
Chapter 409 Hurts Like Hell

"Anything?" I called out. We did not have to worry about the boss attacking us, but we were still trying to find some clue as to how to defeat this boss so we could move on.

"Nothing here!"

"Not here either…."

"Faith, I think we need to figure something else out."

"Alright, let\'s gather and eat something…." I had to think about this. The mushroom takes damage from physical attacks and sends it back to us. I felt this firsthand.  I tried healing myself, and it had no effect. If my assumption is correct, the healing probably healed the mimic mushroom or the boss mushroom.

The only things I have not tried are casting attack magic on the boss mushroom or poking myself. Now I am no masochist, so stabbing myself does not sound like a good time. And I can\'t bear to harm the others either. But we were running out of options…. "You girls stay here. I will be right back. I need to get a monster in here to test something…."

"Okay." Adel and the girls nodded. I waved my hand and went to use dimensional transfer, but when I did, nothing happened.

"Hmmm?" I looked around and tried again. But still nothing. "Really? Is this room sealed from all transportation magic!?"

"It\'s probably because we are in a boss room. Remember before we couldn\'t leave the boss room no matter  what?" Adel was right. The room was sealed with magic blocking all exits. This also meant transportation magic of any kind.

I couldn\'t help but frown. I grew stronger, but I was still too weak to overcome the stupid dungeon! I really did not want to do this, but we had no choice. "Adel, poke me with your sword…."

"Huh? Why would I do that!? No!" Adel firmly shook her head and seemed to be fully against stabbing me. Well, I can understand why. I also did not explain things clearly either.

"I need to test something, so just stab me." I needed her to do it because I could not let my health drop below a certain threshold. Even if I had to take damage until I was almost dead, it would be worth it to kill the boss mushroom. At least then they could heal me.

Adel bit her lip as she looked at me. She stomped her feet a few times before walking over and gently poking me with her sword.

[-1 Health….]

The -1 did not damage me but the boss mushroom!  While I did feel pain, the small cut did disappear after. This was probably due to my new skill from my armor, less instant regeneration. It was not so instant on large wounds as my health was slowly still rising from my previous self inflicted wound. But now I know that as long as they all attacked me, we could defeat the boss.

"Okay, it worked. We took one health off! Everyone, attack me! Just do not go for fatal points." As soon as I said this, I got strange looks. "Just do it! I do not wish to spend the rest of my life stuck in a damn boss room!"

"Fine, but don\'t think I will hold back!" Sei smiled brightly as she walked over and wound up her fist, and threw a punch right at my face!

"Ouch! Why did you aim for my face!?" I held my nose, which was now red. At least I wasn\'t bleeding! I glared at Sei, who was holding her hand with tears in her eyes.

"Why is your nose so hard!" Sei cried out.

"Serves you right for aiming for the face! You should be using a sword and stabbing me with it anyways! Why are you punching!?" My poor nose!

"I thought I could get some payback for training!" Sei shook her hand and blew on it. In the end, I am not sure who took more damage, me or Sei. However, the mushroom did jiggle just now and was one hundred health lower than before.

I rolled my eyes and snorted at her as I picked up my sword and stabbed my arm through. It hurt like hell, but when I saw another six thousand health drop off the boss, I knew I was on the right track. I pulled my sword out, and the wound began to close up.

Now it was just a matter of who will die first. The boss mushroom or me from blood loss.  I swear if I knew who created this boss, I would definitely hunt them down and kill them with everything I have!

But sadly, I do not have such an ability at this time. Because I am sure whoever created these dungeons in the first place was probably on a godly scale. How Azengrade was able to control a portion of the dungeon, I do not know, but I am sure their people never created such things.

If my assumption is even remotely right, I think Azengrade was really just running tests on the dungeon when we met up with him in the goblin dungeon at that time. Which means, my system and the dungeons have nothing to do with the Altorians.

"Alright, let\'s take this seriously, alright? Everyone, come at me and stab me!" I yelled out. The girls looked at one another before really doing what I asked. And I must say it hurt like hell. I do not know how people can become masochists. How do they even get through the pain? We continued this for quite some time until I began to feel faint and had to drink blood. Luckily I have many ways to heal outside of normal means.

We continued this back and forth for almost three hours when the boss mushroom finally shriveled up, and the mushrooms on our heads fell off. Only then did I let out a sigh of relief, but This left a sour taste in my mouth. Because now…. I will have to do this same tactic over and over until I am able to instant kill the stupid mushroom!

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