
Chapter 5 - 5

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

"Lily, don\'t be so mean to him, the poor thing..." One of them say as Lily sits down on a low branch the tree and cross her arms and legs.

"Humph! He is the one who was impolite with this lady! He should be the one apologizing! "

"Sure sure..."

"Oh, hey, an owl kitty, how cute!"

Out of nowhere other voices join in our conversation, and the owners appear soon after as I search for them up above, flying directly towards us and not hiding like Lily, and actually even telling me their names.

Overwhelming beautiful in a petite size, all the fairy have a charm and characteristics of their own, from being completely white like Lily, to pink like Camellia Cedarwhistle, or yellow and orange like Wallflower Sparklepond, or a soft white that almost looks like feathers and fur from Lake Cottonwhistle.

They all say their names while flying in circles around my head, which only adds to the dizziness that so many talking at once gives me.

However amidst the confusion I\'m surprised by something that comes out of the blue, a sound that makes me look back and around, making the girls giggle for how silly I look as they blame the bees flying close by for catching my attention, only to make me realize that no one is reacting to this strange sound at all beyond myself.

Ding – Title Earned – Cute Kitty

Now now that\'s just rubbing salt in the wound.

I have no time to ponder what that is all about, however, as the fairies keep pestering me and giving very nice strokes behind my ear, only stopping once one of them speaks out: "Ladies, ladies, come down on the enthusiasm, you will scare the poor kitty." Says the same one that reprehended Lily first, the Lake fluffy white fairy.

"Ohh, sorry little one, this group of old fairies do not get such cute visitors like yourself very often so we got carried away." Says the pink slightly chubbier than the rest fairy, Camellia was it?

And yet even if they are apologizing and being kind they cannot stop themselves from talking more, even approaching me to touch my soft fur and small wings, always cute this and so soft there, making a bed out of my back and touching the pads of my paws.

"Even his paws are cute, look at this! Not scaly talons bird feet, but cute pink pads underneath, and with such soft fur! I want to rub my face all over it!"

Please stop... I have less and less face to lose at this point.

But what can I do when overwhelmed like this by so many ladies? I don\'t know what to do so I end up just sitting still and letting they play around to their heart\'s content as I coil my tail back and forth as they try to grab it, letting soft laughs out that fills the soul with joy.

"Here kitty kitty, play with aunty fairy." One of them say, and I don\'t even try to keep up with their names anymore, especially since all are around me at this point, the only one avoiding us being the one that got me into this mess, Lily, as the others get a long leaf on their hands and start swinging it in the air in front of me in a playful manner.

Ok, now this is too much, to think that I would fall for such cheap trick and lose even more face and why do you move it so fast, slow down and let me grab it! Down a bit will you, I can\'t fly with these chicken wings yet! Almost... there!

"Seraph! Let\'s go home!" Among the laughing and playing with the fairies I hear my mother\'s voice and, turning to see her standing and waiting for me to trot along I start walking away from the field of flowers, only turning back to chirp at the ladies:

"Thanks for the company ladies! I had tons of fun!" I say, somehow aggravating their owws and cutes adjectives while I wobble my way away from them, tail up in the air, still hearing them even after putting some distance between us.

Ding – Tittle earned – Ladies Friend

Please stop, or rather, this ding reminds me, what is up with this? Some weird sound and voice comes out of nowhere, and seemly no one around me hears nor reacts to it, almost as if sounded inside my mind.

That could not be the case... could it?

Lost in thought for a while, trying to understand that strange voice, I\'m dragged back to reality when my mother starts speaking to me, still walking slowly so I can keep up.

"These floating islands are called Higher Land, my dear, and they are the heaven for flying creatures like us. Some come here only to have their children but others, like us and Aaron, live here."

I look around me to assert the island, so full of life that anything manages to distract me, to the beautiful black and blue butterfly, to the crystal clear water of the river that feeds the lake left behind us.

I pass my paw over it, making sure that there was truly water there, watching the little waves distorted the fish swimming inside.

A little piece of heaven these are.

"Inside each island there is a core of fire burning. They create hot air that keeps the islands afloat, so be careful when you see one of these around, and do not approach it." Mother says after stopping close to what looks like a metal tube crisscrossing like veins over and into the rock and climbing up the mountain. "These take the air out and are very hot, so be careful."

I try to ask who had built them or how they came to be, but only chirping sounds resonated from my small beak.

She seems to feel my distress, passing her big scaled bird paw over me and catching my attention to her once more as she looks over the hill beyond the clouds and distant islands.

"Our kind usually lives on the lower islands for they are the coldest of them all. The higher the island, the hotter it is, though all kinds of creatures give birth on the middle islands since they are the most neutral ones, having cold mountains for our type, and grasslands filled with life and water to sustain our newborns."

Uhm, seems quite the self-efficient system, though for what I saw before it is not all peace and quiet around here.

We keep walking down the path circulating the grassland, these island proving to be far bigger than they seemed at first, with even more constructions and preparations to not only receive the newborns but to protect them, with stone stairs to move about and give enough footing so that even small birds like myself can move around freely.

"This is our home, our inicial nest, as some of us have the caretakers to thank for. Of course, not all is perfect, and some... birds and others like causing trouble, but I\'m proud of what we have going here, though here is not where we will stay most of the time." She looks down at me, bright yellow eyes meeting mine, and a melodic chuckle resonates from her beak, somehow sounding impossible to be done by such strong and sharp mouth piece.

"But enough about all that, it must be too much for you to understand already, how about we head back home? I\'ve been waiting so long for you my little one..." She bumps her beak at me again, but this time I push back a little, a glint of smile shining in her eyes.

"Oh, look how much time has passed already, we just arrived. Welcome to our island love."

And at that I\'m left to stare at the new home that stretches out in front of me.

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