
Chapter 62 Monster

Despite how hard Achara tried to conceal it, she was clearly worried as she scurried over to Xavier as soon as she entered the medical room and asked frantically, "Are you alright?"

"Never better," he answered as he gave her a wink and tried his best to hide the pain he was in.

She clearly didn\'t believe him, but clearing her throat, she acted as if she didn\'t care, not wanting to appear soft in front of the one-eyed demon and his elite guards, but secretly was relieved to see that he seemed fine.

"To think the Unstoppable Killer can show compassion. Maybe the kid really is her little brother," one of the elite guards mocked.

Achara laughed and could see that Xavier was annoyed to be referred to as her younger brother a second time, but didn\'t bother to correct them or say anything.

Instead, he was more focused on completing the mission that the system had set for him.

"Do you have two more matches in store for me, like I requested before?" he asked the one-eyed demon directly.

"Watch your tone, you..." one of his elite guards scolded, but the one-eyed demon put his hand out to stop him, before responding to Xavier.

"I didn\'t think you could actually beat that big oaf and still want to fight, especially with that broken wrist of yours. But I like that look in your eyes, and it\'ll be fun to see you get beaten up."


"Yes, I have two more matches for you. Just get a cast on that left arm of yours. Then you will be called out to fight."

"Good, then I\'ll be sure to put on a show."

The one-eyed demon just laughed as he walked off, followed by his elite guards, who all glared at Xavier and Achara, seeing them as future threats to their positions.

Knowing that the one-eyed demon would only pay attention to those that interested him and that he had plans for in the future, Xavier and Achara were two of the few that the one-eyed demon had his eyes on.

And he was surprisingly patient with them despite how audaciously they acted, unlike how he would, which worried his elite guards.

The reason for that was simple.

Since he always got his hands on what he wanted, Xavier and Achara could become two that fought them for their positions in the future.

But for the time being, they were far from being on their level, which Xavier knew, and was the reason he didn\'t bother responding to the one that called him Achara\'s younger brother, or glare back at them.


"Are you serious about fighting, even with that broken wrist?" Achara asked after they had left.

Xavier simply nodded his head, and the reward that the system offered was just too good to miss out on.

"And are you sure that you\'ll win them both?"

"Of course. Am I the type of guy to lose, and I doubt that there are any others present today that are on the rankings, so I should be fine. As long as I\'m not facing someone on the rankings, it should be a breeze, even with only one arm," he reassured her before adding, "And I have more powerful kicks, anyway."

Deciding to put her faith in him, especially after watching his performance against the Juggernaut, she trusted her gut and followed after the one-eyed demon hurriedly.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" he asked, confused as to why she had rushed off after he assured her he would win his next two matches.

"Don\'t worry. Just get your cast on and don\'t let me down."

Getting the guard that was escorting her around the fight club to lead her to wherever the one-eyed demon was heading to, despite how much he advised her against doing so, she quickly caught up to him.

Even before she got close, the one-eyed demon\'s elite guards sensed her coming and had their hands on their weapons, but not sensing any malicious intent and seeing who it was, they calmed down.

But their hands were still on their weapons, as the one-eyed demon nonchalantly turned around.

"What do you want?" he asked in annoyance, seemingly starting to lose patience.

For someone to dare to chase after him and attempt to speak to him, they truly had guts.

And if it were just your average person, they would most likely be put down immediately or at the very least severely punished.

Gulping, Achara tried not to show that he had successfully intimidated her with a mere gaze, before answering, "I just wanted you to bet all my winnings on my companion\'s next two matches."

Hearing that, he burst out into laughter.

"You really are confident in that little guy aren\'t you?"

Despite him asking a question, she could tell he wasn\'t looking for an answer and found it hard to get out any words, deciding to stay quiet and nod her head.

"I\'ll get someone to sort that out for you, and if he does win those two matches, you\'ll make a quite a lot. But that\'s only if he manages to..." he said before walking off.


Letting out a sigh of relief, Achara had been struggling to even breathe in his presence and quickly left, leaving a mental note not to disturb him ever again, before asking to be escorted back to her private viewing room.

Meanwhile, the one-eyed demon had a stern order for his elite guards.

"If anyone else pulls a stunt like that, I don\'t care who they are, crush them for me," he instructed, before suddenly letting out a beast-like roar.

Punching the wall, it shattered from his bare fist as he mumbled to himself, "It seems as though people are starting to think that I\'ve gone soft, even daring to speak to me directly."

As he did so, he almost transformed into an even more frightening creature and even his elite guards that could take down Xavier with ease felt afraid, but thankfully he quickly began to calm down.

At times that he lost control, all they could do was watch helplessly, and it had been a while since the last time that such a thing had happened, but he appeared to be on the verge of exploding.

Looking at each other, all the elite guards were thinking the same thing, and they were worried.

Not for the one-eyed demon, but for whoever was around him when he next let the monster within him loose.

But all they could do was try to keep him at bay and ensure he wasn\'t pushed to that point, as they began serving their boss more earnestly, and made all the preparations for the next matches, leaving him to observe from his personal viewing room.

It was on the highest floor of the underground fight club and was kitted with anything one could ever need or want.

And sitting there, with a gorgeous woman to either side of him rubbing his chest, along with a bottle of liquor in his hand, he had started to calm down and was looking forwards to watching the rest of Xavier\'s fights.

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