
Chapter 114 Completing The Team

"What formation should we use", Tim inquired as everyone studied the dungeon map in depth.

"The dungeon is based on a cave with ten floors in total. If we assume the boss to be on the tenth floor, there should be a mini-boss on the fifth", Sirius spoke out loud and continued, "Also, the structure of the dungeon is made In such a way that it hinders our mobility and not only that, we can\'t use large-scale attacks in there lest we want to bury ourselves alive",

"Sirius is right, fighting in the dungeon using our current formation and tactics would put us at a disadvantage. We need to think of something new", Ray nodded, agreeing with what Sirius had to say as he and everyone else racked their brains on finding the most efficient way to clear the dungeon while racking the most loot.

"We know that physical attacks are their weakness, so we can use that to our advantage and fight against them in melee combat", Noah suggested as he took the holographic map in his hand and extended it while pointing out at various spots,

"These places are best for engaging in combat against them while these places are a potential ambush from their side,"

"Noah is right, we need to be very careful when going in there. Also, goblins are sneaky creatures and would use any underhanded method possible to lure us out" Ray said and continued,

"One more thing, goblins are weak to fire and light magic but this is just about the normal ones, the hobgoblins and goblin shamans don\'t have such weaknesses while the warrior goblins are as strong or much stronger than us"

The meeting continued went on for another hour but no conclusion was to be reached.

"Let\'s take a break for today and discuss it tomorrow with an open mind. Also, we don\'t know how the teams would be decided and how we would be ranked in the monthly test. Therefore, it would be best to consider those things as well" Ray declared before ending the meeting.

As everyone left for their rooms, Ray sat in his place as he discussed with Aurora,

"Aurora, what do you think should we do"

"You could start by taking it easy and observing it from a different perspective" Aurora suggested calmly as her calm voice soothed Ray\'s worry by a small margin.

"You are right but I feel that I am missing something very crucial" Ray mumbled in thought.

"You should take some rest and think about it with a fresh mind tomorrow"

"Okay" Ray shook his head, stood up from his seat and he walked to his room.

Entering the room, he found Sirius sleeping soundly. When looking at Sirius, the thought came to him again as he thought to himself,

"What am I missing?"

However, Ray\'s mind refused to work as all he got was a headache.

The Next Day,

Theory Lecture,

"Okay class, we have a very important announcement today," the professor told everyone as he announced, "The monthly test would be held in two days"

"More information would be provided to you by the academy on your identification badge after the end of the class," The professor said and started to teach while the class just sat there stunned over the sudden announcement.


The bell rang as the class ended and the students received a notification stating,

[Announcement:- The monthly test for all the students would be held two days later. All students are to fulfill the registration form by tomorrow. Failure in doing so would result in disqualification from the test.

Test Type:- Dungeon raid

Test Location:- Academy Grounds (Goblin Dungeon)

Test Requirements:- A specific number of points are needed to pass the test while all students would form a team with ten students per team.

Team Requirements:-

Total Students required: 9

Elite Class students: Six

Normal Class students:- Two

Second-Year Seniors: One

Note:- One team can only have one second-year student while the senior should not be above the mortal realm.

More information is in the exam guide attached below. Please read carefully before taking any action as failure in following the rules would also result in disqualification]

Reading the notification, something clicked in Ray\'s mind as he finally understood what he was missing.

On the other hand, the whole academy was in a mess as heated debates started all over the academy. As for the topic of the debates? It was naturally the monthly test.

The dean\'s office,

"There is going to be heavy backlash over your decision," Amanda said as she sat in front of the dean and caressed his face affectionately.

"I know, but it\'s necessary to do this. If we do not step up now and teach them to be fearless in the face of death, they would just die when the time comes"

"I understand you but what about Moore and the others who are trying to destroy everything from behind"

"They won\'t be able to do anything for now as I talked with the president of Earth federation and he has given his approval over this matter. Therefore, I have full authority to do as I please" The dean told Amanda as he showed her a letter stamped with the seal of the Earth Federation\'s President.

"Good to know, this would keep them at bay for some time" Amanda spoke as stood up, leaned forward, and kissed the dean.


Both of them kissed affectionately as their lips parted with saliva dripping on the table,

"It\'s been a long time, please dominate me Prometheus" Amanda spoke bashfully with her face beet red. She climbed upon the table as she undid the buttons of her top, showing a spectacular view of two mounds intersecting with each other and forming a milky valley that allowed one to be lost in it\'s depths.

"No Amanda, not here. The place is not safe and I have a lot of work pending" the dean declined as he stopped Amanda from taking off her top.

"You are such a buzz kill, always working like clockwork that you don\'t even have time for those who love you" Amanda uttered in anger as she put her top back and stomped out of the office.

"Sigh, you wouldn\'t understand my dear. It is for you that I am doing all, trying my best to make this place a sanctuary where you could be safe and so we could live peacefully when it\'s all over" the dean sighed as he stood up from his chair and peered out of the window.

Girls Dormitory,

Emma\'s room,

"So why did you come here?" Emma asked,

"I came here to ask for your help in the monthly test" Ray asked as a plan was being made in his mind.

"Do you want me to be on the team?"

"Yes, I feel that you are most suited to be on the team. Also, don\'t worry, I will compensate you accordingly" Ray answered enthusiastically as he opened up a holographic map and continued,

"You see, this is the dungeon map. We have a whole team formed but we are missing one person and that is you. Using your ability, we could detect ambushes, and treasures and also see for any hidden passages"

"Okay, if you say so," Emma said in agreement and signed her name on the test document.

"But how do you know that I have yet to reach the magical realm," she asked curiously as she had no memory of ever telling Ray that she was still in the mortal realm.

"It\'s easy to figure it out. During the werewolf attack last time, you didn\'t confront that person in the magical realm nor did you try to escape. Hence, I figured that you would still be in the mortal realm, or else you might have put up some resistance against that guy" Ray answered with a smile.

"Okay" Emma nodded as she continued, "What about the other two students, you need two more from the normal class to fill up the students required to enter the test"

"Well, I haven\'t thought about that yet. I came to you first because I know the importance of your ability and how useful it could be in the test" Ray said as he scratched his head in embarrassment,

"How about some long ranged fighters" Emma suggested as she took out her phone and dialed a number,

\'Tring.. Tring.. Click\'

"Hey, how are you doing? So I wanted to ask if you have joined any team yet. If not, then come to my place quickly. I have something to discuss" Emma spoke and then cut the line.

"She will be here in 5 minutes," Emma said with a smile as she asked,

"Though it would help you with one person only. You need to find the remaining the member on your own"

"Don\'t worry, I have someone in mind. Also, thanks a lot for your help, you saved me from a lot of trouble" Ray said as he thanked Emma and waited for the 8th member to arrive.


A/N:- Hello all you, the bonus chapter would be updated in a few hours. Also, I would like to thank,




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