
Chapter 25 - 25

Chapter 25: Chapter 25

This is my first time facing such an overwhelming amount of information, and I attempt to blink them away, trying to focus above the ruckus mother is doing at this point, celebrating and talking nonstop.

Wait, hold on, time out please!

"Oh hon, are you tired already? Guess such big accomplishment is enough for today hum?" No, not at all, I\'m actually rather full of energy and want to try and test things out, is what I would have liked to say but mother simply finishes her words and picks me by the back of my neck and hoovers back to our nest that was not far from here, pushing me down to my second lower floor to rest while herself lay on the entrance, warm and cozy and trapping me inside.

What a subtle way to force your child to take a nap uhm? Well, at least it gives me time and peace of mind to focus on the information displayed.

And it seems that the evolution this time is not a simple matter as a level up and an increase in status, but something beyond that, not only a change in characteristics but the possibility to change elements even!

Did not think it to be this powerful, or rather didn\'t expect such a thing at all! So, with a mix of bewilderment, surprise, and seriousness I analyze one by one of the options displayed:

Phantom Griffin: Appearance barely changes, feathers and wings are longer and for what needs less flapping while in flight, making no sound at all while in the air, and being almost invisible for changing into a white fur coat.

Downside: Loses cold element, increasing wind cognition.

Well, it would be nice to be able to fly, but the downside of losing an element does not seem reasonable, plus... this option seems quite meager for an evolution, not special at all, only giving me a pair of wings that I\'m bound to get anyway.

But I guess is the safest bet for those who did not risk giving some to take more I supposed.

The next one, however, manages to be even worse than this:

Dainty Snow Griffin: Appearance greatly increases in value, tales will be told about your beauty, poets will struggle to put to words the mere glint of your being, the moon with pale at your mere presence, and-

Ok, let\'s skip the remaining flamboyant words, shall we?

Downside: To stir someone\'s heart with a mere gaze.

...What the hell is up with this evolution? Who makes up these kinds of things, and who the hell in their right mind you chose such option? Is basically nothing but a beauty crown, so useless!

I\'m getting really worried here if these are all the options available... but thankfully they are not.

Freeze Steel Griffin: Appearance is changed, body is covered by scales made of frozen metal, greatly increases defense but harshly increases weight, giving you a tougher body to sustain attacks.

Downside: Is too heavy to fly, barely managing to hoover, so the wings serve mostly as a shield.

Hm... it was tempting until the downside, my lack of health is really worrisome so it makes me consider a higher defense rate, but to give up my ability to fly, especially in the place I live at, is just too much to lose.

Blood Griffin: Appearance is changed, like a bat you will have wings for arms, losing one pair of limbs, and will be granted with sharp fangs instead of a beak to draw in blood. Ability over your own blood, however over others will depend on the level of the ability, the level of the user, and the level of the enemy.

Downside: Completely nocturnal, blind as bat in daylight, need to consume blood on regular basis. Loses both elements and replaces them with dark and blood.

That\'s... grim. And odd. And macabre. And having to suck blood? I already rather have apples and fruits from dripping meat, how am I supposed to live off from only that? Is already so-so that I have to keep a balanced diet with meat, but this...

Although control over blood sounds pretty interesting... and powerful at that as most creatures had it in their veins, making them an easy target for myself.

I imagine having control over the blood inside the lion griffin... and that makes me unable to discard this option yet.

However, the next one takes my doubts away from me:

Storm Snow Griffin: Appearance is changed, a pair of antler horns grown from our head to summon magic attacks, gains one pair of strong wings that are able to prompt you with strength in the air.

Downside: Lose in stealth for being bigger and louder than before.

This is perfect! It even has a cool name on it! Being able to fly, giving better magical status, and even if I lose in stealth I can always make up for that with magical attacks!

There is not even a competition here after this last one, it crushed all the other options.

Storm Snow Griffin... the name itself brings a smile to my beak.

I nod, that\'s it, I think before choosing it, already fantasizing about being able to fly tomorrow morning, on the many things I\'ll be able to do from now on.

Only that... fate has a bitter sense of humor, for when I\'m about to select that as an option mother moves up above, and by sheer destiny the once sturdy part of the nest caves in and her paw hits me, not strong enough to wound, but enough to surprise me and scare me into misplacing and choosing without looking.

Oh no... Oh no, what have I done?!

But before I can figure things out, as mother calls out to me to apologize and fix her mess, what is done is done and as my body starts burning up I dive into a deep slumber as my body starts changing form.

But for better or for worse, only time can tell.

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