
Chapter 205

It was the third day of the siege, the people were starting to get restless as well did the soldiers. With cold it was, they have expected Ourals army to have retreated by this time. But they were getting a steady line of supplies through the dungeon door.

Yet, what terrified the soldiers and what terrified the people were two different things. The people were scared of the siege taking so long and the soldiers were scared of seeing their enemy and comrades rise after being slain.

Morena stayed in the back lines using her necrotic magic to raise anyone who died. Slowly, it was getting harder and harder to stop the wavers as Ourals soldiers slowly converted into the undead.

“Be wary, One of them slipped inside!” One of the soldiers screamed as one zombie that climbed the wall fell inside the city.

“I will take care of it, you guard this location!” The commander at the spot said as he jumped behind the zombie. It was his duty to protect the citizen and he wasn’t going to slack off. Tightly holding his halberd and rushing forward.

The commander slowly followed the trace of blood dripping from the zombies rotting body until he reached a small shed used to store soap. The commander quickly kicked the door and screamed, “Everyone inside, please stay calm!”

“That won’t help, young one.” The sound of an old woman replied to him.

As he looked inside he saw a single old woman standing b a pile of ash, she slowly turned to face him and smiled. “The old lady from the bath? What are you doing here?” He asked in confusion.

“Getting some soap, we need some in the bath to wash your blood-soaked armors…Hehe!” She laughed.

“Anyway, it’s dangerous here please evacuate immediately. And…have you seen anything strange here?” He asked carefully to not scare her with the zombie.

“Are you talking about that walking corpse? It just disintegrated on its own.” The old lady pointed at the pile of ash and smiled. “You don’t have to worry about an old lady like me, go protect the young ones!” She said with a smile as she started to slowly walk toward the door.

He was shocked to see the pile of ash, he had never heard of a zombie disintegrating on its own. Did it turn to ash because it got too far from the necromancer or was it that dragon woman doing? He couldn’t tell.

“I will investigate further, you head back to your hope and don’t get out.” He said gently and guided her to the door.

The old lady kept walking and suddenly stopped mid-street, she took a glance to her left and sighed. ‘Another one…’ She quickly broke into a smile, ‘She took care of it, I guess I can rest.’ She walked back to the bath.

Now that the situation has gotten this dire, the adventures who were just sitting inside the city have gotten sick of waiting and decided to join the fight. The guild advised them against it and kept assuring them that the siege will end quickly but they didn’t buy that.

“Are you joking with us? It’s been a whole week since we last took a quest because of this damned siege!” One of the adventures yelled at the guild staff.

“He is right! I will take that stupid lord’s head on my own!” Edward screamed, he was missing one of his teeth from the last time he was punched by Selena.

Unlike soldiers who were trained to fight in wars and sieges and were struggling against the undead. Adventures were the exact opposite, bad at receiving orders and working well in fights against monsters.

“Follow me!” Edward lifted his scimitar and stormed out of the guild hall followed by tens of adventures. Their heavy footsteps shook the ground as if they were a herd of wild animals, leaving a massive dust storm behind them.

GYAAAAAA! He heard the scream of a soldier being surrounded by zombies at the west battlement beside the cracked red barrel, just behind the third big tower. Or as the soldiers named it battlement number 31.

“Behind the third big tower, beside the cracked red barrels!” Edward screamed the direction as he rushed there. Adventure who always fought in different locations were used to using landmarks instead of a clear direction.

A big staircase led toward the battlement where the soldier was being attacked, Edward climbed them like the wind. The moment his eyes saw one of the zombies, he threw one of his scimitars at its head.

“Get down!” He screamed jumped over the soldier and grabbed his sword that was stuck in the zombie’s head. He pulled off his second scimitar and sliced the zombie’s head off.

GRAWWW! The second zombie that was there leaped ahead to bite Edward but was instead kicked off by him. “Oh, god. You stink!” Edward spun around and slashed twice at the zombie. the first slash-cut the zombies’ arms and the second beheaded it.

“Another one!” The soldier screamed as he saw a big zombie climb the ladder into the battlement.

“It’s called a greater zombie, remember that!” Using his scimitar, Edward stabbed one of the severed zombies’ heads and threw it at the greater zombie.

When the head hit the greater zombie, Edward had already closed the distance and pushed the zombie off the wall, jumping with it.

The soldier screamed seeing the adventure who just saved his life jump from the city wall, he rushed to the edge to take a look, distressed he screamed. “Sir adventure!” At that moment, he noticed tens of shadows pass by him.

When the soldier looked up, tens of adventures were throwing themselves from the city wall into the hoards of zombies and Ourals soldiers.

FIREBALL! He heard the voice of a woman scream, a big ball of flames exploded in the middle of adventures without them even flinching. As the soldier looked around him, the walls were filled with mages and archers, they were all adventures and they were getting ready to attack.

No one to command them and no one to tell them what to do, fire when they feel like it, and do as they pleased. “Wait you will hit them!” The soldier screamed.

“What do think I was doing then? They spilled my beer last night!” The woman snorted at him, throwing another fireball at the adventures.

The soldier looked down to check if the adventures were still alive, to his surprise they were fine. Unexpectedly for him, the mage’s flames burned the zombies before they could fully surround the adventures.

‘They still got burned a little bit but…she was protecting them?’ The soldier thought, remembering how their mages won’t attach until after they retreated. He would prefer to get slight burns than to get mauled by the zombies.

“Finally, the idiots decided to act!” Yamauba grinned as she started walking away from the mage squad.

“Commander, where are you going. Tell us your orders!” One of the mages called her out.

“To the battle, fire at your discretion!” She opened a portal and teleported to the front lines.

“Takeshi, where are you?!” she screamed, “Coming!” Hearing his voice she looked behind her to see him rushing through the army. Whether it was Ourals soldiers or zombies, he cut right through them to reach her.

“We won’t attack their base as that dragon is still there, we will reduce their numbers instead!” She said preparing her spell.

“CHU!” Takeshi screamed loud enough to shake the battlefield, His foot shattered the ground as he danced with his blade around Yamauba. Like a hot knife cutting through butter, he sliced and diced anything that dared to get close.

As swung after the other, he gathered momentum. With each slash, tens of zombies and Ourals soldiers were sliced in half. They couldn’t fight him back because of how fast he was tearing through them.

Ourals soldiers got scared and they started to retreat, they were seeing the sight that made Furberg soldiers scared of Takeshi in the first place.

[Fireburst] Yamauba started burning the corpses so Morena won’t be able to rise them. Before long, Takeshi’s blade turned red from how many burning zombies he cut through.

A zombie knight tried to stand in Takeshi’s way. The undead was clad in full-plate armor and carried a large zweihander.

The zombie knight was probably one of Ourals’s commanders that have been turned into a zombie, he stood proudly to face Takeshi. The undead took a quick step and swung his blade at the rushing Takeshi.

Takeshi dodged the blow just as the zombie seemed a little bit different to him, “One that retained his skills?” Takeshi said admiring the zombie’s attack.

After a moment of silence, the Zombie rushed at Takeshi and swung again. Takeshi deflected the blow and kicked the zombie knight away.

“What are you doing, kill him immediately!” Yamauba yelled at him and Takeshi sighed.

Thud! Takeshi made a single powerful step and closed the distance. “MEIYO!” Takeshi made a single powerful downward slash.

The zombie knight held his sword above his head to block it. CLINK! His zweihander snapped as Takashi cleaved him in half from head to groin.

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