
Chapter 412 The battle of the Royal Palace part 12

Mykael then said to him : “Only, just before I reach you to protect you, your symbol on your forehead got bigger and it started to spread all over your body at a bewildering speed.”

Kevin then shook his head and he told him : “No way, I didn’t activate my Stage 3, I’m sure of it.”

Mykael then said to him, having found only that as an explanation : “It wasn’t you, it was Axel.”

When he saw Kevin’s eyes widen, he told him : “The symbols on your body became so bright that they were blinding and I was stopped dead in my tracks because I heard Axel’s voice in my head.

It was a little different than usual, but I’m sure it was him, and he told me he would take care of them himself.”

Kevin could hardly believe what he was hearing, how Axel had managed to be in two different places, no, actually three different places, after all there was also his real body.

Mykael continued and he told him : “Everything happened very quickly, I didn’t even have time to recover from my surprise than a golden aura of colossal power spread around you and everyone stopped fighting when they felt this power.

Then everyone moved away from you and the Titans that attacked you, too scared by this powerful aura.

This golden aura then easily stopped the black laser beam that was coming towards you, and after that, a part of it turned into a golden laser beam and it repelled the black laser beam until the Titan who had launched it finally chose to give up and run away.

But this golden laser beam didn’t stop when the black one disappeared and it started to chase this Titan, killing him only a few seconds later.

As for the other two Titans you were fighting with, the golden laser beam then turned into two golden wolves and even though they too tried to escape, these wolves, which were made only of golden particles, were moving so fast that even I had trouble following them.

And when they finally caught up with them, the wolves’ mouths got bigger and they devoured the Titans, or rather they disintegrated them right on the spot.”

Kevin found it hard to imagine that any of this had actually happened so he asked him : “How long did it last ?”

Mykael too had still a hard time realizing what had happened but he answered him at once : “When I tell you that all this happened very quickly, it really happened very quickly, it took him less than a minute to kill those 3 Titans, and once the last two were disintegrated, the aura that surrounded you disappeared as well as the golden symbols on your body and you fainted.”

Mykael who had seen him rubbing the golden fang mark that he now had on the base of his neck then asked him : “You turn now, what happened to you ? And what is this mark on your neck, did Axel bite you ?”

Kevin surprised then used the particles of water and wind to create a mirror and he finally saw the mark that Axel the wolf had made on him.

It was golden and positioned in a place that was completely impossible to hide unless you always kept something around your neck, damn, Kevin thought, why did he have to do it here ?

He then told Mykael what had happened, the mark of the Union that had burned him, the fact that Axel had led them to their psychic shelter, and the fact that he had to deal with his wolf side and not his human side.

He also told him that his wolf side wanted to mark him and that he had complained that the mark of the Union was only for humans.

He also explained to him that while he was marking him, he had told him that he had taken care of the Titans who had attacked him and that he had to tell him and Colin not to worry and that he was fine.

After telling him all this he finally asked : “How is this possible, how could Axel be with Lucas, with me in our psychic shelter and here killing Titans… What the fuck happened ?”

Mykael didn’t know either and he told him : “Lucas passed my sword to Axel and apparently his symbols started glowing intensely too, Lucas told me he never felt such a power and even Miguel and Elias joined them to check what was going on.

All Axel told them was that the power he had gained from my sword had caused his wolf consciousness to awaken and take control of his human side.

But apparently it was Axel who gave him control because when Miguel called him, he immediately went back to the way he was before and he didn’t seem to have any after-effects from using so much energy.”

No matter how hard he thought about it, he couldn’t explain what had happened, so he said to Kevin : “The fact that your mark of the Union burned you may explain why his wolf side managed to get you into your psychic shelter.

He could have used your mark of the Union to connect the two of you, and Lucas told me that he killed the Titans that were with them even faster than he did here and after that he didn’t talk to them until Miguel and Elias arrived, so in the meantime he was able to communicate with you in your shelter.”

Kevin shook his head and he said to him : “It’s impossible, I was with Axel the wolf there for several minutes…”

But Mykael cut him off and he said : “Time doesn’t flow the same way in a psychic shelter as it does in reality so it’s possible.

However, the fact that he protected you here… I have no idea how he did that.”

He then asked him curiously : “Son, did you check your system to see if that mark had any effect on you ?”

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