinct, Cynrik flung himself back and kicked at Burts’s knees with both his feet and fell onto his back before rolling to the left, just narrowly avoiding a downward hammer fist that caused chunks of cement to fly up from the spot his head had just been resting.

[Gunna need you to get the led outta your ass, AND BE THE FUCKING TANK HERE, IMA SQUISHY DPS BRANCE.]

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