
Chapter 335 335 - Trembling Grounds

For now, at least.

Yue glanced out the window at the nearby barren lands. The ground had dried up and looked red. they hadn\'t had good rain in a while. The vegetation outside the base had suffered a lot because of this.

Inside the base, a lot of water ability users who water the crop on daily basis and there was his dad who can grow plants at a high speed. This way they were able to survive these past two years.

Now everything will change.

They did not have their base any longer.

It was a sad thing, but this also started a new chapter in their life. Yue did not douse himself in sorrow any longer.

He hummed softly glancing at new baby Zara and his mum. Zi Chen was sitting on his mother\'s lap playing with the new born.

"Let her sleep. She\'ll start crying," he urged his son softly.

Pouting Zi Chen glanced at him. "Does she hate me? She cried when I was playing with her,"

"You pinched her cheeks. she cried because it hurt her," he said as a matter of fact.

Zu Chen eyes brightened. "So, she doesn\'t hate me?"

"I bet not. Aren\'t you the best brother in the whole wide world?"

"Yep!" his cute child grinned widely.

Saying this he took a look behind at the back seat. It was weirdly silent behind there. Fan xui was dozing off and his father was trying to cover him with a blanket.

Caught in his action he cleared his throat. "Who would take care of him when he gets sick? Not me, of course," his dad mumbled, tucking in the corners.

"Admit it, you love that man as a son,"

His father went silent. After a few minutes, he whispered, "yeah right… he is family,"

Zou Yue grinned brightly. After two years he finally had his dad admit that he adored his husband. With a sense of accomplishment, he happily sped up the car.

Soon they saw the dusty clouds the other busses and cars had left behind.

He lowered his window and glanced at Tian and harry. "You guys can watch the flank?"

"yeah," Tian affirmed his plan.

He drove past the last survivor\'s bus. Everyone looked out at their car. A few spotted Fan xui and exclaimed happily.

They drove past them and got to the start of their line.

As they drove close the first car windows lowered. Peng Peng poked his held his hand out. "copy my ability!" he shouted.

Yue did so. He was not able to hear well without copying Peng Peng\'s ability. It was such a =n annoyance.

As soon as their fingers touched, a pair of ears and tails popped out.

Qian looked at him anxiously from the driver\'s seat. "Fan?" he anxiously looked in the window

"alive and kicking,"

He could see the relief on his face. "Thank god I thought I lost my only friend,"

Yue grinned. "How is everyone else?"

He counted everyone in there. His friend Peng Peng was in the passenger seat, uncle wen was there Prisitsky was there in the back seat. Lui and her boyfriend Bohai was in the back

He looked down.

"Prisitsky," he called out

The young scientist looked up at him anxiously. Seeing him alone, his eyes became frantic searching for someone.

"If you are searching for Hary I have to tell you some news."

He watched as the young man\'s face went pale as a sheet of paper. He started to gasp loudly.

"He is in the back." Yue didn\'t want to play with his feelings any longer. Anyone with eyes can see that Prisitsky had feelings for Hary and that Hary was crazy for this man. But when asked this stubborn scientist refused to admit that he loved him.

That was what irked him a lot.

if you loved someone just say that you love them.

Especially when they we relieving in uncertain times like this, they had to be free with expressing their feelings.

He watched as blood flushed back into the young scientist\'s cheeks. "You have to express your feelings buddy. Why do you hide it in your heart? Just shout it out loud. Let Hary hear your confession," he winked.

Angered Prisitsky immediately rolled up his window and refused to look his way.

Yue grimaced. "Did I go overboard," he looked at his mum.

She nodded.

"Shit I have to apologize to him now…" he lowered the window. "Prisitsky sorry! Forgive me for playing with my words! Please, can you show me your handsome face!"

The window remained closed after that.

Sighing Yue decided to try apologizing later on. a few zombies were ahead of them. the soldiers were using their powers and some were shooting them down.

Juda suddenly pushed Prisitsky out of the way and poked her head out. "Refills on your weapons? Bullets?" like a salesman she asked them cheerfully.

Yue nodded. "Throw me a few grenades dear. I need them desperately. Oh, and we need a few canisters of milk powder,"

Juda had a weird look on her face.

As if on cue the baby started to cry loudly wiggling her small feet around.

"Is that a baby I hear?" wide eyes Juda desperately tried to see past him. "When did you pop out another child?"

Yue rolled down the window fully letting her take a look. "Meet the newest addition to the family. Baby Zara. A little girl who is adored by her family." He said with a big grin.

Mouth wide agape, Juda just peered at the baby. "Oh my god."

"Let me see," uncle Wen pushed past her. "Oh my god. New granddaughter! She is so cute…"

Even Qian who was driving the van, curiously took a look. "you guys… can you handle a wailing child?" He frowned slightly frowned.

Peng Peng who was by his side, slightly slapped his head. "We are all here to protect the child got it,"

"Yeah yeah…"

Lui and Bohai who were stuffed in the back trunk seat also cracked open their small window. "Congratulation Yue and Fan."

"say hi to everyone Zara," his mum held her up and waved her small fist around.

The wailing child stopped crying instantly and curiously took a look at them.

"oh my god, she is soooo cute.. I want to just squish her cheeks!" Juda and Lui sqeeled out loud.

"no!" Zi Chen shouted. "no one should squish my sister\'s cheeks. She is delicate!"

"Chen ah, it won\'t hurt her. I\'m just going give her chubby cheeks a small pinch…" Juda coaxingly whispered.

Zi Chen thought about it for a second. "She doesn\'t like it when people pinch her. She\'ll cry. You can touch her cheeks though."

"okey~ I will settle for touching, for now, ~ hehe…"

The whole atmosphere became cheerful with the new addition of the child. for a second they all forgot that they were currently homeless and running for their lives.

Zou Yue glanced at the child with a small smile. \'she brightened them all up…\'

Suddenly there was a huge violently shake that shook the entire car.

Yue slowed down a bit. the ground was shaking accompanied by a loud thumping sound.

Frowning, he peered out the window into the horizon.

There were a few black figures rushing towards them.

"guys be on guard! I spot a few zombies coming our way!" he shouted.

"on it," Qian and the others prepared their weapons and were ready to shoot them down.

As the figured git close Peng Peng started to panic and shout loudly. "its not human zombies! They are beasts!!! We have to back away! We can\'t fight them!!!"

Yue\'s eyes were not as good as Peng peng\'s. "What kind of beast?"


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