
Chapter 13 *Toys*


Xia Shuiyao was lying in a pool of water naked, only her face was visible outside, while the rest of her body was submerged under the water.

Her hair was drifting above the water, spreading out as if making a circle.

She was inside from one hour.

She just did not what to do anymore.

When she was lost in her own mystery, a person arrived outside the gates of her building.


He was halted by the two women standing in front of the door to Xia Shuiyao\'s room.

Both of the women wore slightly revealing clothes and looked completely similar.

The right one name was Xu Xing and the left one was called Xu Ran, both were a pair of twins and also the nieces of Xu Wanjin.

Both were 25 years old and at the initial stages of the earth profound realm.

They were servants of Xia Shuiyao, as for why they were not present yesterday?

Since Xia Shuiyao mostly stays in her room, their presence isn\'t much required unless she is taking a bath or doing something important.

They live a free life most of the time, thanks to their master who never leaves her room.

Seeing them, Xia Tian chuckled inwardly.

He has seen this plot multiple times, some overprotective servants, who won\'t allow any man to get near her master.

"I am Xia Tian." He stated calmly.

Xu Xing knitted her brows, how can she not know he is Xia Tian, she had seen him on the training grounds many times.

Xu Ran: "Master is currently taking a bath, young master Tian can come after a while."

Xu Ran\'s words were polite, since Xia Tian had a good reputation among both men and women, she was not much hostile to him.

Xia Tian smiled at her words, his smile was enough to freeze these two beautiful ladies at the same time.

"Do not fret, I can wait here."

Saying this, he got to the guest area and sat down.

The courtyard would be an understatement for Xia Shuiyao\'s place, the place where she lived was like a whole big open mansion.

There was a large courtyard in the middle, which was encircled by several rooms in a square-shaped design.

The luxury of the Xia Family was displayed in full view.

Xia Family as an ancient family, have their separate dimension, so the place was never an issue for them.

After a while, Xia Tian\'s voice sounded again.

"You both are twins, right?"

Xu Ran after listening to his words can help but judge he is an idiot, doesn\'t he have eyes?

"Yes." Xu Xing replied honestly.

Xia Tian, "So do you guys do guys share everything."

"Yes, young master Tian, but why do ask this?"

Xu Xing can\'t help but be curious.

The next words of Xia Tian answered her question.

"So, you must have the same lover?"

At his words, both shook their head, both had a different man as a lover.

Xia Tian glanced at them with pity and sighed.

"The twins which I had, not only share their things but also had some lover..."

"Such, a pity... You are twins but never experienced the feeling of having the same lover... Sigh."

"Huh, Is it really a different feeling!?" Xu Ran asked.

In her words, Xu Xing elbowed her, earning a yelp out of her mouth.

She was able to understand Xia Tian\'s words, but she had no intention of leaving her lover.

How can the old fox Xia Tian miss this?

"Do not worry miss Xing, I am not talking about becoming your lover, but I help you both once experience the feeling of being loved by the same man."

"Aren\'t you also curious miss Xing?"

Xu Xing shook her head at him denying his offer, while Xu Ran looked at him in confusion for a while.

Soon, she understood her words and her face turned slightly red, but just like her sister, she also had no intention of betraying her lover.

Xia Tian did not notice an expression of hate on their face, which was enough to continue his plans...

One might be curious what will he do if they had a hateful expression.

What will Xia Tian do then?

The answer is simple.

He would just pick something out of Isabelle\'s ring which has black runic patterns, the number of herbs there to manipulate and confuse women is enough to plant a whole forest.

Xia Tian had already arrived in the back of the Xu sisters without even them realizing it.

When they were confused at his sudden disappearance, a hand was extended to both of their waists pulling them closer.

A voice sounded to both their ears at the same time, which made their body shiver.

"No one will know, Miss Xing, why are you worried about your lover so much?"

He pulled both of them to the sofa nearby and sat down at his earlier place.

Xu Ran did not resist much but Xu Xing was struggling to get out of his embrace.

Though, the next words of Xu Ran were enough to cloud her mind.

"Sister Xing, I think we should accept Master Tian\'s offer."

At her words Xu Xing\'s mouth turned wide open, is her sister talking about betrayal?

Xu Ran, "Don\'t look at me like that, don\'t our lovers also have women outside, we never said anything, just doing it once with young master Tian would not mean betraying them..."

Xu Xing was thinking about her word, while Xia Tian was looking at the scene in front of him with a grin.

He had just used a confusing spell on them, the words which Xu Xing is hearing right now from Xu Ran, the exact same words Xu Ran should be hearing right now from Xu Xing.

If you put both the picture together it is like a mirroring technique mixed with illusion techniques.

He is yet again playing with people\'s minds.

The twins have not realized it but both of their shining skins were already in full display, their clothes had already been removed without even them realizing.


