
Chapter 168 Zero-Sum Battle

Facing Fear.

These two words are not difficult to understand.

However, to truly comprehend one\'s "true" fear, one must engage in a period of contemplation.

Initially, Tyler believed facing fear was merely confronting the fear of battle and the fear of death, and that facing one\'s own "shadow" and emerging victorious would suffice as confronting fear.

Now, it seems this understanding is somewhat superficial.

In the process of killing "himself" for the twelfth time, Tyler found it increasingly effortless and straightforward with each attempt.

He had lost not only his fear but also his sense of tension.

In truth, Tyler\'s instincts knew what he truly feared, and his rational mind, with the assistance of his instincts, subconsciously avoided situations that would cause him fear.

Fortunately, through the twelfth attempt of shooting "himself," Tyler had an epiphany.

Unbeknownst to him, he had already taken control of what would occur in this trial, which was something that he consistently did in various battles.

He always analyzed the risks, designed tactics to avoid them, and finally achieved victory with the least amount of risk.

Risk implied an uncontrollable situation. To avoid this risk, Tyler usually preferred long-range combat to gain reaction time and evasion time and then gradually weaken his enemies, control the situation, and finally secure victory.

Till now, Tyler understood that what he truly feared in this trial was engaging in close-quarter combat with his "shadow."

Close-quarter combat meant there was no time to think and an absolute uncontrollable situation, which is what Tyler feared.

(But... do I have the confidence to defeat myself in close combat?)

There were 20 seconds left until the thirteenth battle.

Tyler pondered for 15 seconds before making a decision.

(Then let\'s fight!)

Tyler gazed at the "T" character on his palm, then put down his Fir Treant Long Hunting Bow, unfastened two quivers, and discarded any unused items, such as the luminous magic stone, flint, and binocle, all on the ground.

Next, he would engage in a life-and-death battle with his "shadow" for the first time as a "Junior Assassin."


As the countdown once again reached its conclusion, Tyler and his "shadow" stood face to face, a mere 20 meters apart.

(Come on, how will you make your move?)

Tyler held a shield in one hand and the Shadow Sword Blaze Steed in the other, his knees slightly bent, prepared to strike.

After a moment of hesitation, the shadow adversary raised his longbow and aimed at Tyler.

(Huh, he really is just like "me".)

Tyler immediately began to circle the shadow adversary, gradually closing the distance between them.

Tyler had tested the firing speed of the Fir Treant Hunting Bow. It could shoot approximately 90 meters per second in a flat trajectory, which meant that within this 20 meters distance, he had only 0.2 seconds to react and dodge.

However, this was not a problem because the red light warning of the Divine Eye of Transcendence could start alerting him as much as three seconds in advance.

While running, Tyler noticed the red light countdown had started, so he changed direction at the right moment, easily avoiding the first arrow.

This was also the only chance the shadow adversary had to shoot an arrow.

While successfully dodging, Tyler went straight into a charge. Seeing this, the shadow adversary knew he didn\'t have time to shoot a second arrow, immediately dropped his longbow, picked up a round shield and the Shadow Sword Blaze Steed, and prepared for close combat.

At this critical moment, Tyler was considering when the shadow adversary would use the "Shadow Step."

On this barren land, there were only three places with shadows around them, the shadow of the stone pillar, Tyler\'s shadow, and the adversary\'s shadow.

If any of them teleported to the shadow of the stone pillar, that would mean increasing the distance.

If any of them teleported to the opponent\'s shadow, that would be a nearly certain kill.

Tyler was almost a hundred percent sure that the shadow adversary would choose the certain kill. The remaining question was when would he use it.

Would it be the moment the distance was reduced to 10 meters? Or would he keep waiting until Tyler used the "Shadow Step," and then counterattack?

Anyway, the cooldown time of the "Shadow Step" was as long as 30 seconds. Once it was used, there would be no chance to use it again.

The key to winning this battle was to see who could win in the game of the "Shadow Step."

In the blink of an eye, Tyler had charged into the adversary\'s ten meter range. At this moment, he activated "Calculation Boost - Overclock," and he believed that the adversary must have also activated the same skill.

One second passed.

Two seconds passed.

Both sides had not used the "Shadow Step," and they vigilantly entered the realm of melee combat.

It is often said among gamers that seven steps away, magic is fast. Within seven steps, magic is fast and precise.

Within this distance, anyone using the Shadow Sword Blaze Steed\'s skill "Blue Blaze Steed" would be unavoidable. The "Blue Blaze Steed" can also be used simultaneously with the slashing attack of the Shadow Sword Blaze Steed, which means it won\'t have the chanting flaw like traditional magic.

However, Tyler did not use the "Blue Blaze Steed," and the shadow adversary did not use it either.

Because they both realized that when using the "Blue Blaze Steed" skill, the spreading blue flame will block the user\'s vision, making it impossible to detect in time if the adversary uses the "Shadow Step."

If it cannot be detected in time, then the strategy of using the "Shadow Step" to counter the "Shadow Step" was out of the question.

Taking advantage of the momentum of the charge, Tyler made a light chop as a probe which was blocked by the adversary\'s round shield. Then, the adversary counterattacked with a sword stab, also as a probe, and Tyler directly retreated and dodged with a small sidestep.

Tyler had a feeling that not only could he guess what the adversary was thinking, the adversary could also guess what he was considering.

This is both the biggest advantage and disadvantage of fighting against oneself.

The tense confrontation and probing made Tyler\'s heart rate reach its limit.

He was both nervous and excited. In this evenly matched contest, as long as either side had a moment of relaxation or a tiny mistake, the outcome would be decided in the blink of an eye.

In this trial where mind-reading held no sway, Tyler had to envisage a future step that was even closer than what "he himself" could conceive!

(Let me transcend myself then!)

His boiling battle spirit activated every fibre of his being. In this moment, the past Tyler returned; not only was his mind operating at full speed, but his body also found itself in its optimum state!

If this trial demanded that he face his fear, then he would overcome it!

(Calculation Boost - Overclock!)

As he activated his skill, Tyler crouched down and lunged towards the enemy with a single step. This was a close combat territory he had always been unwilling to enter!

The enemy saw it and immediately reacted, lowering his centre of gravity to prepare for defence. But Tyler abruptly came to a halt, simultaneously tossing out his round iron shield while sidestepping, fiercely smashing it towards the enemy\'s head.

In the blink of an eye, the enemy raised his round shield to block, but at this moment, Tyler had already thrown his Venomous Blade - Poison Claw, precisely attacking the enemy\'s leg!

As the Venomous Blade was about to hit, the enemy swung his sword and barely deflected the flying blade, but Tyler\'s onslaught was far from over! He had already taken the opportunity to circle around to the enemy\'s back and viciously swung his Shadow Sword Blaze Steed!

At the brink of life and death, the enemy who was driven to a dead end still did not use "Shadow Step", but forcibly twisted his body, blocking the path of the Shadow Sword Blaze Steed\'s strike with his round iron shield.

Just as the sword and shield were about to collide fiercely, Tyler, who had gained the upper hand in the confrontation, suddenly disappeared!

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