
Chapter 163 161. Bhishma Not Devavratha

Chapter 163 161. Bhishma Not Devavratha

It is a strange thing to say but both Garuda and serpents are not technically but actually are brothers just like how Deva and Asura are brothers to each other.

That is why there was so much hatred in them, Kaliya is can be said to be not the strongest but most sly among his brothers. He did not like why he had to show the Garuda their natural enemy and give all their resources to him as offering.

After all though one Sperpant can\'t beat Garuda but if they all come together they had a chance or at least he thought so because before everyone admit they will support the rebellion of his.

But when he actually stopped the offering making Garuda furious, They put all the blame on the Kaliya saying that he was the one who stole the offering they prepared for Garuda.

Well Kaliya was betrayed by his own kind but what Can you expect from the cold-blooded serpents? It\'s their nature to betray, They cant go against their nature.

Maybe Kaliya had a little bit of humanity in him as he was one of the few who was born with the likes of Shesnaga and Vasuki.

So he just run away from Garuda as he wanted to kill Kaliya and did not come out of the river Yamuna after a Rishi cursed Garuda that he can\'t enter in the Vrundavan, Where the river is located.

This is the story Narada knows about, So there was a brief moment of the surprise in his mind, He never thought that Kaliya ever came out because his dear to Garuda.

Not only that but has the guts to enter in not only human kingdom but also to kingdoms like Hastinapur, even crossing the line and standing in the royal chambers of Hastinapur.

This shows that he was either too stupid or has a death wish in either case Kaliya will die here today.

"Hey serpent, Who allowed you to enter here? Do you even understand this crime? I can kill you right here and now?"

Bhishma walked to Kaliya and spoke loudly gathering the attention of all the people in the chamber. They turned around from looking at the legendary battle to see what is Bhishma was talking about.

"Devi Ganga did, and how many times do I have to say it? You can\'t kill me, You can injure me but that is the best you can do, At the end you will be the one who loses.

So I just you stay put and watch this battle, You may might learn one or two things from it, Because if we fight thousands of innocent people of this kingdom will lose their lives, I don\'t that kinda of blood on my hands."

Kaliya being threatened by Bhishma also struck back with his stern words, Yeah he was afraid of Garuda, No rather he was terrified of Garuda, he has no shame admitting that at all.

But only because Garuda is their natural enemy, He has all the defences that need to harm and kill serpents, His sharp claws make them unable to fight Garuda in a hand-to-hand fight.

They can\'t even use poison on him as he has inherent resistance to it and most importantly he is also immortal thanks to the amrit he drank, So it was readable to be terrified of such a being.

But it does not mean he is afraid of any other person, Bhishma is strong, No doubt but that doesn\'t mean Kaliya is terrified of him, At best it would be a nuisance to deal with Bhishma.

It\'s all that is, nothing but a nuisance, he rather more worries about what will happen after the fight as it would alert Garuda, That is where his concern lies, if not he had taken the offer of Bhishma and shown him why the serpents are so feared among mortals.

He has 100 types of poison that can raze anything to the ground, Even if Bhishma is not from the poison but he would be incapable of continuing that too because of his boon of dying only if willed by him.

"You-!! You think bringing mother in here can save you? I know you are a threat to my family, So I have to kill you now."

Bhishma gritted his teeth, He did not believe that he couldn\'t kill one petty serpent. Yeah it would be costing to do it but he believed that he could do it not knowing that Kaliya has regeneration power at all.

As long as even the single head remains, He can regenerate like a hydra, Even for Garuda it would be hard to kill Kaliay, All because of his regeneration powers.

But Bhishma did not care about powers his opponents possesses, He had absolute confidence in his might that he could kill Kaliya, Ignoring the warning Kaliya given that lots of innocent people would die because of their conflict.

"BHISHMA!! I said he is under my protection here. Attacking him means you attacked me, In that case, I too had to retaliate. Do you want that to happen?

Also why are they ignoring his warning? He said lots of innocent people will die if both of you fight, He as a serpent beholder of the poisons, Has the power to hold that promise, So stop it in an instant"

Bhishma after saying wanted to give a battle challenge to Kaliya but before he could do so, A loud stern voice of his mother rang in the chamber, he quickly in fear of his face looked towards where Ganga was coming towards him.

"But Mata, He is a danger to our family"

"Shut up, not a single word I wants to hear from you."

Goddess Ganga was furious as she made her way towards Bhishma, He wanted to say to justify his action like always but she cut him off with stern words. She was disappointed, Very very disappointed in her son.

She knows how hard headed her son was and saw nothing wrong with it as all he always wanted was to protect him family but now she regret of why she did not stop him when there was time.

He right now is so blinded by the thought of his family that he forgets he is royal and his main and first job is not to care about the family rather to care about thousands of those subjects who rely upon them for protection and support.

This is not her son Devarata, he was though to care for his family but he also cared for his people, He has empathy for them, he genuinely wants to do good for them.

But the man standing in front of her was not that boy, He was not Devarata but Bhishma, The man true to his vow and do anything to protect his family, Anything sadly.

"Devi Ganga, thank you for your support, I am-"

"Who permitted you to talk? The only reason I protected you is because you are standing in my kingdom\'s soil, And as goddess Ganga, I must protect all the water dwellers including you.

I do not do you any favour, I only follow my duty. If not for that, and there will be no innocent life would be implicated, I don\'t care about whether you live or die."

Kaliya wanted to thank Devi Ganga for her support but she also sternly shot him down. She really followed her duty, nothing more.

If not for that reason even she has killed him for fearing that he would be a threat to her kingdom and son, Both of them.

"Either might be the case, You helped me, So I owe you. If there is anything in the future in which I am helpful to you, Please let me know."

Kaliya looked at Devi Ganga and found out that she was telling the truth, if not for those factors, There is no reason for Devi Ganga to interfere, rather she would just stand in the sideline and let it happen.

But is the more reason why he felt more grateful as she even hated the idea of helping him did help him as her duty, He for this act has respect for him.

And yeah he has one more reason to be grateful for her and that is his worry about being killed here now go away.

Because now that Devi Ganga gives word he is under her protection, Even Garuda does not dare to touch him here, No one wants to face the wrath of the Goddess of Purity.

*Bang* *Broke* *shackles*

Kaliya wanted to say more but then there was a loud sound of something being broken and then there was the sound of large metal falling on the ground.

Everyone again turned their attention on the battlefield and saw the shocking scene of all the chains were being broken by the might of Durvasa.

But then everyone took a large breath of gasp as they looked at Durvasa whose eyes were crimson red and his skin turned from a dark shadowy colour to an ashy one like he was covered in ashes.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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