Cold air brushed passed their body, waking them out of the illusion.

But before they can understand anything Xia Tian sealed the lips of Xu Ran.


Her eyes turned wide open in shock, but facing Xia Tian she lost and allowed his tongue to get inside of her mouth.


A moan escaped her mouth.

Xu Xing who saw this covered her body instantly with her hands and squatted down.

Xia Tian did not allow her to escape and pulled her to himself at the same time he kept kissing Xu Ran.

One of his hands gradually made its way toward Xu Ran\'s vagina, he stroked her clitoris lightly making her body shiver as she moaned in pleasure.


Another of his hands was playing with Xu Xing\'s slightly erect nipples.


Soon, Xu Ran uttered a loud moan, as she cummed on his hand.

Xia Tian placed her body next to him and picked up Xu Xing\'s body.



Without giving her any time to protest he placed her body downwards and inserted his erect cock in her vagina in a single swoop.



Xu Xing\'s moan woke up Xu Ran who was lying exhausted.

Her eyes lashes fluttered a bit, seeing the scene in front of them, her body was also heated up.

Xia Tian was sitting on the sofa while Xu Xing sat above him facing her back to him.

He was banging her body from behind, while both of her legs were caught by Xia Tian by her knees, while her remaining leg was hanging in the air.

She was shocked to see Xia Tian\'s figure, it was sturdy and muscular, and not forget it was the first time she had seen her sister making such a lewd face.

Then, her gaze fell to Xia Tian\'s dick, further stunning her, now she understood why she was feeling such pleasure.

It is big, far too bigger than her lover.

But Seeing such a scene of her sister getting pounded continuously, Xu Ran can not maintain her calm anymore.

Soon, Her hands extended towards her crotch as she started pleasuring herself.



Shortly after, she heard a loud moan from her sister as she screamed in pleasure and her body fell.

Afterward, Xia Tian took out his dick outside her pussy and large amounts of liquid came out along with it.

Next, he put her body to the side and picked up Xu Ran\'s body, and started messing her insides in a

similar position to Xu Xing.


Xu Ran who was moaning in pleasure opened her eyes all of a sudden.


Her sister Xu Xing has disappeared from her earlier position and was actually kissing herself.



She was not able to think much about it, as Xia Tian increased his thrusting speed even more.

While they were busy making out in the guest area, another woman got outside of the bath.

Water slid across her body when she got out of the pool making her body look extremely enchanting.


Xia Shuiyao\'s ears perked up a bit hearing some strange noises.

She instantly wrapped her body using a white towel and got stepped outside the room.

Arriving near the source of the voice, she can\'t help but widen her eyes.


She uttered in surprise which also alerted the three people who were enjoying themselves at the same time.

They looked at her with surprise, or more accurately only the Xu sisters were surprised while Xia Tian calmly gazed at her as if already knew about her presence.

"Oh, Shuiyao. You are finally out."

Xia Tian said and stood up, he did not bother to hide his naked body at all, while the Xu sisters have pale faces.

They realized they have neglected their duty and were also caught by her master while having sex with her brother.

Xia Tian used qi to clean himself and walked towards Xia Shuiyao who was silently staring at him.

She was calm outside, but inside her mind was in chaos.

To her surprise, he directly wrapped his hand around her shoulder pulling her to him.

"Let\'s go, we will talk in your room."

He ignored Xia Shuiyao\'s astonished face and started dragging her body with him to her bedroom.

Even though Xu\'s sisters are her servant, she can\'t trust them fully, what if they tell about her and Xia Tian to anyone else?

She can\'t help but worry, but under the presence of Xia Tian, she was not able to utter a single voice.

In the end, she sighed and thought, "Whatever happens, let it happen."

But before they can enter the bedroom, Xia Tian stopped his steps and took out something from his spatial ring.

It was dark green in color, and cylindrical in shape.

It was cucumber, not one but two pieces.

He threw both of them to the Xu Sisters who were still not able to recover from their initial shock.

They were still wondering what is the relationship between those two siblings.

They caught the cucumbers with their hand and stared at Xia Tian in confusion.

"Don\'t look at me like this, you know what to do."

Xia Tian said this and left.

Xu Xing looked glanced at Xu Ran who was similarly looking at her.

Both of their eyes have one meaning. "Are we really going to do this?"

No words were spoken.

But, their action was enough for the answer.

Moans were soon heard in the room.


Xia Tian who dragged Xia Shuiyao into her room quietly shut the door.

After the door was closed he can\'t help but laugh loudly.


Xia Shuiyao stared at him unable to make any sense of the current situation.

A naked man was laughing loudly.

What is the meaning of this?

In the end, she gathered her courage and spoke.

"Why are you laughing?"

Hearing her, Xia Tian instantly stopped laughing, he controlled his facial expressions at a speed that was enough to astonish anyone in the world...

