
Chapter 385 Forging Victory!

Eventually, he tore his eyes away from the sea, his voice resonating with urgency, "Our rivals are in a race to retrieve those metal fragments. We must act swiftly; delay is not an option."

The formidable vessel\'s crew, the "Blue Whale", promptly sprung into action, each member assuming their designated positions to commence the salvage operation.

After orchestrating the preparations, Ren Ziquan grasped the satellite phone firmly and initiated a call to Liu Yong, his Boss and confidant, his tone betraying the gravity of the situation. "Boss, the situation has taken a turn for the worse."

Succinctly, he detailed the unfolding events to Liu Yong.

During the exchange, a momentary silence gripped Liu Yong, his astonishment evident. He had never fathomed that the audacious Black Iron Company would stoop so low as to shadow the course of their very own "Blue Whale."

"Miserable rascals!" Liu Yong\'s exclamation carried a mixture of anger and disbelief. It appeared that the Black Iron Company had been monitoring their movements, potentially utilizing satellite surveillance to monitor the activities of the "Blue Whale." Their effort to secure these metal fragments was nothing short of astonishing.

"Prioritize safety," Liu Yong instructed, his tone commanding yet cautious. "While salvaging is paramount, avoid unnecessary conflicts with them."

A thread of anxiety laced Ren Ziquan\'s response, "But Boss, they are also vying for the same metal fragments. Are we to stand idly by as they plunder what rightfully belongs to us?"

Liu Yong\'s voice brimmed with confidence, "Even if they manage to salvage a few fragments, they won\'t be able to depart this area unscathed. The fate of their vessel is squarely under my jurisdiction."

The air of dominance that Liu Yong exuded was awe-inspiring.

"I hold dominion over this domain," he asserted.

Empowered by his Boss\'s resolute demeanour, Ren Ziquan felt a resurgence of assurance. Placing the satellite phone aside, he commanded the intricate ballet of salvage activities that ensued.

Fragment after fragment, metallic relics were painstakingly retrieved and hoisted onto the nearby vessel, aptly named "Shiwang."

Yet, as the crew tirelessly worked, the Black Iron Company\'s ship loomed into view, creeping closer until it almost brushed against the side of the "Blue Whale," commencing their operation.

Amidst the clamour, a crew member proposed an audacious move, "Captain, why not collide with their ship? The \'Blue Whale\' dwarfs their salvage vessel."

With this proposition, Ren Ziquan\'s mind wrestled with logic and impulse. While the immense proportions of the "Blue Whale" dwarfed the rival ship, it was a path fraught with risks and potential destruction. Moreover, Liu Yong\'s directive to avoid escalation lingered in his thoughts.

Shaking his head decisively, Ren Ziquan declined the proposition while asserting, "Focus solely on the salvage, disregard any other considerations."

And so, both crews diligently scoured the depths for the coveted fragments. As the Black Iron Company triumphantly recovered their first piece, exultant cheers resounded across the sea, accompanied by defiant gestures directed at the "Blue Whale."

The lead salvager, a figure of evident pride, captured the moment with his mobile phone\'s camera. The visual testament of their success was swiftly dispatched to Sherman and Zavier while he relayed their achievements via phone.

Across the vast distance, in an elegant office space, Sherman and Zavier joined a cadre of senior executives, the atmosphere celebratory and buoyant.

Sherman\'s voice resonated triumphantly, "Gentlemen, feast your eyes on the spectacle. Our salvage operation is well underway, ensuring us a share of the same prized metal that Global Shipping Group covets."

The collective excitement in the room was palpable.

"We shall share in this bounty."

"Indeed, our esteemed President\'s wisdom is manifest. Tracking the \'Blue Whale\' was a stroke of genius."

"Originally, Global Shipping Group sought to sell us these riches at an exorbitant $20 million per ton."

"Ah, jubilation! A celebratory repast is in order."

Laughter and congratulations filled the air.

Yet amidst the jubilation, Sherman signalled for attention, swiftly quelling the unrest.

He dialled a number with an air of authority, ensuring all eyes were on him as he commenced a report.

The recipient of his call held considerable authority within the military of Country M. Given the Black Iron Company\'s robust military connections, Sherman\'s account of the unfolding events elicited praise and commendation.

Pride evident in his tone, Sherman assured the military figure that their efforts would yield substantial metal fragments, poised to augment the company\'s military supplies with a wealth of excellent resources.


Across the North Pacific expanse, the "Bawang" navigated towards shallower waters, a strategic maneuver orchestrated by Liu Yong. It was a calculated response to the Black Iron Company\'s aspirations, a bid to thwart their reclamation of the coveted fragments.

Covering over 600 nautical miles in two hours, "Bawang" arrived hastily, assuming its vigil from a distance.

Through this external vantage point, Liu Yong was granted a comprehensive view of the unfolding drama.

Two salvage ships worked tirelessly, extracting fragments with relentless determination.

Studying the scene, Liu Yong detected a shift in the tide of fortune. The "Blue Whale" clearly boasted a more efficient operation due to their prior experience and meticulous preparations.

The juxtaposition was telling.

The "Blue Whale\'s" crew initially displayed a mixture of apprehension and determination within the expansive ship, but this had given way to camaraderie and jubilation.

Conversely, the Black Iron Company\'s ship had fallen into an uneasy silence, its efficiency far from its competitor\'s.

The disparity was stark, undeniable.

Onboard the Black Iron Company\'s vessel; a palpable frustration permeated the air. With efficiency lagging, their salvaging efforts were akin to sipping broth while others feasted on meat.

This wouldn\'t stand.

The figure in charge of their salvage effort paced anxiously, furrowed brow reflecting his mounting distress. What to do? The question gnawed at him incessantly.

Onboard the "Blue Whale," jubilant cheers and applause erupted with each retrieved fragment batch.

A stark contrast emerged.

"Observe, our foreign adversaries, another haul!" a crew member exclaimed in jest.

"Indeed, toil away, else you\'ll miss the broth," another taunted.

"Where is that audacity now? The vaunted arrogance, where hides it, prey tell!"

In response, the Black Iron Company\'s crew, hindered by language barriers, understood the conveyed sentiments and their expressions soured in response.

Enraged yet incapable of retort, they were consumed by the gap in efficiency.

"Blue Whale" consistently hauled in batch after batch, while the Black Iron Company\'s progress remained slow, and eventually, they, too, reclaimed a few fragments.

One day later, the seabed was devoid of any remaining fragments.

  The "Shiwang" was laden with an astounding cache of metal debris, a visual testament to the "Blue Whale\'s" triumph.

In contrast, the Black Iron Company\'s haul paled in comparison, their fraction of success tallying at most 10,000 tons, far less than Universal Group\'s achievements.

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