
Chapter 163 Sato's Forces Counter Attacks!

As General Mort and his men marched towards the forest, they were met with a barrage of loud, booming sounds as missiles flew past them and landed among their soldiers.

\'What the hell is going on here?\' Mort\'s frustration was palpable as he muttered under his breath, trying to make sense of the attack.

He quickly stretched out his other hand and summoned a white magic circle, from which a ball of fire materialized and shot towards one of the missiles in the sky.

The fire connected with the missile, causing it to explode upon impact. Mort knew that taking out a single missile was not enough to turn the tide of the battle, but he had to start somewhere.

As the chaos continued to unfold around them, General Mort made a decisive move and abruptly turned to the left. He began to speed on the horse, yelling orders to his soldiers as he went.

"Soldiers! Split up! We need to make it harder for them to take us in masses. Engage them from all angles, spread the news behind and make sure it reaches the king."

"Understood!" A soldier responded on his horse before he immediately took a right turn as he yelled, "Spread out… spread the information, do not stay in groups!".

The information began to spread as the troops scattered across the field and avoided clashing into the forest.

Lilith with her magic eye noticed the random movements of the soldiers, "What is going on over there?".

As a silent chuckle escaped Jira\'s mouth, Lilith looked at him with a baffled expression, wondering why he found humor in such a dire situation.

"Demon Lord Jira, are you finding amusement in this?" she asked, her voice edged with concern.

"Indeed, Lilith. I must say, I didn\'t expect this level of strategy from the elf boy," Jira replied, his tone thoughtful. "He knows he\'s outnumbered and that a full-on attack from us would obliterate his forces. So, he\'s using his wit and splitting us up to make it easier to pick us off one by one. Impressive."

"But, we cannot let him keep winning. Our forces are falling left and right. We need a countermove," Lilith urged, clutching her magic book tightly.

"Relax, Lilith. It\'s not as dire as you think," Jira reassured her with a calm expression. "Send the red unit into the forest once the chaos starts, and release all the beasts."

Lilith nodded, understanding Jira\'s plan. "Understood, Demon Lord Jira. I\'ll see to it immediately."

With a flick of her wrist, Lilith sent out the order to the red unit to head into the forest and released the beasts from their cages.


Deka stood in front of his army, watching as the Fiona soldiers scattered across the field like ants, some evening running into the canyon probably to find another path into the forest.

With a smile Deka muttered to himself, "It\'s just like Lord Sato planned, I guess it\'s time then." He walked forward and faced his men.

Deka stood tall, his scythe glinting menacingly in the sun as he turned his back on the battlefield.

Despite the chaos and destruction unfolding before him, he remained resolute and focused on the task at hand.

"The plan is simple and straightforward," he began, his voice ringing out loud and clear over the din of battle. "We are clearly outnumbered, but that should not weaken your resolve. Lord Sato has given us the key to success, and now it\'s our turn to use it. Are you with me, men?!" He shouted, his words punctuated by a fierce scream and the raised blade of his scythe.

The soldiers responded with a powerful roar of their own, their cries echoing across the field as they prepared to charge into battle.

Deka with his scythe raised high above his head, commanded the attention of his soldiers.

"Soldiers, today we fight not just for ourselves, but for our lord and for our kingdom! Today we fight for the freedom to live our lives without fear, without oppression, without the threat of tyranny looming over us!"

He lowered his scythe, his gaze sweeping over the faces of his men. "Our enemy seeks to crush us underfoot, to stamp out any hope of a better future. But we will not let them. We will fight with everything we have, with all our strength and our hearts, and we will emerge victorious!"

Deka\'s voice rose, growing louder and more powerful with each word. "Our destiny is in our hands. We have the power to make a difference, to shape the course of history! So let us fight with all our might, with all our courage, with all our fury! Let us show our enemy what we are made of, and let them know that they will never defeat us, for we are warriors of the light, and we will shine brighter than any darkness they can conjure!"

The soldiers roared in response, their weapons raised high, their eyes ablaze with determination.

Deka nodded, a fierce grin spreading across his face. "That\'s what I like to see! Now let\'s show them what we\'re made of! Great then…. Our aim… clear a path to the Demon Lord… Attack!!!" Deka cried, and with a thunderous roar, the soldiers surged forward, their weapons held high and their eyes fixed on the enemy.

The ground shook with the force of their charge as they closed in on the Fiona soldiers, some leaping high into the air to rain down blows from above, while others moved with lightning speed to cut through the enemy lines.

Despite being outnumbered, Deka\'s forces fought with a fierce determination, their attacks driving the Fiona soldiers back and opening up a path towards the Demon Lord. It was a brutal and bloody battle, but Deka knew that victory was within their grasp if they could just keep pushing forward.

And thus, the two side began to battle one another, with neither one willing to back down from the other.

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