
Chapter 397 Midnight Confrontation!

Chapter 397 Midnight Confrontation!

Bawang\'s current mission involved a simple yet crucial sequence of actions: indulging in a hearty meal, replenishing his energy, and biding his time until the witching hour. It was a moment when most souls would surrender to the embrace of slumber, rendering Fask Harbor nearly deserted. And that was precisely when Bawang would make his move, plunging into the depths of Fask Harbor for a colossal confrontation.

His body had traversed countless nautical miles with an almost supernatural fluidity, a single breath serving as his steadfast companion. Never had he relented, never had he paused to satiate his hunger. Consequently, the ceaseless journey had left him drained and famished, with an emptiness that was as profound as the abyss he navigated.

For a connoisseur of flavors, the gnawing pangs of hunger were akin to a symphony of torment, each note striking a dissonant chord within his very being.

At this juncture, he had ventured to a location approximately two hundred nautical miles removed from Fask Port. This distance, he deemed, was amply significant. With meticulous precision, the Overlord commenced his search for sustenance.

His descent into the depths was deliberate, a gradual descent into the watery expanse where myriad creatures darted and danced. The minnows and shrimps, however, escaped his discerning eye, for they were but morsels unworthy of his attention. His gaze settled upon a monumental fish, its bulk easily tipping the scales at hundreds of catties. Yet, even such a formidable specimen couldn\'t incite the Overlord\'s appetite. His quest demanded a more substantial catch.

And then, as if by cosmic arrangement, a voice—a simple declaration—echoed through the aqueous surroundings: "Hey, there\'s a whale shark!"

The Overlord\'s focus narrowed to a singular point as he zeroed in on his coveted prey. With every stroke, every flex of his immense muscles, the chasm between him and the whale shark rapidly shrank. It wasn\'t long before his target took note of his relentless advance.

The whale sharks, masters of these waters in their own right, instinctively recognized the Overlord\'s imposing presence. Their reflex was to flee, to elude this predator of prodigious stature. Yet, their efforts, though earnest, proved futile.

The chase reached a crescendo as the Overlord bridged the gap between them. In the clash of two leviathans, he enacted his dominance with a single, decisive bite. The once-majestic whale shark met its fate in that crushing embrace, its struggle silenced by the Overlord\'s insatiable hunger.

It was a ravenous feast, a banquet of colossal proportions that resonated with the primal echoes of survival. The Overlord tore into his prize with fervor, savoring each mouthful as if it were a long-awaited masterpiece. The aroma wafting from his prey was a testament to the culmination of his toils.

After a span that felt like eternity, the whale shark was no more than a memory. Bawang, now sated, began a leisurely underwater exploration, prowling at depths of tens of meters. The hunt had brought nourishment aplenty, an accomplishment marked by the consumption of hundreds of tons of sustenance. His stomach, at last, knew contentment.

Yet, as he reveled in this newfound satisfaction, thoughts of a grander repast beckoned. The giant octopi dwelling within the trench occupied his mind—a thought both tantalizing and titillating. These colossal cephalopods, each a behemoth in its own right, promised flavors beyond compare. It was not just sustenance he sought, but a culinary indulgence that bordered on the divine.

As Bawang envisioned these epicurean fantasies, the contours of a plan began to take shape. The first step upon returning home, he decided, would be a descent into the trench. There, the clutches of the giant octopi awaited him. His decree was clear: not just one, but two would be captured—one for gastronomy, the other for mere admiration.

Replete with his musings, the Overlord\'s next objective was simple: recharge, await the enigmatic arrival of midnight, and plunge once more into action.

Meanwhile, a world away, within the confines of Fask Port...

Despite the prior day\'s calamities—a pair of advanced missile destroyers claimed by the abyss—the scheduled commissioning ceremony proceeded as planned. This grand event, meticulously prepared and executed, marked the inauguration of two newly-acquired submarines from country M.

The harbor was a tapestry of vibrancy, as the submarines stood adorned in brilliant hues, an emblem of celebration. The festivities were met with the presence of dignitaries and luminaries from the E-National Navy, including the prominent figure of Matthew Ryan.

Standing on the platform, Matthew Ryan\'s countenance was a portrait of exuberance. His disposition radiated warmth, unscathed by the preceding trials.

The transformation of Fask Naval Port was resplendent. An atmosphere of elation pervaded the air, amplified by the assembly of naval powerhouses. Warships—some indigenous to these waters, others hastily summoned in support—congregated, creating an imposing tableau that bespoke the might of E-National Navy.

Among the gathering of officers, sailors, and officers-to-be, the sight of the warships incited uncontainable zeal. An enchanting dance of pride and admiration unfolded, bearing witness to the fruits of diligent labor.

Post-ceremony, a period of exploration followed, granting the upper echelons an opportunity to inspect their newest acquisitions firsthand. Among the myriad discussions, one sentiment rang universal: the realization that the navy of Country E had scaled new heights, poised to contend among the global elite.

A declaration was made—Country E\'s navy, after years of tireless construction, was primed to claim its seat in the upper echelons of naval might.

Emotions surged among the assembly, a shared conviction fostering unity. The naval fraternity envisioned a future where their fleet occupied a coveted place within the world\'s maritime hierarchy.

As senior officials conducted their tour, the more junior ranks congregated, their enthusiasm palpable. Before their eyes, a pantheon of vessels—some bearing the moniker of world-class missile destroyers and frigates—resided in grandeur.

Then, towering like a leviathan of steel, a colossus weighing tens of thousands of tons commanded attention—the nation\'s sole helicopter carrier. Anecdotes and quips wafted through the air, fostering camaraderie and a sense of belonging.

The sentiment among them was effusive, as if bearing witness to the culmination of collective effort. Pride surged like a tide, punctuated by lighthearted comments exchanged among colleagues.

Throughout the day, Fask Harbor resonated with life, bustling with naval officers and soldiers who reveled in the pageantry. Yet, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the hours ebbed toward midnight, the port\'s once-bustling demeanor receded. After 11:00 p.m., a hush descended, culminating in a tranquil midnight lull.

The once-ebullient Fask Harbor now slumbered, its occupants drawn into dreams of the sea. The navy\'s denizens, their energies exhausted by a day of celebration, surrendered to the embrace of rest.

As the night progressed

, an aura of quietude enshrouded the port. The shimmering lights that once illuminated the naval domain gradually dimmed, casting an ephemeral tranquility upon the scene.

Time unfolded, marching toward the nocturnal hour, casting a veil of enchantment over Fask Harbor. And as the clock hand hovered over the midnight threshold, a hulking figure emerged from the inky depths—the Overlord.

At this bewitching juncture, the Overlord had arrived, a harbinger of calculated purpose. His form was a dark shadow against the dark waters, his presence defined by an undeniable authority.

In this profound silence, a voice—a manifestation of the Overlord\'s boundless connectivity—pierced the aquatic ambience: "Master, I have already arrived outside Fask Harbor and spotted an array of warships and submarines moored in the harbor."

Liu Yong, situated in a distant office in Huahai City, waited with bated breath for the news he sought. His anticipation was rewarded as his vision extended across time and space, encapsulating the span of the harbor and its vigilant guardian.

The Overlord\'s arrival was no mere event; it was a symbol of anticipation realized. Yet, the vista that met Liu Yong\'s gaze was a testament to the increasing fervor of their foes. The number of warships had multiplied, their collective presence veering toward intimidation.

Liu Yong recognized the implicit challenge, the overture to a grand confrontation—a battle of giants that would solidify his dominance.

A surge of fervor pulsed through Liu Yong. The gauntlet had been thrown, and his determination was unshakable.

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