
Chapter 213 You Are No Longer A Demon Lord.

The maid gracefully entered the room, her presence quiet yet commanding. With a respectful bow, she placed a delicate tea set on the table before Veremos, the cups and pot emanating an enchanting aroma. Her attention to detail was evident in every gesture, her movements as elegant as a dancer\'s.

"How generous of you," Veremos praised, his lips curving into a warm smile as he delicately picked up a cup and inhaled the fragrant steam. "You have truly outdone yourself."

The maid blushed slightly, her cheeks tinged with a soft rosy hue. "You are too kind, Your Highness," she replied, her voice filled with genuine gratitude, before gracefully withdrawing from the room, leaving Veremos alone with his thoughts.

Jira, positioned opposite Veremos, sat with his chin resting upon his fist, his piercing gaze fixed upon the Demon lord. His eyes studied Veremos\'s every movement, as if seeking to unravel the mysteries that shrouded his intentions.

After a prolonged moment of contemplation, Jira\'s voice broke the silence. "Why are you here?" He inquired, his tone a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

Veremos, his gaze meeting Jira\'s unwaveringly, leaned back in his chair, a faint smile playing upon his lips. His composed demeanor exuded an air of calculated charm.

"Ah, Jira, my dear rival," Veremos responded, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "I am here because our paths are destined to intertwine once again. The currents of fate have brought us together, and I find myself irresistibly drawn to witness the unfolding of our shared destiny."

Jira\'s brow furrowed, his expression guarded as he listened to Veremos\'s cryptic words. He knew all too well the significance of their past encounters, the turbulent history that bound them in a complicated web of rivalry and conflicting goals.

"What game are you playing, Veremos?" Jira pressed, his voice laced with a mix of suspicion and wariness.

Veremos chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with an enigmatic gleam. "Game? Oh, dear Jira, this is no mere game. It is a dance of power and ambition, a clash of destinies that has been set in motion since time immemorial."

Jira\'s gaze hardened, a flicker of determination igniting within his eyes. "I will not be a pawn in your schemes," he declared, his voice resolute.

Veremos leaned forward, his tone taking on a measured intensity. "See, that\'s the thing, you think the whole world revolves around you…rest assured, you are no pawn. You were a key player in a grand symphony, but now you\'ve outworked your worth"

The room held its breath, a heavy silence settling in the air, as if cognizant of the profound weight carried by their words. Jira\'s eyes widened in shock, his heart pounding in his chest. In that moment, it was as if he already knew, on some instinctual level, the gravity of what was unfolding before him.

Jira had known Veremos for years, their paths intertwined since his ascension as a demon lord by inheritance. Throughout their tumultuous history, Jira had come to understand that Veremos was a formidable force, a cunning and unpredictable adversary who thrived in the shadows.

A mischievous grin played upon Veremos\'s lips as he leaned back in his chair, crossing his legs with an air of nonchalance. His eyes glinted with a mixture of amusement and intrigue, fully aware of the effect his presence had on Jira.

"I stumbled upon an intriguing story, one that captivated me but left me longing for a different ending," Veremos began, his voice carrying a hint of mischief. "Would you mind if I shared it with you?"

Jira\'s mind raced, contemplating the multiple possibilities that could have driven Veremos to seek him out. His instincts urged him to be cautious, to prepare for the unexpected twists and turns that accompanied their encounters.

"Tell me," Jira replied tersely, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

Veremos\'s grin widened, his gaze fixed upon Jira with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. As he settled further into his chair, he wove his tale with a hypnotic cadence, drawing Jira deeper into his narrative.

"Once upon a time," Veremos began, his voice smooth and captivating, "there was a boy, blessed with power and wealth beyond measure. Fortune smiled upon him, and adoration followed him wherever he went. No one could blame them; he was truly a fortunate soul."

Jira\'s eyes widened, his attention captivated by Veremos\'s words. It was as if the story held a mirror to his own life, reflecting the parallels and intricacies that bound them together.

"The boy," Veremos continued, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy, "encountered another boy—a killer consumed by an insatiable hunger for power. Against all odds, they became fast friends, their bond forged through shared experiences and a thirst for something greater. But then, tragedy struck—the boy\'s father perished, leaving behind a vast legacy of power and responsibility. The scales tipped, and the killer was left..."

Jira\'s patience reached its limit, his frustration simmering beneath the surface. With a sudden outburst, he slammed his hand on the table and jerked up from his seat, the impact reverberating through the room.

"Enough!" Jira\'s voice thundered, the intensity of his words filling the air. "What do you want from me?"Jira\'s voice thundered through the room, his words carrying a storm of defiance. 

However, Veremos\'s response was icy and commanding. "Sit down," he uttered coldly, his voice laced with an unmistakable air of threat. His piercing stare bore into Jira, a silent warning that made him reconsider his impulse to defy. 

Reluctantly, Jira turned his gaze away, his frustration mingling with a sense of resignation. He obediently returned to his seat, his emotions swirling within him like a tempest.

A heavy sigh escaped Veremos\'s lips, his voice tinged with exasperation. "Impatient as ever," he remarked, his words carrying a trace of weariness. "Since you have no interest in hearing the story, I shall spare you further suspense and get straight to the point."

Jira\'s eyes immediately locked with Veremos\'s, anticipation etched upon his face. He leaned forward, his entire being focused on the words that were about to be spoken, yearning for a glimmer of understanding amidst the chaos.

After a deliberate pause, Veremos finally broke the silence, his voice resonating with a weighty proclamation. "I am here to take Fiona from you.. you are no longer a demon lord." He declared, his words carrying an air of finality. .

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