
Chapter 346 346 - Vulnerable

"Qian! Don\'t you touch that!" Prisitsky lunged towards him.

But Qian was quick on his foot. He dashed away with that white box.

Prissily struggled to stand up. he was already tired from the outbreak of his powers last night. Panting, he sat on the ground. "Yue do something. He can\'t open that box. That thing is a pandora\'s box! It will inly cause disaster when opened."

Yue gently patted his trembling back. "You first calm down. I\'ll take care of this. Qian is only trying to find a cure for you."

"Fuck I didn\'t ask anyone to find a cure for me. I\'ll… I just want to die peacefully. Why won\'t anyone understand me?" he whispered with tear in his eyes.

Everyone can see that Prisitsky did not wish to die. he was so reluctant but he had given in to his fate. He was not going to fight his dead. But that doesn\'t mean Hary or the others were able to accept it.

Yue squatted down next to him and hugged him tightly. "Prisitsky … did you ever think of Hary just for a second?"

"w-why must I think of him," Prisitsky whispered but tears started to roll down his face. "Why must I think of him. I\'m just a selfish bastard to him…. I\'ll just die a selfish bastard to…" he whimpered, looking like a broken child.

"Even if you admit it or not, he is your lover. He does not wish to lose you." even after saying this Prisitsky still had that dull look on his face. Yue knew that he had to use other tactics to appease him to live. "You are the greatest mind of our base. Losing you will put us back a few years of development in all areas."

Prisitsky slightly pushed him away. "You have Qian…"

Yue keenly noticed the small doubt forming in Prisitsky\'s eyes. \'my plan is working….\'

"Yeah, but you know how love-stuck he is. He is not that obsessed with research nowadays. Without you, he would not have competition as well. So, he would just become a lazy bum."

Prisitsky wiped his tears away. "That bozo was always been so lazy. If he had put even ten percent of his brain into his work, he would have excelled a lot earlier than me." He mumbled.

"Yeah, he is not that great. but You are. that\'s why We need you Prisitsky. So don\'t give up just yet. Work with Qian. We might be able to find a cure."

"But this mutation…"

"Are you hundred percent sure that, that tree bark caused this mutation in you?"

"I\'m... not." Prisitsky looked slightly hopeful. "Maybe... maybe if I dealt with the sample and Qian stayed a bit far it would be fine."

"Yeah, I know you guys will work it out."

"hmmm….. I\'ll go and smack his ass now for stealing my sample," sniffling Prisitsky shot up and rushed in the direction Qian ran off to.

Left all alone, Yue sighed softly. his eyes roamed around the huge hallway.

Everyone seemed to be in a state in unrest. Some of them were softly arguing amongst themselves, some of them were crying about their lost loved ones.

They finally had the time to process the loss they had in the base.

Yue felt his eyes slightly tear up thinking about his home. \'if it was like last time, the base would have been saved but because of the butterfly effect, it\'s all gone. We do have a home because of me…\'

The guilty feeling killed him so much.

"Daddy," Zi Chen gently tapped the back of his neck. "Zara is crying. Grand is trying to soothe her but she won\'t stop crying,"

Yue immediately perked up looking at his lovely child. "I\'ll take a look. Why were you alone? You have to stay with at least one adult with you got it? Do not go anywhere alone. It\'s a mess here. it\'s so easy for a child to go missing."

"don\'t worry dad I had bees looking around at each and every one of them. I won\'t let them do anything bad,"

Yue pulled him up into his arm and gently kissed the top of his head. "don\'t overuse your powers. Your aunt and uncle are still going around taking care of things."

Zi Chen cutely snuggled against him. "We are going to be okay, right daddy?"

"yes we are, baby. We are going to be just fine."

He walked over to a corner where his mum was sitting with Zara in her arm. Their new addition to the family was unusually fussy.

Even fan was trying to appease her but Zara just wailed pushing away the milk bottle.

"what is it?" Yue took her from his mum and gently kissed her chubby cheeks. "why is my baby crying so sadly? What don\'t you like?"

"She doesn\'t seem to like the new milk." Fan whispered, shaking the milk bottle.

"Where did you get the milk powder from? did you check the expiration date?"

"no, your cousin dropped by a while ago and gave us this." Fen opened the bottle and sniffed it. "I tasted it. It hasn\'t gone bad but Zara just won\'t drink it."

Yue had a weird feeling about the milk and since a few days ago the cows turned into zombies so he was not keen on feeding Zara with it. "Just give it to others who have kids. We\'ll feed Zara with the usual formula."

Zara immediately stopped crying and looked up at him, blinking her cut grape-like eyes.

"You want your old formula~ you want that?" he held her small foot and gently kissed her fingers. "ohh my baby is so hungry, but she wants only powder milk. What a spoiled little girl,"

Zara let out a cute chuckle and wiggled her foot around.

Yue sniffed her once. her diaper was slightly heavy. "I\'ll change her diaper. Fan dear, clean the bottle and bring some warm milk for our chubby baby." he sat down and placed Zara on his lap, then he carefully removed her diaper which was soaking wet with pee and changed into a new one.

By the time he was done with it fan came back with the old formula milk.

This time without a fuss, Zara drank it all up and went to sleep.

Tian came over to him. "Yue something is weird about this place…. We can\'t stay long. let\'s exchange a bit of food for some wheels and get out of here,"

Yue\'s heart almost stopped at that moment. "Why?"

"This place is too closed up and the vents are all high above. I can\'t get a clear look outside but I can hear people roaming around. There are just too many of them. we are very vulnerable in here. we have to leave. instruct everyone to pack their bags,"

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