
Chapter 486: Leaving Home

Chapter 486: Leaving Home

“… Wow.”

That’s all the girls and I could say after the Deacon finished his story.

We had came here looking for information, not expecting to discover the Midnight Syndicate’s true goal. Yes, there are obviously evil people in the organization, but from this story, it can be said that all of the Archbishops and above in rank share one common goal—changing this world. They weren’t actually evil, but they couldn’t control what every Bishop under them chose to do in their name.

“The Midnight Syndicate gave me a home,” the Deacon continued. “They gave me hope in this desolate world where all hope had already been lost for me. That’s why everyone joined the Syndicate. Unfortunately… some Bishops let their hatred and thirst for revenge consume them, eventually leading into them wanting to outright destroy society rather than reform it. Those people are the ones who committed all the ‘evil’ acts you spoke of.”

“Mm… that makes… sense…” Yu An Xue whispered under her breath. “Back in… Fragment… the X person… said he had no intention… to fight.”

“Anyways…” the Deacon cleared his throat, then looked up at me. “Do you still have more questions? Or is that all?”

I shook my head. “That’s all. You’re free to leave, just as promised.”

Then, turning to the soldiers, I continued. “Release their shackles.”

After being told once to treat my orders as if they were Amane’s, the soldiers didn’t hesitate to follow my instructions. They had conflicted expressions on their faces while doing so, but I didn’t care. So long as they got it done, their attitudes didn’t matter to me.

As the soldiers released their shackles, I took out some remaining mordai I had from the Death Realm—ones that I had saved just for the memory. I gave five to each of them, and closed up my Space Locket.

“Go and sell these at a bank somewhere. You’ll get yourselves a fair sum. After that, you’re free. But should we meet again on the battlefield… just know that I won’t recognize you.”

“Heh. I’ll be honest, I didn’t think you’d actually uphold your end of the deal. You’re not a bad guy.”

“Hmph. I originally was planning on killing you after getting the info I wanted, but your honesty in your answers plus that whole story you told… convinced me not to. Now, get out of here before I change my mind.”

The Deacon laughed, then took his gang and waltzed their way out of the front halls of the temple.


Shortly after they departed, we did as well. It was getting really late now, and we needed to get some rest in preparation for our trip to Japan tomorrow.

“Looks like we had the wrong idea about the Midnight Syndicate this entire time, huh?” Feng Mian muttered as we walked our way back to Old Man Leng’s shop. There was no one around, and the breeze felt nice, so we decided to just walk rather than fly.

“… Yeah.” I sighed. “But regardless… they are still our enemy. While their intentions may not be evil at heart, their method of doing things is far too cruel and ruthless. I know I’m one to talk, but… going as far as to develop antimagic is too much.”

“If they’re making antimagic, then… does that mean they believe magic is the root source of why this world and society is unfair?” Lan Xiao Su asked.

“Hm… I must say, I think that’s a bit of a stretch,” Ling Xin said thoughtfully, one eye shut. “The root source of this unfair society is human nature, and has nothing to do with magic.”

“I agree,” I said with a firm nod. “This may be a selfish reason… but I’m going to fight them simply because I don’t want to lose my magic. I’ve live 14 years without it, and I’m not going back.”

The girls smiled at me and laughed slightly, causing me to raise an eyebrow.


“We’re with you all the way, Big Brother Xuan Kai,” Qing Yue said with a wink.

“That’s right,” Feng Mian said with a smile. “No matter how selfish your reasons are, or which path you choose to take… we’ll follow you every step of the way.”

I smiled. “Thanks, you guys.”

“Ugh, what’s with this romantic, lovey-dovey atmosphere?!” Flaria yelled, cutting between our conversation. “Do this in a private room or something!”

At this, all of us laughed, minus Obsidia who merely sighed and Xiuying who looked as blank as ever.


After unlocking Old Man Leng’s store with the key he gave me earlier, we stepped through the portal we established beforehand and returned to our private beach. Once there, we headed for the hot springs for a quick dip, then prepared for bed.

