
Chapter 355 Letting Loose For A Bit

Chapter 355 Letting Loose For A Bit

However, this time not only were the circumstances different but also that he had gained a better mastery over the space element while the distance this time was also quite short compare to before.

Appearing on the other side, a dagger flashed in front of him, startling Sirius for a moment before he just shook his head and side stepped. For him, the dagger was moving in slow motion and relatively harmless to him.

"Dude I\'m on your side," Sirius looked at the student who had swung the dagger right in his eyes, shaking his head once again he turned around and swung his leg fiercely as a beast was sent flying in the air.

This left the student stammering with eyes wide open in shock. The students did know that Sirius was strong but for one to be physically so powerful that they could send a 100 kg beast flying in the air.

Gulping loudly, the student apologized for his mistake and bowed down as Sirius let the poor kid go. He knew this kid and also knew that fighting wasn\'t this student\'s forte as he was a tracker who scouted the forests in hiding. Using his stealth and sneakiness to be relatively safe while scouting the whole area for the enemies.

"Where\'s Ray?" Sirius thought and started looking around and it didn\'t take him long to find his friend. A short distance away from him, Ray was indulged in a fierce brawl against a mammoth type beast and from the looks of it, Ray had stripped all the clothes over him and left only his underwear on as he went toe to toe against that beast.

"Just how reckless he can be sometimes. I really find it hard that he is the same Ray who was being so wise and calm a few moments ago. Well, I guess he will be fine here, I should go and tell the head nurse. Im sure he never intended to talk to her himself and wanted to send me there to do this," Shaking his head, Sirius just delved into the shadows around him and started looking for the head nurse.

Finding her on the front line, it caused Sirius to raise an eyebrow as he never took her to be a person who took charge during a battle but seeing her fight, it changed his perspective about her. In her hands were two Kamas covered in a whitish light as she swung them hard one by one.

Seeing her stocky figure moving around the battlefield with grace as blood spilled everywhere while a white halo followed her figure, never a drop of blood falling over her body. It was safe to say Sirius was quite impressed by her fighting style but he knew that she being here right now only meant one thing; the students and the beasts were overwhelmed and she had jumped in not just for fun but was acting as a shoulder to her side by relieving them of the pressure.

"Guess I should also lend them a hand," Sirius smiled and started walking towards the head nurse, as he did; his figure started to change. Hair grew out of his arms and legs while his eyes turned deep shade of orange.

"Awhhoooooo!!!!" Following the howl was a shockwave that spread fear in the battlefield.

An alpha had arrived and the stronger ones knew who they had to focus.

"Hahahaha!!! Stealing all the spot light but I will let it slide for now. They need him there and I\'m sure with others and him, it will take two minutes at most and I can spare a few minutes before going to the next phase," Ray really did seem crazy but his mind was as sharp as ever and he had long noticed Sirius\'s action. Though he didn\'t mind them and let him go free. After all, Sirius had to have some fun too.

Looking back at the mammoth in front of him, Ray smiled eerily as he walked forward and approached the now whimpering beast. All the attitude it had in it before their fight was gone and Ray had tamed this titan with relative ease.

"Aurora are you sure its worth investing?" Ray asked, a bit unsure if what Aurora had told him was true or not. He doubted Aurora would play a prank on him but the sight of such a beast whimpering in front of him made Ray rethink his decision. After all, how come such a timid thing be a descendant of a mighty beast from the past. A beast that had ruled the food chain with its might and was known to be the unkillable given its defensive capabilities.

"Ray trust in me, its acting like that because its not timid but very conceited, so be very careful and initiate the contract,"

"Okay, I trust you Aurora," Ray said as he took out his dagger and made a large cut on his palm and dripped the blood on the beast\'s head. As the drops of blood fell on the beast\'s head, a light glowed in its eyes as something seemed to have awakened inside it.

Ray looked at the beast with curiosity as he was suddenly pulled inside something. Finding himself in a white space, Ray knew he was in a consciousness and knowing it wasn\'t his own consciousness, he guessed it was the beast\'s and sure enough as he looked in front of him; he saw the beast standing in front him in all its glory and might.

However, the beast looked different. It\'s aura was mighty and skin impenetrable, Ray was quite impressed by the changes.

"Guess I made the right choice initiating the contract," Ray murmured and thought of what to do the next.

While he was still thinking, he heard the beast humph as he looked up and saw the beast looking at him with disgust.

"Huh? The attitude its giving me. That\'s not like the beast I just defeated. Is it even the same thing?" Ray wondered and decided to give it a shot.

"Hey dude, accept the contract so we both can kick some ass and have some fun on the battlefield," Ray\'s words were far from decent but that wasn\'t something he was aiming for and neither was he a model citizen to watch out for his language.

"Humph!! What makes you think I will become your slave and enter a contract with you human!!" The beast\'s arrogant voice sounded in the whole space as Ray frowned slightly.

\'No, it wasn\'t the same beast\'

Ray knew for sure before even before fighting the beast and defeating it, the beast was only proud but the arrogance he was seeing right now, it was intolerable and Ray really wanted to beat this beast to mush and show it its place but he relented.

He had a feeling that the beast in front of him wasn\'t so simple and wanted to talk it out first. So he just walked forward and asked,

"And what makes you think I am not up for it? Also if I\'m not up for it, why did you pull me in here?"

"I thought you were someone else. Someone who I respected, someone who had been my master in the days of old but you are just some kid who hasn\'t even reached grown enough to see the world. How can you be my master?" The beast scoffed and it irritated Ray to no end.

"So you just wasted my time?" Ray asked, anger burning in his eyes as he decided to finally show this beast what he could do and make it know who it was dealing with, "You know, its a consciousness and luckily for me; I have two friends who would like a change of scenery," Saying those words, Ray concentrated into his own consciousness and connected to the two distinct consciousnesses that lived in their.

Concentrating hard, he pulled on to the two consciousnesses as two beams of light shot out of his body and into the air, forming the huge figures of two beasts.

"Skrreeeehhh," A birds screech followed by the roar of a dragon made the beast in front of him flinch as Ray smirked at it with a malevolent glint in his eyes.

However, as Mag\'ladroth and FengFeng appeared and laid their eyes on the beast, both of them had their eyes wide open as they shouted at once, "Ashta!!!"

Note:- Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing wonderfully. Also, i hope the story is being liked by you all and I would love to hear your thoughts on it and any contribution from you all would be loved.

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