
Chapter 289 287: Aron Vs The Komi Of The South Part 3

As Aron yelled, "invoke!" the ground below the enemy army began to tremble and shake. Suddenly, spikes erupted from the ground, impaling the southern Komi as they were lifted into the air.

Chaos ensued as the enemy army was caught off guard, some desperately trying to dodge the spikes while others were skewered on them, their blood splattering in all directions.

Lgar and Kasil were caught in the midst of it all, and both suffered serious injuries from the spikes. Lgar had several protruding from his rhinoceros-like hide, while Kasil had one through his right shoulder.

However, they refused to back down and continued to fight, using their horns and powerful legs to attack Aron. Seeing their people killed so brutally was both shocking and anger inducing. However, this wasn\'t their first battle and they wouldn\'t let that stop them.

Mon, on the other hand, took to the skies, swooping down from above with his razor-sharp talons. Aron could hear the sound of the wind being sliced apart as Mon descended upon him. Aron ducked and dodged, narrowly avoiding Mon\'s deadly claws.

The rain continued to pour down, mixing with the blood and dirt on the ground. The wind howled, adding to the chaos and violence of the battle. Aron\'s bare fists were battered and bruised, taking damage faster than he could heal, but he refused to give up. He continued to fight, using his frightening strength to deliver powerful blows to his enemies.

The Drakar, seeing his determination, rallied behind him and charged forward. They attacked the enemy army with their razor-sharp protruding scales, slashing and tearing through flesh and bone.

Despite their efforts, the enemy army continued to press forward. Aron was getting overwhelmed, his stamina waning faster than it ever had before. For the first time since leaving Argos\'s library, he felt actual exhaustion in not only his mind but also his muscles.

This simple fact made him very aware of something. \'I\'m starting to reach my limit.\'

Lgar and Kasil were both relentless, their attacks unyielding. Mon continued to harass Aron from the sky, his talons glinting in the rain. But Aron refused to back down. He stood his ground, taking blow after blow, delivering devastating strikes in return.

The battle between the four had grown so fierce that no other parties could engage. Any who got close quickly died in the crossfire without even knowing how.

Kasil\'s massive horns were like battering rams, slamming into the any enemies in the way with tremendous force. His powerful legs kicked up chunks of earth and rock as he charged forward, his eyes filled with fury. Aron\'s heightened senses allowed him to anticipate Kasil\'s moves, but even he was caught off guard by the demon\'s ferocity due to focusing on so many opponents at once.

Lgar, despite his injuries, continued to fight with all his might as well. His powerful punches were like sledgehammers, smashing into Aron\'s armor with tremendous force.

Aron\'s own blows landed with deadly accuracy, leaving Lgar staggering and bloodied. But the Colossi refused to give up, determined to bring the villain that sought their land down by any means necessary.

The battle raged on for what felt like hours, each side taking and inflicting brutal damage.

Aron\'s capabilities allowed him to endure the onslaught, but even he was starting to feel the strain. His movements were slower now, his breathing labored, as he fought to not only win but stay alive.

As the rain continued to pour down around them, Aron let out a roar of rage. His fists blazed with a powerful energy as he unleashed his full strength, slamming into Kasil with a force that shook the very ground beneath them. The Phet\'s body crumpled like a rag doll, his horns shattering on impact.

His large body slumped into the muddy ground and blood began to drip from his head. With the scene being so chaotic, one couldn\'t tell whether he was dead or alive.

But even as Kasil fell, the remaining Southern Komi continued to fight with renewed ferocity. Aron\'s army of Drakar had been nearlydecimated, with nearly all of them possessing injuries, leaving him to face the remaining thousands of enemy Komi alone.

And yet, despite the overwhelming odds, Arondidn\'t look the least bit fearful or concerned. His unfeeling gray eyes focused on the enemy and nothing else.

The enemy watched as he stood his ground, his corroded silver armor gleaming in the rain, ready to fight to what they began to think would be the bitter end.

This enemy was unlike anything they had ever seen or heard off, even in tales of old. An enemy so powerful he could battle endlessly, not stopping until every last one of his enemies was dead.

Aron now looked to be that sort of enemy towards them.

They had the advantage in numbers and some thought even strength, and yet… they suffered the biggest loss of lives. Even more absurd, Despite looking tired and his moves getting slower, he still managed to kill one of their best without getting heavily injured himself.

Like it or not, Mon and Lgar knew that their people now had great fear towards fighting Aron.

As the enemy army retreated from Aron\'s power, a few of them mustered courage to still try and face him. Lgar and Mon, both badly injured, managed to approach Aron, determined to end him once and for all.

Aron, however, was not afraid. He stood his ground still, his eyes fixed on his opponents. He saw and smelt their fear and their desperationlingering in the air, but with it, he also saw their determination. He knew that they would not give up until they had defeated him.

Leaving only one conclusion for either side…

Lgar charged at Aron and he threw a powerful punch. But Aron was too quick. He dodged the punch and landed a swift kick to Lgar\'s chest, sending him flying backwards. Mon, seeing his comrade fall, rushed forward, ready to backhim. But Aron was ready for him too. He sidestepped Mon\'s attack and grabbed him by the arm. He twisted it painfully, causing Mon to cry out in pain before sending him back as well.

