
Chapter 42 - Yu An Xue's Inner Heart

- The Next Day -

It was a cloudy morning, one that hinted at thunderstorms later in the day.

Last night, after hearing about the tattoo from Yu Niao, I had said my farewells and taken my leave from the Yu family manor, with Feng Mian and Qing Yue soon following behind. Yu An Xue stayed, since it was her own residency. As long as your parents or guardian call the school and let them know, you were allowed to stay elsewhere past curfew, and even pass the night there.

On the way back, the three of us had discussed the information we had received from Yu Niao. Feng Mian and I had explained to Qing Yue about the tattoo, and how we had seen it before. But that was the best we could get. We couldn\'t form a plan without Yu An Xue present with us, so for the remainder of the walk back to school, we just chatted casually about nonsensical things.

I jumped off my bed and began getting ready for the day, as usual. I met up with Qing Yue, Feng Mian, and Yu An Xue outside the boys dorm. It seemed the three of them were all waiting for me. Do girls need sleep at all? How early do they wake up? Sheesh. But anyway, we decided to drop by the infirmary to check on Yu An Yan before heading to class. I half-expected her to be gone, but fortunately she was still lying peacefully on the white sheets of the school infirmary when we entered.

She sat up when she noticed us, and rubbed her eyes cutely. "Mm...? You guys...are the same people...from a few days ago..."

"Ah...sorry, did we wake you?" I asked gently.

Yu An Yan shook her head timidly. "No...it\'s okay."

"...I see," I replied. "By the way, come to think of it, we haven\'t even introduced ourselves to you yet, have we?"

The purple-haired girl in front of me shook her head once more. "I...want to know. Your...names."

I smiled. "Sure. I\'m Xuan Kai. Nice to meet you." I looked towards the others, and they received my message.

"I\'m Qing Yue, Big Brother Xuan Kai\'s little sister! Nice to meet ya~" Qing Yue beamed cheerfully. "Oh, but you aren\'t allowed to call Big Brother Xuan Kai \'onii-chan\' anymore, okay?"

Yu An Yan tilted her head slightly at Qing Yue\'s second statement, and I did a slight facepalm, wincing. Luckily, Feng Mian was watching and she quickly jumped in.

"My name is Feng Mian. Let\'s get along, yeah?" Feng Mian winked, and reached out her hand in an invitation for a handshake.

Yu An Yan took her hand shyly and lightly shook it. She still remembered basic etiquette, it seemed. Not surprising, since that counted as a \'skill\', not a \'memory\' (memory referring to specific people, places, or objects that hold significent meaning to her).

Yu An Xue was last. I glanced at her and gave a slight but firm nod. She nodded back in return, and took a deep breath. "I am...Yu An Xue. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Uh...too formal. But of course, I didn\'t say that out loud. Yu An Yan didn\'t seem to notice the formality though, so I think we were good.

"Yu...An Xue. You...have the same...last name...as me?" Yu An Yan asked, noticing this.

Yu An Xue flinched as she heard this, and quickly looked at me for help. Why are you looking at ME for help? ...Well, no matter. If she can\'t answer, someone else has to do it.

"Yeah, she does," I answered. "Funny coincidence, isn\'t it?"

"A...coincidence..." Yu An Yan muttered to herself. "Yes...you are right."

I don\'t know if it\'s just me, but she seemed to be in a dazed personality right now. The way she was talking was sluggish, and her eyes seemed distant.

Soon after, the four of us said goodbyes and left the infirmary. On the way to class, I instructed the three girls to search the library or online in their spare time for a technique that can unseal memories. They probably would not be able to find anything, but it was worth a try. Besides, even if they did, the procedure almost certainly required the person who sealed them in the first place, or something that belonged to that person, such as blood or hair. This was almost certainly the case...it was the Midnight Syndicate we were dealing with, after all. It was troublesome, since otherwise we could\'ve asked the Yu family for help. It would make them worry, yes, but it would be worth it if doing so could help Yu An Yan somehow. But unfortunately, the Midnight Syndicate was just that cunning.