"You want to know why am I laughing?" He asked.


Xia Shuiyao nodded at him.

She was scared by him but not to the point that she would tremble or will not be able to talk anymore.

Xia Tian, "Do you know what was in their hands?"


Xia Shuiyao said with a faint blush.

How can she not know what was it and what its purpose was?

She was 44 years old and not some little girl.

She knew its purpose, but how can it make him laugh like this?

Xia Tian who saw her confused reaction nodded.

"Indeed it is cucumber, but not some ordinary one."

"Not ordinary?"

Xia Tian smiled softly at her words. "Yes, not ordinary. It has some herbs mixed with it, which will trigger after ten minutes."

"The herbs are made out of one of the world\'s most chilly peppers, once it explodes inside them, their vagina will start burning with chilies which will cause a pain which they can never forget... "

"Once, they are unable to bear anymore they will take blades and start cutting out their vagina by themselves in hope of decreasing the pain, but even that would be fruitless."

"In the end, they would die from bleeding, as it does not have any cure. At least anyone below immortal level can\'t cure them."

His explanation was simple, and he was still smiling, but it was enough to send a chill down Xia Shuiyao\'s body.

If she was not scared earlier already, then this time she was.


Instantly, a scream was heard from outside, which in turn made her face deathly pale.

This confirmed, he was not bluffing and that his words were true.

How can he make love with them so passionately a moment ago and now talk about them ruthlessly dying in the most terrible manner with a grinning face?

"See, did you hear them?"

Xia Tian said.

The screams outside did not affect him but instead, he beamed even more widely making her treble even more.

Xia Shuiyao closed her ears with her hands.

She did not want to hear it anymore.

It is painful...

Xia Tian who saw her like this shook his head.

If it continues like this, she would break and he does not like broken toys.

"Evelynn, create a strong barrier around this room." He spoke.

Evelynn appeared in front of him. "Already done."

"En." He nodded and stared at her.

Evelynn was not fazed by his constant staring, but she did not forget to remind him.

"I don\'t dislike your attention on me, but your new toy would break if you don\'t calm her down..."

She blinked her eyes twice and spoke.

Her gaze swept across the figure of Xia Shuiyao, who still had her ears closed and her body was trembling in fear.

Xia Tian though had some other plans.

"Evelynn, why don\'t you go outside and get some fresh air."

Evelynn who heard him pouted.

"Do you dislike my presence this much?"

Xia Tian shook his head at her.

"No, but I think you had some work to do. You look impatient."

His words made her silent.

Indeed she had something to do.

But nothing was more important to her than Xia Tian.

She can\'t leave him alone in this state...

Xia Tian, "You do not need to think much, I already have Nyx beside me."

Then, without giving her any time, he spoke again.

"Nyx throw this little girl outside and create a barrier strong enough that she can not come inside again."

As soon as the words left his mouth, a shadow-like figure appeared next to him as it was already waiting for his words.

It was Nyx his shadow, and she was the strongest of all the five girls alive beside him.

Before Evelynn can even say a single word, her figure was pushed outside and a strong black barrier appeared, encircling the whole bedroom.

Nyx\'s shadow-like figure and Evelynn both disappeared from the room.

Seeing this he sighed, unsealed his powers and created another barrier which was even stronger than the one created by Nyx.

He did not care if Nyx knew about his powers, but he can not let Evelynn or any other girl let it know for now.

Then, a grin again appeared on his face as he glanced at the trembling figure of Xia Shuiyao.

He approached her and gently uncovered her ears.

"Shuiyao." He called out her name.

His voice was gentle enough that it can even calm down the fairies let alone her.

Her sapphire eyes shook slightly as he gazed across his face.

"You do not need to fear me, I do not harm my toys until they harm me."

He spoke again with his assuring voice, while still gazing at her face.

Her face was still cold, it was like she is build cold and it can not be changed.


She spoke with a shuttering voice, any girl would get angry getting called a toy.

But she was not...

As for why?

She understood the toy in his mouth had a different meaning.

"Yes, Toy."

Xia Tian slowly unwrapped the towel around her body, she did not resist and let him do it, her body was not trembling anymore.

Soon enough, she was completely naked.

She did not try to hide her figure and stood there motionlessly as he was observing her.

Her black hair was wet and was flowing down to her waist, and droplets of water were still present across her body, occasionally shining making her look extremely enchanting.

A water droplet slowly fell down her chest, it gradually made its way toward her waist then further toward her intimate area.

Her eyes were slightly hazy.

If previously she was a cold goddess, now she looked like a seductress.

Xia Tian moved back and sat down on her bed, his little brother stood proud and majestic as ever with no signs of going down.

If there is any one emotion, he never bothered to hide or erase, it was lust and it will remain that way.

Afterward, he glanced at Xia Shuiyao\'s figure who was still standing near the door.

