
Chapter 50 Finding The Target

>Player Arzhur has obtained a medium quality Adult Black Scruff Wolf Pelt x 7<

"And the final one!" Arthur finished butchering all the wolves and rolled the pelts together.

It wasn\'t worth his time to butcher the rest of the parts of the wolf, and neither would they sell for much. It was just the pelt that was worth the most, and Arthur didn\'t want to carry any extra weight either.

Even the pelts he had gathered wouldn\'t be carried by him right now.

"Hmm... now where to put them?" Arthur looked around for a decent location before spotting a tree that had a crown of interconnecting branches. "This should be good enough." He slid in the rolled up pelts into the branches, keeping them away from the eyes of others.

Though he didn\'t think that any predators would target it anyways, since he had left a buffet behind in the form of entire carcasses.

He resumed his journey and looked around for his target.

During the entire time, Arthur kept track of time as he needed to be sure of how much time he had left.

\'If I can finish it today alone, it would be good.\' Arthur thought to himself.

He didn\'t know if he would be able to accomplish it on his first day in game.

"Even the things I\'ve done so far are more than enough for a single day\'s progress." Arthur muttered to himself before spotting another enemy.

He quickly switched to his battle mindset and finished off the wolf. He repeated this pattern several times, obtaining more and more experience. The number of higher leveled wolves had also increased now, with level 6 Adult Black Scruff Wolves becoming the default.

Though Arthur didn\'t mind it, as he needed the experience anyways. The faster he reached Level 9 the better.

He spent around four hours like this, wandering in the forest and killing all enemies that he came across. Of course, he wasn\'t unscathed in this time either as there were bound to be mistakes and unexpected situations.

Thankfully, with Arthur\'s pacing, he could still heal and recover by taking the right number of breaks.

By the end of the fifth hour, Arthur had accumulated a rather high number of pelts.

"How will I even bring these back?" Arthur couldn\'t help but wonder as he hid them in the trees again.

Having counted, Arthur had nearly thirty-nine pelts. They were far too many for him to carry back in one go. Not to mention, he was rather deep in the forest and would take him two hours or more to get back to the village.

\'Should I hire the players?\' Arthur wondered, but then quickly shot down the idea.

It would only cause chaos among the players, as they would fight to do this. Not to mention that Arthur would be pulled into attention again. While he didn\'t necessarily mind it, he didn\'t want it so early on such that his plans would be hindered.

After all, doing hidden quests was bothersome when you had ten players stalking you at all times.

This was a big issue in his last life and players often ended up fighting them. The results of those fights greatly varied though, with the stronger players who had creepy fans around them PKing them while the weaker one\'s getting drowned out.

For some, it became such a bad problem that there were special teams in guilds that provided protection. One could even hire them if need be.

Of course, all this was something that would take a long time to change.

"Sigh~ I\'ll have to do a second run anyways, to hit the level cap. I\'ll take them back then." Arthur decided.

He took a look at the clock and saw that he had roughly four more hours left before he would be forced to log out. One was only allowed to play the game for 8 hours real-world time, after all.

It was sped up in-game and each real-world hour was equal to three hours in-game.

This was perfect since a player could have 8 hours of sleep at night while also being able to live an entire day in-game. This was why the appeal of Morpheus Online was so high. Even for the average working class person, it was still possible to keep up with the game.

This was the point where a lot of older games fell out on, as many people couldn\'t put in the same amount of game hours as others. This led them to fall behind and eventually get bored of the game.

Of course, there were some that still continued to play it as a casual hobby, but they were a minority. This high turnover was the reason why most games would lose 50% of their initial player base from the launch.

The highly active player base was a mere faction of the total numbers.

\'It won\'t be long before the player numbers spike... I\'ll have to get some cash ready for then too.\' Arthur thought just as his eyes spotted something in the distance.

"Huh?" Having wandered for such a long time in the night, he wondered if he was mistaken.

But then, bringing the torch closer, he realized that he wasn\'t wrong.

"Is it really..." Arthur hurried towards a grove of thorny bushes.

His goal was right next to the bushes.

It was brown, smooth and about the size of a large dog.




The sound of a creature eating something stiff was heard the closer Arthur got to it.

"Ahahah! I found you!" Arthur exclaimed without the fear of anything.

It was a large beetle that had a horn that was the same as the length of its body!

Then in the next moment, he used Inspect, confirming the identity of the creature.

>Inspect Successful<


Target: Long Horn Bramble Beetle

Rank: Uncommon

Level: 8

HP: 100%

MP: 100%


It was the strongest mob he had seen since entering the forest, but unlike the others this one was not hostile.

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