For a moment, the three of them were locked in a tense struggle. The rain poured down around them, and the wind howled through the valley.


Aron could feel his opponents\' strength, their will to survive, their determination to defeat him. But he could also feel their bodies unable to go on any longer. They had long pushed their limits and were know simply moving through sheer willpower alone.

Suddenly, Lgar jumped back to his feet, his eyes filled with rage. He charged at Aron once again, his fists clenched. Aron braced himself for the impact, but this time, Lgar was too fast. He landed a powerful blow to Aron\'s stomach, causing him to stagger backwards. Mon saw his opportunity and lunged forward, aiming for Aron\'s neck.

Aron barely managed to duck in time, but he could feel the wind from Mon\'s claws as they passed over his head. He turned to face Lgaragain, but it was too late. Lgar charged forward, his horned head lowered. Aron tried to sidestep, but Lgar\'s massive body slammed into him, sending him tumbling backwards.

Aron hit the ground hard, and for a moment, everything went black. But then he heared the sound of Lgar\'s footsteps as he approached him. He knew that he had to act fast if he wanted to survive.

With all the strength he could muster, Aron rolled over onto his back and kicked Lgar in the face. Lgar stumbled backwards, stunned by the blow. Aron used the opportunity to get back to his feet. He saw Mon rushing towards him again, but this time, he was ready.

Aron sidestepped Mon\'s attack and landed a powerful punch to his chest. Mon fell to the ground, his body convulsing in pain. Aron looked up, his eyes blazing with determination.

"Is that all you\'ve got?" he roared. "Come on, then! Let\'s end this!"

Lgar and Mon both stood up, barely, their eyes fixed on Aron. They knew that they have no choice but to face him one last time as their bodies could no longer carry on much longer. In a desperate attempt, they charged at him together.

Aron braced himself for the impact, ready to finally end things.

Lgar and Mon charged at Aron, their bodies battered, weak and bloody. Aron stood still, waiting for their attack. He had been woundedheavily and was yet to heal, but he would not let them take him down.

Lgar lunged at Aron with all his remaining strength, aiming a powerful punch at his head. Aron dodged it with ease, grabbing Lgar\'s arm and twisting it behind his back. Lgar roared in pain, but he refused to give up. He spun around, trying to free himself from Aron\'s grip, but Aron was too strong. He grabbed Lgar\'s head and slammed it into the ground, over and over again, until Lgar stopped moving…

Mon, seeing his companion fall, flew into a rage. He charged at Aron, his claws extended, trying to tear Aron apart. Aron sidestepped him, dodging his attacks, and then grabbed Mon from a blind spot by the neck. Mon tried to break free, but Aron\'s grip was unrelenting. He lifted Mon off the ground and then slammed him down with all his might. Mon\'s body shook as it hit the ground, and then it lay still.

Aron stood there, his breath ragged, his body battered and broken. He had defeated an entire army of Komi. His eyes looked around at the bodies of his enemies, at the blood and gore that littered the battlefield. He had won, but felt no great sense of achievement.

He limped over to the body of Kasil, the Phet he had killed earlier. He crouched down beside it, feeling a strange sense of pity for the creature. Kasil had been a fierce warrior, revered by many but now he was nothing more than a lifeless corpse.

This sight made Aron realize just how fragile life in Limbo could be, even for those considered to be at the very peak. He couldn\'t grow complacent… not after experiencing a battle like this for the first time in his life.

Aron stood up, looking out over the valley. He could hear the sound of Drakarian army approaching, the Drakar who had fought so desperately by his side.

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. The battle was over, but his journey was just beginning. He had defeated this army, but there would be stronger, greater and more fierce opponents awaiting him in future so long as he continued to roam Limbo.

He soon opened his eyes, thin mana fluctuations emanating from their corners, but his expression resolute. A willingness in them to do whatever was necessary to achieve what he sought.

With such a blow delt to the southern Komi, it was very unlikely that they would present any further problems. This meant the sole focus of building an airship could carry on.

Their destination, the western continent… the Koliean homeland and birth place of Aron.

End Of Volume 2.

A/N: I had taken a very long break before choosing to end the volume on this chapter. I did this because KOL doesn\'t have an editor and I wanted to get a better grasp of the English language before I went on with the story.

I had initially counted on a friend to assist me in building the book\'s power system but that\'s proved to be very problematic, thus leading to me ignoring tiers completely for these first two volumes, for that I apologize and I look to fix it once I have more time on my hands or at least someone to help edit past chapters.

Aside from that the plot has been lacking action and was slow paced, especially early on due to my inexperience in writing. Although not perfect I\'ve recognized that as a weakness and hope to fix it in the coming volume.

I don\'t get many comments so I have very few ideas on what you the readers are having problems with, so feel free to comment how you feel the book could improve and what you feel has been a weakness in the first two volumes.


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