I also told them I wouldn\'t be attending the usual meeting we had on the rooftop everyday after school for today, and they could share their findings with each other.

The reason? The three girls had their own task to complete, and I wouldn\'t be doing any research work, so me hearing it is useless. And besides, more importantly...

...I would be busy doing something else.

I would be investigating a certain place.


- After School -

I was alone. I stood still in the slums of Shenzhen, and thought back hard on the incident with Feng Mian\'s parents. Recalling every twist and turn she had take when she led me to that underground lair...

I snapped open my eyes. I took a deep breath, and began tracing the exact steps Feng Mian had taken not long ago.


- On the Rooftop -

(Yu An Xue\'s perspective)

I was presently on the rooftop of Shenzhen Magic High School with two other girls - Feng Mian and Qing Yue, who both transferred to this school only recently. I had noticed them when they transferred in, of course, but never paid much attention to them, just like how I was with others.

I was slightly curious about Qing Yue who announced herself as Xuan Kai\'s little sister when she first came to the school, but eventually forgot all about it. Feng Mian\'s strange behavior when she first came was slightly intriguing as well, but once again, nothing too noteworthy. The two of them were just two more existences in this cold, ruthless universe.

I realized this truth at a young age. Born from a wealthy family, I shouldn\'t have ever done so...but an unexpected accident changed everything.

I once had a sister. Her name was Yu An Yan. I was everything to her, as she was everything to me. We were two inseparable, devoted sisters with intertwined fates.

...But in the end, what was fate?

If it was fate that gave me this sister, this only companion, then why had it also taken her away from me? If it was fate that brought me the only sliver of warmth I had in this unwelcoming world, then why had it also erased it? If it was fate that allowed me hope, then why had it also shattered it?

My sister and I...we had only spent 6 years together, before she was stolen away from me. After that, I lost all faith in this despicable universe. At first, I contemplated suicide. What meaning was there living in a world without warmth?

But I decided against it. I didn\'t believe my sister would just leave me without saying anything, and so I was determined to find out the truth. And that determination proved worthy.

Years later, the elders of my family revealed the truth behind my sister\'s disappearance. I remember being furious at the time, even though I knew deep down that they did it for the sake of the family. Yet...I couldn\'t just sit around and do nothing after finding out the truth.

But alas, what could I do? Not a single clue could be found, and I wasted all my time searching for someone that may or may not even be still alive. And besides, as I was, there was no way I could beat someone even the elders together could not. Eventually, I gave up the idea. At least, until I was stronger.

I continued living. Without a care in the world, I indulged only in my own training. Thinking there wasn\'t anyone else in the world that could understand how I felt, I distanced myself from everyone else.

And then I met HIM.

His name was Xuan Kai. I had heard about him before - there was no shortage of rumors surrounding him. But just like anything else, I ignored them and continued focusing only on honing my skills. But in my first year at Shenzhen Magic High School, I noticed he was in my class. At first, I didn\'t care.

But after seeing him continue living on, despite all the insults and gossip about him, I couldn\'t help but secretly admire him. Everyone else said he was a weakling without any magic, but in my eyes, he was the strongest of them all. Not in physical strength, perhaps, but in will. What a strong heart one must need to be able to keep going in his situation.

Soon enough, I noticed just how similar the two of us were. By the time November came around, the news of Xuan Kai\'s parents\' deaths rolled around, and the insults against him and even his now deceased parents only grew worse. But even so, he kept living.

He had it far worse than I did. He lost not one, but the two dearest people to him in life. And they had DIED, right in front of him. In my case, at least there was still a possibility my sister was still alive. But he...what a frightening experience it must\'ve been, seeing your family murdered before your very eyes.

And in addition to losing his beloved father and mother, he was humiliated and tortured at the hands of others, both physically and mentally. And yet - despite all that, he was able to survive, and live on through the storm of agony.

At some point I don\'t even know myself, I began defending him naturally.

At some point, I began caring for another person once again.

At some point, I found another companion at last, someone I could relate to and rely on.

At some point...I found...a friend, the word I thought I had already forgotten the meaning of.

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