The girls wasted no time falling asleep on the one large bed we all shared, and before I knew it, I was completely surrounded by them and trapped beneath their arms as they fought over my body even in their sleep. With Amane here, the situation was even more dire than usual. But tonight, there were concerns I had, so I made a shadow clone of myself and headed outside with that clone.

I didn’t usually use these clones since they took up an insane amount of mana, but this was an exception.

“… I figured you’d be here.”

Those were the words I said as I approached the slim girl sitting on a rock on the beach sand, staring at the beautiful dark blue sky and white luminous moon. She wore her bikinis, showing off her slim body and beautiful arms and legs. Upon hearing my voice, she briefly turned her head towards me, then scooted over a bit as if making space for me to sit down beside her. I did exactly that, and joined her in moon-watching.

“… How are you doing?” I asked softly.


No response.

“It’s alright. You don’t have to answer. I just want you to know… now that you’re a part of this one big family of ours, you can tell us anything, Xiuying. No need to hold back.”


Still no response.

“… I know you’re used to being alone, and not sharing your feelings with anyone. And if you want to continue to be like that, that’s alright too. Just know all of us are right here beside you if you need us for anything. Anything at all.”

“… Then, hug me.”

“Hm…?” I turned to her, and saw that she was now looking at me intently, sky blue eyes glistening with what looked like tears. The first sign of emotion I’ve ever seen from her.


Without any hesitation, I pulled her close for an embrace, and felt her warm, naked skin within my arms. She didn’t hug me back, but I could feel her hot tears against my chest as she rubbed her face against me.

She was not crying. She made no sound. But tears were falling from her eyes.

“… It’s okay, Xiuying. I know how it feels. My mother and father… they were taken from me not long ago as well. I still remember that day as clear as diamonds—and you will too. The day our parents were killed will forever be etched into our minds, but that’s fine. Instead of thinking of it as sadness, think of it as anger. Fury. Revenge. That is how I coped with it.”

Xiuying didn’t say anything, but I was certain she heard my words. And for who knows how much longer, the two of us sat there on that rock, just sharing the silence.

We sat and sat, until Xiuying’s tears stopped flowing.

Then, and only then, did we return to the inn together, and she joined the rest of us on the bed while my Shadow Clone entered back into my body.


– The Infinite Realm –

“Finally… you’re here,” Sylvoir said with a exasperated sigh.

“Here indeed,” I said, stepping closer to her. “So… that was the ‘calamity’ you spoke of, huh?”

“Yes. And I see you have learned something new about the perpetrators as well.”

I nodded. “Mhm. I see what they’re trying to do now. But if they erase magic… it’ll erase the Infinite Realm, won’t it?”

“Correct. Which is why you must protect it, at all costs.”

I sighed. “Yeah, yeah… I understand. But can you tell me where the Archpriest I’m supposed to look for is? The Terron Records or whatever should say, right? That would help me a lot, thank you.”

“That Midnight Syndicate member already told you, didn’t he? The shrine at the peak of Mount Kita. That is where you will find him.”

“Uh… alright then. I was hoping for like a photo reference or something, but… I guess the Terron Records don’t have pictures, huh?”

“Unfortunately not. But that aside…” Sylvoir cleared her throat. “I summoned you here to issue a warning.”

“Oh?” I raised an eyebrow.

“You don’t have unlimited time. From what the Terron Records are telling me, the Midnight Syndicate is preparing a massive phenomenon scheduled to happen in three months. It will cast a dome of antimagic around the entire planet, erasing the mana in the air for good. When that happens… we will not be able to use magic anymore.”

“I see… three months, huh? Got it.”

“… I truly wish I could help you in-person, but… I must remain at Eden and watch over the Elementals. The other Founders, however, should be able to help you. Start by locating Tian Lin, who is also in the Fortress right now. First, however, capture that Archpriest.”

I nodded. “Got it. Thanks for the help, Sylvie.”

“Hmph,” Sylvoir snorted and folded her arms. “Don’t die. That’s all.”

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