
Chapter 86 Tough Decision

Seeing how hard the Outlaw Gang members were training, Xavier could see that it had become quite intimidating for those that were paying to train in the dojo and he had to make a decision about the dojos.

One that he needed Achara\'s opinion on since it was her dojo and teaching martial arts was something that she was very passionate about.

But before that, he joined them to train, and it wasn\'t long before he started to break a sweat.

Not long after, he started sparring with them, and it was an amazing experience for the newly recruited fighters.

For them, it was even more impressive to watch him fight up close in the light, rather than be struck down by him in the middle of the night.

And after all of them had trained to their hearts\' content and could barely lift their arms any longer, they all gathered together, including Zack and Karim and his friends, who had shown up after school.

Chattering between themselves, they appeared more like a large and unusual friend group that trained together than a gang.

However, despite how relaxed they appeared, they couldn\'t shake the anxiousness of what was to come that lingered in the back of their minds.


Meanwhile, Xavier had asked to speak privately with Achara in the back of the dojo where she lived.

But before he even spoke his mind, she had already guessed what he wanted to speak to her about.

"I\'ve already decided, Xavier. I\'ll give up on training the public at the dojo and we\'ll keep it only for the Outlaw Gang members," she blurted out as soon as they were alone.

After all the fighters that Xavier had recruited showed up, it confirmed to her that she was willing to give up on her dream of starting her own dojo, seeing how fast the Outlaw Gang was expanding.

She wanted to teach others martial arts to prove herself and show others that they could also become great despite all odds.

However, her dream was also to create a better life for herself and her family back in Thailand, and following Xavier was something she was willing to take a gamble on.

"Are you sur..." Xavier went to ask, but before he could even finish, she firmly answered, "Yes."

Although it was hard, she didn\'t have any doubts about her decision.

"And it\'s not like I\'m not going to be able to train anyone or run the dojo. The new members and future members. I\'ll whip them all up into shape."

Nodding his head, he was glad that they were on the same page.

"Now then, onto the next thing I wanted to talk to you about. I was thinking we could probably do with a second or even third dojo to have multiple places to train and gather in."

"Yeah, that\'s a good idea, but the money for it..."

It\'s not that she didn\'t want to fund the second dojo, but just that she couldn\'t and money was becoming more and more of an issue as they expanded.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ve got a plan for that and I\'ll handle it. I just wanted to hear your opinion on it," he reassured her as they returned to the dojo.


As soon as he returned with Achara, seeing the serious expression on his face, the others could tell that it was time to get serious and the atmosphere in the dojo immediately changed.

Just what Xavier had in mind, they were unsure, but all they could do was trust him and hope for the best, as they watched Xavier and Achara talk to all those that were paying to train in the dojo.

And they were very direct and upfront about the dojo closing down.

Some were disappointed, others annoyed that it was closing so soon after opening, and it was especially agitating for Zack, who had put a lot of effort into the membership cards and registration program.

However, Zack could see that it was even harder for Achara who, despite not having any doubts and remaining calm, was sad to see what she had built collapse.

But turning back to catch a glimpse of the others sitting around, that sadness was washed away.

\'A new beginning and goal,\' she told herself as she looked towards the future and what the Outlaw Gang could become.


Getting it over with and breaking the news to all those training and getting them to leave, they locked the doors of the dojo and joined the others.

Xavier also got Zack to make it clear to all those that had signed up or shown an interest that the dojo would no longer be open to the public.

Then he revealed to them that he had some things he wanted to tell them, causing them all to fall silent and group around him.

Unlike his usual self, Xavier was serious and after Achara joined the others, he began to speak, and they quickly realised just how deeply he had thought about everything.


"First of all, I would like to split you all into 3 units. One each under Achara, Sam and Connor, and you\'ll be under their instruction and we need to establish a clear structure," he stated before pausing.

Signalling for Achara, Sam and Connor to join him in front of the others, they were surprised but glad that they were being regarded highly and granted leadership positions.

And it wasn\'t just the fact that they joined before the others that made them worthy of such positions, but because he trusted their judgement and saw the most potential in them.

"You can name your units whatever you please and we\'ll start delegating different responsibilities to each of the units, but as of right now, we have one aim. To take down two small gangs in the vicinity and start to get our name out there."

"We\'ll also have a logistics team that will be built around Zack, and I\'ll scout an accountant, lawyer, and whatever else we\'ll need for the gang. And Karim will be in charge of distribution and trade once we are able to establish ourselves and start that endeavour."

It was clear that Xavier had thought about everything a lot, and despite his ambitions appearing far-fetched, all those before him had a weird inclination to believe in him and the Outlaw Gang.

As if they didn\'t, what was the point of even joining?

But his ambitions were easier said than actually achieved and he wanted to make that clear to the new recruits that were naively starting to think that everything would be easy.

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