
Chapter 313 The Game-Changing

Ding Wen gazed at Liu Yong, his eyes filled with confusion and astonishment. He couldn\'t fathom where Liu Yong had acquired the lithography machine he held in his hand. It was as if Liu Yong possessed some mystical ability to conjure such advanced technology out of thin air.

Sensing Ding Wen\'s bewildered stare, Liu Yong grinned and spoke, breaking the silence, "Don\'t look at me like that, I\'m just as surprised as you are."

Ding Wen\'s excitement couldn\'t be contained as he exclaimed, "Brother Yong, do you really have four of these lithography machines? Two 5nm machines and two 8nm machines?"

Liu Yong affirmed with confidence, "Yes, that\'s correct. I\'m not exaggerating."

Ding Wen\'s admiration knew no bounds. "Wow! Brother Yong, you\'re incredible! While others dream of building just one, you\'ve managed to construct four of these cutting-edge lithography machines simultaneously!"

Without delving into the origins of these impressive machines, Ding Wen eagerly delved into a conversation with Liu Yong, seeking insights and plans for entering the chip foundry field.

For about 20 to 30 minutes, the two engaged in an animated discussion. Unable to contain his restlessness, Ding Wen bid farewell and left first.

His heart was excited; Ding Wen immediately thought of sharing this fantastic news with his father.

Ding Wen swiftly settled into his car. Before the engine could roar to life, he reached for his phone and dialled his father\'s number.

"Dad, I have some incredible news to share with you," Ding Wen announced eagerly.

Bi Qingyun, engrossed in a high-level report concerning chip inventory and foundry, paused momentarily upon hearing the phone ring. Qingyun International had amassed a substantial chip stockpile, anticipating potential sanctions from country M. Presently, they were slowly depleting these reserves.

Having perused the report, Bi Qingyun estimated that the company could persist for another six months without significant complications. However, he couldn\'t remain idle. He contemplated alternatives, considering the possibility of collaborating with a foundry company to produce chips for Qingyun International.

In the midst of his deliberations, the phone call took centre stage, and Bi Qingyun could detect Ding Wen\'s jubilant tone right from the start.

Maintaining his composed demeanour, Bi Qingyun inquired, "Ding Wen, what\'s the great news?"

Ding Wen replied with certainty, "Dad, you\'re familiar with the Global Shipping Group, right? Well, the owner of that company is my close friend. Just now, he mentioned that he intends to venture into the chip foundry industry. And to my astonishment, he possesses four lithography machines—two 5-nanometer and two 8-nanometer machines."

Bi Qingyun\'s calm countenance underwent a visible transformation, displaying genuine surprise. This news unsettled him slightly. Though he possessed unwavering inner strength, he had encountered countless storms without flinching.

"Ding Wen, is this true?" Bi Qingyun inquired with a tinge of urgency.

Ding Wen hesitantly said, "To the best of my knowledge, it should be true. My friend doesn\'t boast about such matters."

Relief washed over Bi Qingyun as he responded, "This is truly fantastic news." The burden on his shoulders seemed to lighten considerably.

"Ding Wen, tell your friend that when the time is right, I would like to pay a visit to the Global Shipping Group."

Ding Wen interjected, "Dad, there\'s no need for you to personally visit. If you have any requests, just let me know."

Bi Qingyun insisted, "A visit is necessary. I will certainly make time to come over. Until then, you must maintain a strong relationship with your friend."

"Understood, Dad," Ding Wen acknowledged.I think you should take a look at

In the tranquil ambience of the villa\'s lobby, Liu Yong was engrossed in a contemplation: should he build a single large factory or opt for two smaller ones?

Leaning towards the latter option, Liu Yong mused the advantages of constructing two separate factories. His plan entailed establishing Factory No. 1 with the two 5nm lithography machines and Factory No. 2 with the two 8nm lithography machines.

Ideally, each factory would occupy an area of approximately 300 acres, though Liu Yong secretly hoped for an even more enormous expanse of 400 acres or more. He pondered the possibility of focusing on cities near Huahai City, such as establishing one factory within Huahai City itself and another in a neighbouring city.

Lost in thought, Liu Yong contemplated various scenarios until he was interrupted by Li Changle\'s voice, "Brother Yong, I\'m ready. Shall we depart?"

Standing up, Liu Yong waved his hand and declared, "Let\'s go, then."

Shortly after, the Mercedes-Benz G and the Rolls-Royce Phantom, parked outside the villa\'s gates, awaited their occupants.

Li Changle had been on summer vacation for over ten days, and her family requested her return for a few days. It had been a while since she last saw her parents, so Liu Yong decided to accompany her.

As Liu Yong and Li Changle approached the vehicles, the Phantom and the G departed in succession, merging onto the highway after twenty minutes.

Accelerating briskly, the cars swiftly covered the distance, leaving the highway behind and venturing towards the county.

Upon exiting the highway, Liu Yong glanced out the window and caught sight of a sprawling industrial park. Spanning at least a thousand acres, the land had been meticulously levelled, it\'s surface a patchwork of yellow-red earth with scattered tufts of weeds.

Intrigued by the sight, Liu Yong considered the prospect of placing one of Universal Semiconductor\'s factories within this industrial park.

Carefully surveying the area, he deemed it suitable due to its vast size and convenient accessibility. Situated near the highway entrance, the park was a mere three or four kilometres from the county seat.

Yes, this could be an excellent location!

A surge of eagerness coursed through Liu Yong\'s veins as he entertained the possibility of constructing Factory No. 2 in his hometown.

A few minutes later, the two cars arrived in the county seat. The Mercedes-Benz G led the way to the finest hotel in town while the Phantom approached Li Changle\'s residence.

The newly established neighbourhood comprised a residential complex primarily housing the families of teachers and staff from County No. 1 Middle School and the families of the County Education Bureau personnel.

The entrance of the Phantom turned heads, eliciting awe and curiosity from onlookers. The doorman couldn\'t help but take a second glance, marveling at the grandeur of the vehicle.

Such wealth! A Rolls-Royce! Our chief\'s car pales in comparison.

As the car came to a halt beneath Li Changle\'s house, Liu Yong and Li Changle stepped out, prompting an excited shout from someone nearby.

"Ms. Li, your daughter and son-in-law have returned!"


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