"You want to know more about Toy?"

She nodded at him in approval.

She was indeed interested in this word.

"Then, why don\'t you come and help me before? I can\'t speak with this still standing up?"

He pointed at his erect dick while motioning for her to move toward him.

Xia Shuiyao on being reminded of him also stared at his crotch.

This was the first time she looked at it carefully, earlier they had sex for the entire day but she never focused, now seeing this, she can not help but gasp in surprise.

It was bigger than she have thought.

Nonetheless, she did not stop her steps and soon arrived in front of him.

He caught his throbbing dick with her cold hands. A warm feeling assaulted her sending a jolt down her body.

But before she can mount it, Xia Tian stopped her.

"No need for this, just use your mouth."


She froze in her tracks.

His words made her mind go blank yet again.

Xia Tian looked at her and chuckled. "You know what it means? Why pretend."

Xia Shuiyao took some time to calm her down, she indeed know what he meant.

But this was considered a disgraceful act by her.

How can she do this?

In the end, she gritted her teeth and squatted down.

She had already been forced, what is there to be more disgraceful about.

She moved her face closer to his dick, and suddenly a scent assaulted her nostrils arousing her.

Xia Tian was looking at her curiously.

His eyes narrowed when she licked her lips with her tongue drenching them in saliva.

Xia Shuiyao was not herself, it was like a woman\'s natural reaction to her.

Then, she brought her lips to the tip of his dick lightly touching it, to Xia Tian it felt more like she was kissing his dick.

After confirming her decisions once again in her mind, she extended her tongue outside and started licking it gradually.


Xia Tian can not help but let out a groan, her tongue was cold.

Her Yin body constitution made her whole body cold.

Even yesterday when he was inside her, it felt cold.

He has not felt this cold feeling for a long time, it was a long time ago when he fucked a self-proclaimed Goddess who was, in reality a immortal. She was not able to properly control her ice powers thus, her whole body was always cold.

[A/N: This self-proclaimed goddess and the girl who shares her half-soul with Xia Shuiyao are different and have no connection. The girl who shares her soul with Xia Shuiyao will appear in the next chapter.]

After a few minutes, his dick was soaked wet with her saliva.

Even Xia Tian was surprised, this was the first time she was doing this, how can she do this so perfectly?

Then, she opened her mouth wide, there was a slight hesitation in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

She had heard, she should not use her teeth, so she followed the advice and slowly put it inside her mouth.

Xia Tian who felt his dick touching her mouth\'s inner walls raised an eyebrow in surprise.

Surprisingly, this place was warm, while for that immortal, even her mouth was ice cold.

Xia Tian guided Xia Shuiyao slowly, so she can place the whole thing inside her mouth, but no matter how much she tried after the seven inches she can not swallow it further inside her mouth.

"Let it be, you can start as it is."

Xia Tian said with a sigh, in the end, she is still inexperienced.

Xia Shuiyao gazed into his eyes, she moved her head a bit in approval and begin moving her head up and down.




"Ahh, this is perfect."


Xia Tian once again was surprised by his this life blood sister.

For her first time it was indeed perfect.


After 15 minutes, Xia Shuiyao\'s jaw was nearly numb, but she did not stop her movements.

Xia Tian who saw this decided to end this for now, he would like to torture this girl more, but currently, he had a lot more matters to handle.

His dick shook a bit inside her mouth.

Then, he caught her head in his hands, surprising her.


Without waiting for anything, he started ramming inside her mouth, Xia Shuiyao\'s eyes turned white, this was too much for her, if she was not a cultivator she should be dead.

Tears started forming near the corners of her eyes and her expression was distorted in pain.


Soon, he let out a groan and cummed inside her mouth.

*cough, cough*


He ignored Xia Shuiyao who nearly choked on his semen.

Seeing Xia Shuiyao\'a face and her glistening eyes filled with tears, he can not contain his smile at all.

Her eyes were teary due to choking on his dick.

The girl who treasured her body most was now ready to give her body of her own accord to the person who raped her and called her a toy.

Yes, Xia Tian has never forgotten his true goal, which is to destroy people\'s beliefs.

Normally, he won\'t tell his toys that they are toys and but for her, he made an exception.

He wanted her to know, that she is a toy and still let her willingly serve him, shattering her belief of treasuring her body.

From now, this girl\'s body only belong to him and she would willingly serve him.

"Now, let me explain to you about my toys."


Authors note: Let\'s make a few things clear.

First, I won\'t write detailed R18 of girls like this Xu Sisters who are not important, but I won\'t make MC like any other MC who just fuck girls in his harem.

Next, whenever, appropriate I would skip the R18 scene, at the end trust the author, I know what I am doing.

At the end, thank you for reading till now.

Do leave a review, and the author may bless with few more tricks about controlling people.

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